View Full Version : Read this now! Security/Virus Warnings

25 Jun 2004, 23:34
Reports are indicating that a lot of websites running Microsoft's webserver (IIS Internet Information Server) have been compromised.
These websites are exploiting an Internet Explorer vulnerability (on Windows Operating Systems) and thus are infecting their visitors with a virus which opens a backdoor on the visitors' computer.

Read more: http://www.microsoft.com/security/incident/download_ject.mspx

Rob The Badger
26 Jun 2004, 13:14
I suggest this be stickied.

26 Jun 2004, 13:16
Good suggestion Rob, Blu-Tac applied for a while

01 Jul 2004, 21:30
thank you for the the information and will pass it on to the other fourms that i belong to

02 Jul 2004, 19:33
This (http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?displaylang=en&FamilyID=4d056748-c538-46f6-b7c8-2fbfd0d237e3) is supposed to fix it. However, there may be some unwanted side effects (http://support.microsoft.com/?kbid=870669).

06 Jul 2004, 22:21
This (http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?displaylang=en&FamilyID=4d056748-c538-46f6-b7c8-2fbfd0d237e3) is supposed to fix it. However, there may be some unwanted side effects (http://support.microsoft.com/?kbid=870669).
As expected, the doors are still wide open (http://www.pcworld.com/news/article/0,aid,116796,00.asp). :angry: :bicker:

I'm a happy Mozilla/Firefox user for a long time now and my advice for you is to get rid of that buggy Internet Exploder!

Opera - http://www.opera.com/
Mozilla - http://www.mozilla.org/products/mozilla1.x/
Firefox - http://www.mozilla.org/products/firefox/

13 Jul 2004, 22:53
Even more: http://slashdot.org/articles/04/07/13/1531240.shtml?tid=113&tid=126&tid=172&tid=95 :angry:

evil nickname
13 Jul 2004, 23:15
And once again I'm glad I'm using Mozilla. Jay for the other browsers!

14 Jul 2004, 01:13
Mozilla Firefox 8)

Rob The Badger
14 Jul 2004, 01:16
Mozilla Firefox 8)

Couldn't be happier.

14 Jul 2004, 20:35
Mozilla/Firefox users may like this (http://jedbrown.net/mozilla/extensions/#BBCode) extension. 8)

31 Jul 2004, 02:30
Just been told by a reliable source that there is a new version of the MyDoom virus creeping across the internet. Remember NOT to open any emails with attachments if you don't know who sent them to you. Stay safe people.

31 Jul 2004, 05:23
Just been told by a reliable source that there is a new version of the MyDoom virus creeping across the internet. Remember NOT to open any emails with attachments if you don't know who sent them to you. Stay safe people.

Thanks for the warning.

black dog
31 Jul 2004, 11:32
Thank you for letting us know

31 Jul 2004, 16:10
Thanks for the warning.
Maybe this thread should be stickied.

31 Jul 2004, 16:13
Merged it in with the Security/Virus warnings thread

01 Aug 2004, 03:24
Thanks for merging this Andy, i wasn't sure where to post original one. Once I get anymore info, i.e., patches etc., I'll post links or whatever.

03 Aug 2004, 23:34
thanks for the warning peeps

09 Aug 2004, 23:32
Windows XP Service Pack 2 is available for download (http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?displaylang=en&FamilyID=049C9DBE-3B8E-4F30-8245-9E368D3CDB5A).
Nice, handy package. It's only 260 megabytes. :wtf:

14 Sep 2004, 21:01
The preview release of Mozilla Firefox 1.0 is available for download.

http://www.spreadfirefox.com/community/images/affiliates/Buttons/180x60/safer.gif (http://spreadfirefox.com/community/?q=affiliates&id=0&t=60)

28 Sep 2004, 19:59
You may want to check this (http://www.microsoft.com/technet/security/Bulletin/MS04-028.mspx) out.
A nasty security flaw which already gets exploited!

Welsh Rocker
01 Oct 2004, 02:29
I had to get rid of 7 viruses on my computer today... 8O

04 Nov 2004, 20:44
Another serious hole found in Internet Explorer Pre XP SP2
Affected operating systems are Windows 2000, Windows XP SP1 and probably WndowsNT.

US-CERT on Wednesday warned of a fresh hole in Internet Explorer that could allow attackers to take control of a PC via an HTML e-mail message or a malicious Web page. The flaw is more serious because exploit code has been published on public mailing lists, according to security researchers.

The flaw, a heap buffer overflow, is in the way IE handles two attributes of the "frame" and "iframe" HTML elements. An exploit currently circulating uses overly long SRC and NAME attributes to cause IE to execute an attacker's shell code, according to US-CERT. Users could be attacked via a malicious Web page viewed in an affected version of IE or possibly through an HTML e-mail viewed in an application such as Outlook, Outlook Express, AOL or Lotus Notes that relies on the WebBrowser ActiveX control, according to researchers.

13 Feb 2005, 23:09
nearly everytime i go onto my computer there are about 3 viruses when i run my anti virus program....

by the way... there is a rumour in emails going about that there is a virus being sent around... DO NOT open any emails entitled somethin about 'cards'... so watch out 4 it!!!

8O bye 4 now


02 Mar 2005, 17:03
also for those of you who have msn messenger there is a rumor going around not to accept anybody by the name of tribe onto your contact list as this is a virus!

8O bye 4 now

-Ja 8)

16 Apr 2005, 16:29
For those of you using Firefox, security fix release 1.03 (http://www.mozilla.org/) is ready for download (http://download.mozilla.org/?product=firefox-1.0.3&os=win&lang=en-US). http://www.mlukfc.com/forums/images/icons/icon12.gif

22 Nov 2005, 02:57
Nearly got hit by Worm.Win32.Sober.y virus tonight. Seems it's coming in under various emails, with a zip file attachment. Mine came supposedly from the FBI saying my IP address had been logged on over 30 Illegal Sites and to open the zip file and answer the questions.

Just a warning to be careful and yet again, watch what you open people.

22 Nov 2005, 09:14
Same here. On my computer was a message that there were 5 messages that contained this one too!!:angry: