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07 Jul 2004, 20:02
Here's how it works....
just answer the question from the last person, then ask a question for the next person to answer and so on.

Q. You want to be alone. Where would you go?

07 Jul 2004, 20:04
Top of castle hill in Huddersfield

Next question:

You need to talk to someone, who do you choose?

07 Jul 2004, 20:11
A. The telletubbies on telly. they don't tell anyone seeing they are stuck in telletubby land.

Q. The sky is really clear and the moon is orange and full and casting white light on your garden. What does this symbolise to you?

(vis: loneliness, happiness, magic etc)

07 Jul 2004, 20:23
A: Serenity, protection, magic

Q: What's your favourite season and why...??


07 Jul 2004, 20:37
A. Autumn. It's got all the reds that I like in it. rust especally. Also my hair turns coppery blonde in the autumn sun.

Q. You have a dream about a feild with nothing in it but a tree. What kind of tree is it and what do you do with it?

07 Jul 2004, 21:10
A. It's an oak tree, and I sit underneath it in it's shade

Q. How do they get the non-stick to stick to frying pans?

evil nickname
07 Jul 2004, 21:25
A: Double sided tape.

Q: What's you're favorite: apples or oranges, and if so, why not?

07 Jul 2004, 21:45
( i remember this argument, started by Rob the Badger)

A. I like oranges cos they explode in your mouth.

Q. You are drawing a picture. It is of a wolf. What is the wolf doing?

07 Jul 2004, 21:56
A. He's fighting another wolf.

Q. You are a superhero. Who are you and why?

07 Jul 2004, 22:25
A: I'm Spiderman since the bite of a radioactive spider.
Q: Where do you find a no-legged dog?

07 Jul 2004, 22:29
you find them in the no legged dog shop.

Q. Janis is in trouble. It isn't her fault, but its your fault and she's got the blame. If you own up you get in big trouble but you'll be doing the right thing. But if you don't you get away with it and you upset your enemy. What do you do?

Rob The Badger
07 Jul 2004, 23:43
Get away with it. Less trouble.

Q: You have painted one popular 'masterpiece', which one is it?

evil nickname
07 Jul 2004, 23:48
A: "The Shooting Company Of Capt. Frans B Cocq" (aka "The Nightwatch")

Q: If you could rename the capital of one country, which would it be?

The Flying Mouse
08 Jul 2004, 00:45
:twisted: I would rename London - Bat Out Of Hell III.Once more the award winning combination of Meat Loaf and Jim Steinman reunite to bring us the closing chapter of the Bat Out Of Hell saga.Don't miss the chance to own a piece of rock history, available in all good music retail establishment from (insert appropiate date).

I would also make it illegal for the new name of our capital to be abreviated in any way.Every time they want to mention the name of the capital, it must be said in full.
Just think, fantastic promo everywhere from news items on telly, to people asking for directions :mrgreen:

OK, question......
Can you really taste dandylion when mixed with burdock? :nuts:

08 Jul 2004, 01:29
A. Sort of, it doesn't really taste like dandelions. I love the stuff, tastes like aniseed.

Q. You get a cocktail with a cherry thing in it. What do you do?

a: Eat it off the stick and prang your tongue in the process

b: Flick it at the nearest soppy romantic couple

c: collect loads of them and make a football game: Glace cherry united versus sparkler city.

08 Jul 2004, 01:38
A. Eat it off the stick trying not to impale my tongue!

Q. Why do trees only fall when no-one is looking? :bleh:

08 Jul 2004, 08:13
A: Cause they are shy :wtf:

Q: If you were to have superhuman powers - what would they be & why?

Ageing Bat
08 Jul 2004, 10:23
X-ray eyes - just think of the fun you could have with those!!

Question: Everyone has a book inside their head waiting to be written - what would yours be about?

08 Jul 2004, 10:50
A. replying to strange questions on forums.

Q. are you right or left handed?

08 Jul 2004, 10:56
A. Neither, but I'm good with my toes.

Question: Dying for the toilet (No.2), occupied, although large tree outside. What do you do?

08 Jul 2004, 11:43
A:Look for a woodpeckers hole :lol:

Q: Why do men always have to be right?

Ageing Bat
08 Jul 2004, 14:14
A: Because women are gracious enough to allow them to think they're right, even though we know they're not.

Q: Which came first, the chicken or the egg?

08 Jul 2004, 14:24
A: The EGG - a chicken is a hybrid

Q: What does your name mean?

Keep Rocking
08 Jul 2004, 15:44
A: Yvonne means the "arc made out of an yew tree" or "archer"

Q: What shall we do with a drunken sailor, early in the morning?

08 Jul 2004, 15:48
Put him in a boat until he's sober!

What would you rather have...a cold, or to be sick??

08 Jul 2004, 16:03
Be sick cos its over with quick. (ish)

tantrums by teenagers or 2 years olds?

Rob The Badger
08 Jul 2004, 17:17
2 year olds, they make more logical arguments.

Q. Why can't people accept that both men and women are from Earth?

08 Jul 2004, 17:40
A: Random stupidity of mankind.

Q: If we expect the unexpected, doesn't that make the unexpected the expected?

Rob The Badger
08 Jul 2004, 17:44

Is Dr. Pepper qualified to be a soft drink?

08 Jul 2004, 17:45

Q. if guitars were called mary, and drums where called Alice, what would a saxophone be called?

08 Jul 2004, 17:48

Love for one day or happiness alone for a lifetime?

08 Jul 2004, 17:52

Q. A cute little hamster comes up to you with flowers that contain arsenic. Do you:

a: stamp on the flowers and stamp on the cute little hamster's cute little head?

b: take them home foolisly, forget about them and die an unknowing and slow death?

Rob The Badger
08 Jul 2004, 18:01

Would you prefer to listen to:
A: Cat Stevens
B: A Cat called Steven?

08 Jul 2004, 18:09
A cat called steven.

Q. You have a hangover. You hear the alarm go off and you think... "strange.. it's sunday..." and fall back to sleep. and then you realise it's monday... :shock: What do you you do???

a. Jump out of bed like a madman, and rush around the house like a tornado.

b. Stay in bed and get up with furry tongue and red eyes at five in afternoon and sacked.

08 Jul 2004, 19:14
"Jump out of bed like a madman, and rush around the house like a tornado" because I'd rather have a day off from work when I feel good!

Q: You are standing in front of the most beautiful thing you have ever seen...what are you looking at?

jo (drunk at work :lol: )

08 Jul 2004, 19:18
A) A full moon and millions of stars above a lake!

Q) Contract Phone or Pay as you go?

08 Jul 2004, 19:23
pay as you go... it's expensive and annoying but it's less paperwork. But even more annoying now that t mobile have stopped using them scratch cards, i am the only one in the world without a credit card thing.

Q. You are getting married. Who is it to?

Rob The Badger
08 Jul 2004, 19:35
Some lucky fella. . .

Q: Favourite song?

08 Jul 2004, 19:42
Sacrifice - Kasim. Strong memories with that song!

Q: Todd or Kasim??

The Flying Mouse
08 Jul 2004, 19:45
:twisted: Kasim.

Onions on your hotdog?

08 Jul 2004, 20:11
:twisted: Kasim.

Onions on your hotdog?

Nope. Chili, sauerkraut and mustard. yum yum. ;)

Heading down a river in whitewaters, canoe or raft? 8)

08 Jul 2004, 20:19

Guitar or Piano??

08 Jul 2004, 20:47
guitar, you can make it make it make weird noises.

Q. You catch your little sister playing "doctor" on your precious treasured teddy bear. do you...

a. snatch the teddy bear off her an pretend that the needle and cotton she sewed him up with isn't there?

b: sellotape her hair to the wall and demand she says sorry and never play doctors again?

08 Jul 2004, 20:51
guitar, you can make it make it make weird noises.

Q. You catch your little sister playing "doctor" on your precious treasured teddy bear. do you...

a. snatch the teddy bear off her an pretend that the needle and cotton she sewed him up with isn't there?

b: sellotape her hair to the wall and demand she says sorry and never play doctors again?


c. Send airhead posthaste to the toy store to start over again completely with a fresh teddy bear.... ;)

Salads........ fruit or vegetable?

08 Jul 2004, 20:54

emails or letters?

Rob The Badger
08 Jul 2004, 20:58
Letters, obviously.

Q: Tea or Coffee?

black dog
08 Jul 2004, 21:08
Coffee - can't stand Tea

Q. Sweet or Savoury

08 Jul 2004, 21:44

Q. A pen is ompletely blocked up and you need it for a really important exam. Do you...

a: shake it madly so hard that pen explodes oer your teachers favorite jacket?

b: shake it so hard it flies out of your hand, bounces off the wall, onto your worst enemies head?

c: do a or b and then realise you have a spare pen in your bag?

Fallen Angel
08 Jul 2004, 21:47
if u could get rid of one thing in the world wot would it be?

08 Jul 2004, 21:52
All my worries. every single little one.

Q. What's your favorite sauce on a bacon sarnie?

08 Jul 2004, 22:01
A English Mustard

Q Has anyone seen my camel?

08 Jul 2004, 22:04
A: :nope:
Q: Does the Pope wear silly hats?

08 Jul 2004, 23:28

do cabbages fly south for winter???

09 Jul 2004, 00:02
No cabbages don't mind the cold

Almost bedtime here so goodnight and
Q. what do you wear to sleep in?

09 Jul 2004, 00:07
No cabbages don't mind the cold

Almost bedtime here so goodnight and
Q. what do you wear to sleep in?

Depends on if there is company or not... ;)

Holiday Meal... what is your favorite feast?

09 Jul 2004, 03:54
Thanksgiving, Turkey Potatoes, Cranberry Sauce!!, Gravy Squash, everything else, the whole darn plate. And a glass of orange juice is always nice. I have at least 3 helpfuls of 3 plates with different things on it, but each has cranberry sauce :P

My question...

Which do you like more, Fire or Water??

09 Jul 2004, 10:29
A: Water being an Aquarian

Q: Who remembers the 60's?

evil nickname
09 Jul 2004, 11:57
A: People who were alive during them.

Q: So, it's nice, isn't it?

09 Jul 2004, 14:45
* Deleted mine as FALLEN ANGEL1000 answered a millisecond after I did.... and besides I liked the answer better than mine. ;)

09 Jul 2004, 14:45
A: It is if you can get it 8O

Q: Why are teenagers so clumsy? :roll:

09 Jul 2004, 14:51
Just because!!!

Q. What do bears really do in the woods??

09 Jul 2004, 14:55
A: Have picnics :P

Q: Does Santa have to go on the Atkins diet to get down the chimneys on Xmas eve???

09 Jul 2004, 15:23
No he goes on the south beach diet.

Q. A duck flies over your head and craps on your jacket. Do you?

a: shoot the duck?

b: swear at the duck?

c. Drink red bull and fly to the duck and crap on said ducks head?

09 Jul 2004, 16:01
A: Neither, go to Supermarket, buy potatoes and roast the Duck, Yummy.

Q: A romantic night in, or a night on the town??

09 Jul 2004, 16:52
A: A romantic night in, and this weekend would work just fine... ;)

Q: Water skiing or snow skiing and why?

09 Jul 2004, 18:03
Snow Skiing - I love the snow/I've done it before/ it doesn't hurt as much when you fall over :P

Daddy or Chips??

09 Jul 2004, 18:06
Chips! Daddy hates being covered in tomoato ketchup

Q: What did the person who designed the drawing board go back to when he (or she) got it wrong?

Rob The Badger
09 Jul 2004, 18:10
The slate.

Q: Yes or no?

09 Jul 2004, 18:12

Pub or Night club??

09 Jul 2004, 18:15
A: Trunk of a tree

Q: Why is no one "normal" on this forum ? :nuts:

09 Jul 2004, 18:48
A: Because it wouldn't be much fun otherwise

Q: Why do I get withdrawal symptons when I'm not around on here?

The Flying Mouse
09 Jul 2004, 19:46
:twisted: Because we send subliminal messages that flash up faster than the eye can register to make you dependant on the forum.

Chips! Daddy hates being covered in tomoato ketchup

I'm really worried about how you found that out 8O :nuts:

Frasier or Becker?

09 Jul 2004, 20:51
neither, friends.

Q. Why do lp's go warped?

09 Jul 2004, 22:18
A. Because being vinyl in this day and age is hilarious. ;)

Favorite Pie? When, and with or without a topping. :D

09 Jul 2004, 22:34
A. How can a pie have a topping? I like mince beef and onion, drenched either in gravy, or with a chips and a huge bitter pickled onion.

Q. An Aurora is flying over your house. What does it remind you of?

09 Jul 2004, 22:42
A. How can a pie have a topping? I like mince beef and onion, drenched either in gravy, or with a chips and a huge bitter pickled onion.

Q. An Aurora is flying over your house. What does it remind you of?

That is hilarious..... you asked how a pie can have a topping and then said you eat mince beef and onion with a topping of gravy. ;) I like whipped cream on Pumpkin Pie and ice cream on Rubarb Pie. ;)

A. A Rainbow Out of Hell. ;)

Q. When was the last time you roller skated, and did you fall? 8)

09 Jul 2004, 23:34
A few years ago, yes adn landed heavily on my behind - which si why I never tried again.

If you had a pet frog, what would you call it and why?

10 Jul 2004, 00:52
A. Mine would be called Dunno. cos i dunno what to call a frog.

Q. Why didn't I know what a topping on a pie was?

10 Jul 2004, 00:59
Answer..Because in Dundee they are not called pies they are called PEHS honestly.Question.. What is your reason to believe?

10 Jul 2004, 01:10
dunno... it's nice to believe in something.

Q. What are the point of ameobas?

10 Jul 2004, 16:34
There's lots of different types of amoeba and each has its own purpose in life. For one type its aim in life is to give you amoebic dysentery and make you suffer from severe diarrhoea.
Some are quite friendly though.

Q. Off to get a cup of coffee. How do you like your coffee?

Rob The Badger
10 Jul 2004, 16:36
Black, no sugar.

Q: Toast done on one side of both?

10 Jul 2004, 17:47
Black, no sugar.

Q: Toast done on one side of both?

A. done on one side, under the broiler with cheese and marmite on top. ;)

A weekend holiday... hiking in the back country or an Inn at the sea? Who would you take with you?

10 Jul 2004, 18:02
Inn at the sea ... and Scrabble coz he loves ot build sandcastles :D

Q: Tea. Milk in the cup first or second?

10 Jul 2004, 19:14
A: in neither... but I'll take a twist of lemon, thank you...

Q: what's your favourite food?


10 Jul 2004, 20:08
A: Chicken & anything

Q: Are Blink 182 any good?? (I have to take my daughter to see them)

10 Jul 2004, 20:15
A: They're pish actually, should be called blink, wink, sleep 182.

Q: Why do people like Liquorice Allsorts, but hate Liquorice?

Rob The Badger
10 Jul 2004, 20:18
A: Chicken & anything

Q: Are Blink 182 any good?? (I have to take my daughter to see them)

Not artistic genius. Enjoyable nonetheless. Their tunes are undeniably catchy and they really can play. You'll probably enjoy it.
Trust me on this.

10 Jul 2004, 23:07
(Thanks Rob)

A: the candy around the liquorice masks the taste (I like it actually)

Q: Where is everyone tonight?

black dog
10 Jul 2004, 23:33
I'm in chatroom

Q. What's your favourite TV programme?

10 Jul 2004, 23:43
A: Haven't got one at the moment - but do like The Simpsons

Q: Which biography is worth reading?

11 Jul 2004, 00:13
A: Meat Loaf- To Hell And Back (As a matter of fact it´s the only biography I´ve ever read)

Q: If you could be anyone else how you want to be and why?

11 Jul 2004, 00:22
A. Roman Abramovich - Just to see what spending £73 million on a yacht feels like.

Q. drive or be driven?

11 Jul 2004, 00:40
A: Be driven - less stress

Q: chips or french fries????

11 Jul 2004, 02:57
depends really.... i like chip shop chips, but i do like fast food french fries..

Honesty or Loyalty??

11 Jul 2004, 03:15
Honesty or Loyalty??

Honesty - if someone is disloyal but honest they will tell you when you ask ;)

Q. Other forums you visit?

11 Jul 2004, 03:28
A. My only one this is...

Q. Why did i go into overdrive when dancng today?

11 Jul 2004, 11:34
Coz your crazy

Cereal or Toast for breakfast??

11 Jul 2004, 12:23
A: neither - a banana & orange juice

Q: What shell I cook hubby for tea tonight?

Home made pizza or beef fajita's

black dog
11 Jul 2004, 14:23
Home made Pizza (Yummy)

Q. Why do people play war games (i.e. War Hammer)?

11 Jul 2004, 15:52
cos how else is human civilisation supposed to tame the blood lust in their veins?

Q. Why am i bored.........?????

11 Jul 2004, 15:58
A. Maybe it is because as you answered this is the only forum you visit? 8)

Q. Where would you like to travel to visit? Why?

11 Jul 2004, 16:38
A: Japan - because I am a black belt in Aikido & would love to train there for a while

Q: Why does my dog want to play with his ball alllll day ????

11 Jul 2004, 16:42
A. 'Cause he is a male and has a sporting nature?? :wink:

Q. You are given a free hour and 100 pounds to shop in a store local to you. Which store are you heading to and what will you buy?

11 Jul 2004, 18:40
HMV because they havre a great sale one with loads of great stuff! i'll buy Music dvds, film dvd's and music cd's!!

Q: Chocolate or sex??

11 Jul 2004, 19:21
A: What kind of question is that??? Do you have any idea of the deliciously sexy things you can do with chocolate sirup???

Q: Coffee or Tea????


11 Jul 2004, 19:33

Sweet or Savoury??

11 Jul 2004, 20:40
A: Savoury - you'll be suprised what you can do with a breadstick :wink:

Q: The Undertaker or Stone cold Steve Austin ???

Rob The Badger
11 Jul 2004, 20:48
The Undertaker.

Red lorry, yellow lorry?

11 Jul 2004, 20:49
Stone Cold 3:16 - hell Yeah!!!!

Q. Tomato ketchup over chips or at the side for dunking it??

11 Jul 2004, 20:56
A to Chris: at side. Then you have an excuse for accidently on purpose dropping your chip inside it, and it comes out like its been in a massacre.

A to Robs: Yellow. It's closest to glow in the dark paint.

Q. Bubbles or flowers?

black dog
11 Jul 2004, 22:17
Flowers - I love the smell of them

Q. What's your favourite holiday and why?

11 Jul 2004, 22:21
America. i swam with dolphins and i love america!

Q. Why am I getting pretty worried about a certain friend?

11 Jul 2004, 22:23
A: If your friends the same sex, I'd be worried too.

Q: Glasgow or Edinburgh?

11 Jul 2004, 22:25
edinborough. Its got a big castle!

Q. Who am I?

Rob The Badger
11 Jul 2004, 22:29
Only shallow people can ever answer that.

Q: Why do people believe in an after-life?

11 Jul 2004, 22:52
A. because if we're alive now, theres gotta be something!

Q. Why oh why is cheese called cheese?

Rob The Badger
11 Jul 2004, 22:54
Because "Hardened Mammary Fluid" didn't sound particularly appetising.

Pepsi or Coke?

black dog
12 Jul 2004, 00:22

Q. Why is this thread so popular?

12 Jul 2004, 10:16
A: Because it is light relief - fun & interesting

Q: How do you stop a teenager being a slob ???

12 Jul 2004, 19:25
remove their playstation.

Fanta or Tango?

12 Jul 2004, 19:30
Fanta, it comes in lemon flavour n i hate tango.

Q. Sex and death or celibacy and life?

Rob The Badger
12 Jul 2004, 19:51
Celibacy doesn't actually mean no sex. . .that's Chastity. Celibacy means a refusal to get married. So I choose Chastity and life. Sex is boring.

Q: Chastity or Celibacy?

12 Jul 2004, 21:00

What are you wearing on your feet at the moment?

12 Jul 2004, 21:08
Some new Birkinstock sandals.

Q. You can travel once through time to settle in an era, which era and why?

12 Jul 2004, 21:34
The fifeties, when a little child so i can be a teen in the sixties!

Keep Rocking
13 Jul 2004, 00:45
@ Airhead: And your question is?

15 Jul 2004, 18:37
Well, since it has been several days.... I can start again with a new question. ;)

Q. A night at the theatre... muiscal, comedy or drama? Name a favorite?

Rob The Badger
15 Jul 2004, 18:39
Tragicomedy. 'Waiting For Godot' is up there as most probably my favourite play.

Q: Vinyl or CD?

15 Jul 2004, 18:47
I never wear CD's so it is going to have to be vinyl. ;)

Elegant evening at a fine restaurant or a picnic supper on a cliff by the ocean. Who would you take?

15 Jul 2004, 21:10
A: a picnic supper on a cliff by the ocean

Q: Going to the movie theatre or whatching the film at home?

15 Jul 2004, 23:56
Usually fall asleep during films so will watch at home. Then can replay the part I missed.

A boring job and financial security or an interesting job and relative poverty?

16 Jul 2004, 00:34
@ Airhead: And your question is? :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops:

oh dear....

16 Jul 2004, 01:38
Financal security, especially with my mortgage!!!

Give up gracefully or go out screaming?

16 Jul 2004, 15:22

Q. You need a wee really bad and your on the bus on the way home.

do you:

a. clutch your stomach and moan gently?#

b: scream at the bus driver to hurry up or he'll find his bus being driven by you?

c. just let the waters flow....

16 Jul 2004, 22:08
definately B, polite and diplomatic!!

You're cut up on the motorway do
a, ignore
b, sound your horn and curse
c, chase them 20 miles out of your way leaving only a gapthe width of a rizzla paper between your bumpers!!

I'm afraid I'm a C (although trying to get better)

16 Jul 2004, 23:56
A. b. and curse Real loud, I am afraid.

Q. The Best things in life are...?

17 Jul 2004, 00:56
Answer. Very good friends and relations who are very good friends or your pets who are your best friends. Question. Andy Pandy or The Teletubbies?

17 Jul 2004, 09:21
A: andy pandy

Q: why is there nothing on mainstream tv worth watching anymore

17 Jul 2004, 09:27
A. cause lately, everything is good for the moment, and not longterm. (mostly)

Q. Pink Floyd OR Pink Panther?

Keep Rocking
17 Jul 2004, 12:17
Pink Panther

Q: Cats or Dogs?

17 Jul 2004, 15:03
Cats they're so cute and fluffy...hmm...hmm... IN A MANLY WAY OF COURSE!!!

Q. Best album Bat I II or III? (go on take a chance do you think III will be the best yet?)

19 Jul 2004, 16:41
A. I think chosing is impossible. Two are already classics, and so will Bat III be as well. (Believing here...) Well, that is my answer, at least it got answered somehow. ;)

Q. Breakfast at your favorite restaurant, whatcha gonna order? :D

19 Jul 2004, 19:39
A: Needs to be the full monty breakfast :bunny: , black pudding on the side,mmmmmmmm.

Q: Your friend has a big boggy hanging from his/her nose. Do you tell or have a laugh at their expense?? He he

19 Jul 2004, 19:44
A. Both! :lol:

Q. Favourite dessert?

19 Jul 2004, 19:59
A: A BIG black (behave girls) Chocolate Cake.

Q: Old lady drops purse in front of you. Do you say nothing (quids in) or do the decent thing??

20 Jul 2004, 00:58
A. I think this is one of those instances when doing the decent thing is appropriate. ;)

Q. Clouds:

a. For watching and dreaming by

b. For shade on a hot summer's day

c. Rain and snow, get practical! 8)

20 Jul 2004, 01:14
watching and dreaming :D

The room you are in at the moment:
1.neat and tidy

2.could be neat and tidy with a little effort

3.total chaos

Mine verging on option 3 at the moment :oops: , too busy dreaming :wink:

20 Jul 2004, 01:15
watching and dreaming :D

The room you are in at the moment:
1.neat and tidy

2.could be neat and tidy with a little effort

3.total chaos

Mine verging on option 3 at the moment :oops: , too busy dreaming :wink:

20 Jul 2004, 01:35
2.could be neat and tidy with a little effort

A day in the life of....

if you could switch identitys with someone for a day, in a certain timeframe, what would it be??

20 Jul 2004, 01:41
A day in the life of....

if you could switch identitys with someone for a day, in a certain timeframe, what would it be??

A. I would be Marie Antoinette before the French Revolution. ;)

Versailles rocks, it would be a blast to party in that grandiose of a fashion and setting, and I would like to keep my head. ;)

I would be a bit more generous with the cake though.... :D

Q. How did you spend last Christmas? Any special gifts? 8)

20 Jul 2004, 10:22
A: I spend Xmas with my family - had my little bruv & his wife up from Cambridgeshire on Boxing day - was really nice.

No special prezzies - but hope to be getting one this year :wink: :wink: :wink:

Q: What do you call a lot of hampsters?

ie - a pod of whales - a heard of elephants

Serious question - having a debate at work 8O 8O 8O

20 Jul 2004, 21:54
A. Cat food. (still haven't forgotton my hamster that died on CHRISTMAS MORNING when i was 7 after the cat crushed him)

I'm having a similar debate over funny foot ice creams. what do you call a lot of them?

a. Funny foots

b. funny feet?

20 Jul 2004, 22:47
A. funny foots

Q. what is pi to 42 decimal places?

20 Jul 2004, 23:14
Using a pen, piece of paper and 5 repetitions of the Brett-Salamin Algorithm then you get:


Q, To have loved and lost, or never to have loved at all??

Rob The Badger
21 Jul 2004, 00:44
A> Never to have loved at all.

Q> How do like your eggs?

21 Jul 2004, 05:18
A. Poached, on toasted English Muffins, Canadian Bacon, and smothered with Hollandaise Sauce. When I can't get that scrambled will do. ;)

Q. African Safari's... gotta go or gotta run? 8)

21 Jul 2004, 08:08
as a canadian, i know what its like to taste some great bacon!

I am gonna have to go with American Safaris!


Which quote is better?

Rich man cryin' cuz his money's time
Poor man smilin' cuz he knows he ain't blind
There's a man over there, says he's tougher than me
But I got eyes that can see through fantasy


I`m gonna get it up
Never gonna let it up
Cruisin` on the seven seas
A pirate of my loving needs
I`ll never go down, never go down

So let`s get it up
Let`s get it up, get it right up
Let`s get it up, right to the top
Let`s get it up, right now

21 Jul 2004, 19:36
A: Rich Man Crying (I'd rather have all my faculties and senses than be rich)

Q: Who wants to be a millionaire?

21 Jul 2004, 19:42
A; NOT ME. Why have an endeless amount of dosh to buy flash cars, big house, exotic holiday's, never to work again.........WAIT...I DO WANNA BE A MILLIONAIRE :cry:

Q: Your mums friend comes on to you big time. What you do??

21 Jul 2004, 20:14
A: 8O 8O 8O RUN - if she's owt like ya mum

Q: What is Tom Hanks's best film?

21 Jul 2004, 21:21
forrest gump.

do you prefer to be hot or cold?

21 Jul 2004, 22:43
A: Hot - hate being cold - although if get too hot kick covers off bed :? :? :? :? :? :?

Q: What shampoo do you prefer?????

22 Jul 2004, 08:31
something that smells nice, and makes my curly hair less dry and frizzy.




22 Jul 2004, 14:07
http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos /clipserve/B0000AZKM0001003/0/103-4141071-3265408

Never heard o the other one.

Magazines or Newpapers??

black dog
22 Jul 2004, 15:12
Magazine - you can choose better what you want to read about

Q Have you met up with anyone from this site?

22 Jul 2004, 15:22
About 40 from here so far!!!!

Q. What is your favourite musical??

22 Jul 2004, 15:24
Either Rock Horror Picture Show or les Miserables

Who was the coolest person you met from here :P :lol: ??

22 Jul 2004, 15:58
dottie (seeing as she is my auntie) and Mariella.

£3000 in the bank or plastic surgery?

22 Jul 2004, 16:00
£3000 in the bank! (I'll change my mind in about 20 years)

Early mornings, or late nights??

22 Jul 2004, 16:01
late nights, I'm not a morning person!!

Soap operas or reality TV?

22 Jul 2004, 16:08
Reality tv

If you could meet one member (past or previous) of the NLE, who would it be. This doesn't include Meat.

24 Jul 2004, 19:59
A. ...If it doesn't include Meat, I am afraid I don't have anyone I would really really want to meet, sorry!

Q. Real-life or Fantasy?

24 Jul 2004, 20:22
Mixture of both.

Whats your favourite instrument??

24 Jul 2004, 23:25

Q. sixties rock or fifties rock n roll?

24 Jul 2004, 23:54
Fifties rock and roll.

Hairspray or hair gel?

25 Jul 2004, 11:07
none... don't use the stuff... don't tell me you gel your hair now, jenna... ah well, gels weird anyway.

Spell checkers or on pelsl cheqekers?

28 Jul 2004, 00:04
non, just learn to spell :wink:

You have to choose one option:
do you buy a car because it looks good, even though its expensive to run or do you choose one that doesn't look so good but is economical to run ?

28 Jul 2004, 01:07
look good...you only get one chance to make a first impression.

video or cinema?

28 Jul 2004, 08:00
50's rock n roll, man! 8) lol, but i would say video for comedy and cinema for action, overall, video.

June OR December?

28 Jul 2004, 10:30
June.....although December can be very pretty when it wants to be.

Christmas or your birthday?

28 Jul 2004, 11:27
Birthday - more chance of a party!!

what job do you do?

28 Jul 2004, 23:33
I work long hours in a Bank.

If you were a drink, what would you be?

29 Jul 2004, 00:02
A. Tequila...ofcourse :wink:

Q. What is the one thing you would never do?

29 Jul 2004, 00:52
bungee jump

is the pint glass half empty or half full?

29 Jul 2004, 00:58
A. Half full - always!

Q. What would you want more than anything in the world?

29 Jul 2004, 01:48
all the right answers!! :lol:

curry or chinese?

29 Jul 2004, 01:53

Meat or fish?

29 Jul 2004, 09:16
A. Fish because I don't eat Meat.

Q. Coffee or Tea?

29 Jul 2004, 09:23
Coffee. I really hate tea!

Cinema or DVD?

29 Jul 2004, 17:54
cinema, as you don't have to spend an hour picking up popcorn you've dropped !!

biggest waste of money?

29 Jul 2004, 18:13
A. cigarettes

Q. Best concert you ever attended?

29 Jul 2004, 22:52
A: Meat

Although Good charlotte was really good :oops:

Q: chinese or indian

29 Jul 2004, 23:34
Indian after a night out,chinese when sober

diet and be miserable or plump and happy?

30 Jul 2004, 07:59
A: Plump & be happy (I have to say that :oops: )

Q: If you could have any animal as a pet - what would you have & why :??:

Keep Rocking
30 Jul 2004, 10:01
A: a tiger, because I like all the cats-small and big :D

Q: tv or radio?

30 Jul 2004, 11:17
A: TV...you can watch all the dirty films on Channel 5 :D

Q: New York or Las vegas

30 Jul 2004, 13:01
Given the choice I'd rather go to new york,I' lose all my money in vegas!

what has been your greatest acheivement

30 Jul 2004, 18:29
A: going one hour without *FARTING* 8O

Q: Black or White?

30 Jul 2004, 19:47

tall or small?

30 Jul 2004, 22:08
A. Very tall, please!

Q. What do you find most attractive about someone?

30 Jul 2004, 22:39
A: Personality - sense of humour - they have to beable to make me laugh

Physically - eyes & a nice butt

Q: Larger or bitter & why???

31 Jul 2004, 02:04
Lager, I feel too young to drink bitter!!

McDonalds or Burger King

31 Jul 2004, 18:21
Niether ..yuk!!!

what's the meaning of Life?

Rob The Badger
31 Jul 2004, 18:26
Giving something as vital as life a meaning is ridiculous, human rhetoric.

Mobile Phones or Kellog's Corn Flakes?

01 Aug 2004, 01:11
Corn Flakes. Mobiles cost too much and don't taste very nice :mrgreen:

If you were an animal for a day, which animal would it be and why?

01 Aug 2004, 12:02
A Lion - it must be nice to the have respect of everyone for a day

hot or cold milk on cereals?

Keep Rocking
01 Aug 2004, 14:49
cold milk of course!

Q: icehockey or american football?

01 Aug 2004, 15:14
A: American Football

Q: Bath or shower?

01 Aug 2004, 15:17
A. Bath...

Q. Red or white wine?

01 Aug 2004, 15:39
A None, I don't drink (alcohol).

Q E-mail or phonecall

01 Aug 2004, 15:59
A: phonecall - like the personal touch - but do use email alot :lol:

Q: What do you do when you are bored - all answers welcome except come on the forum (too obvious)

01 Aug 2004, 16:02
I write songs and torment my budgie.

What would you rather have - a swooshing sound when you move or the smell of chocolate around you 24/7?

01 Aug 2004, 18:38
A: Definately the Swooshing sound. Reminds me of those WHIPS.auch 8O

Q: Night of Passion or an hour of Meat??

01 Aug 2004, 19:19
A: A night of passion WITH Meat :devil:

Q: Cereal & toast or a fry up

01 Aug 2004, 22:43
monday - saturday cereals Sunday fry up

what is your marital status?

01 Aug 2004, 23:06
A: Married for 17 years - today 8O 8O

Q: Do you play a musical instrument - & what ?

02 Aug 2004, 00:07
Happy anniversary!

I play singer in the car and shower!!

do you like your neighbours?

02 Aug 2004, 01:22
A: Yes - have a german fighter pilot one side & a nutter te other - get on will with both. In fact - nice village.

Q: What am I going to do with my week off

02 Aug 2004, 11:48
Have fun and chill out

MP3 player or Cd Player

02 Aug 2004, 20:40
CD Player

what do you drive?

02 Aug 2004, 20:47
A. A red Volkswagen Polo...I had to take to the garage today :roll:

Q. Which book are you reading?

02 Aug 2004, 21:45
Mariella, take it to the garage and swap it for a Smart!!!

I am one of these people with several books on the go at once!! Currently: Jeffrey Archer - Prison Diaries volume 3,
Anne Robinson - Memoirs of an unfit mother,
Tom Clancy - Executive Orders,
Jasper Ffordes - The Well Of Lost Plots.

and proofreading a book that a mate of mine has written called "The History Of The Smart"

Q. Who is your favourite comedian?

02 Aug 2004, 22:06
A: Peter Kay

Q: Has any horror film ever given you nightmares for days after - which one?

(Mine was Nightmare on Elmstreet)

02 Aug 2004, 22:13
A. Aracnaphobia - Still scared s***less of spiders.

Q. Is there any tv programme you must not miss??

BTW, FA, Peter Kay - Channel 4, 9:30 wednesday. A fantastic live show!!!

02 Aug 2004, 22:25
A. Many TV programme but here´s few: Alias, C.S.I, Dragnet, Law & Order

Q. Would you like to live forever?

02 Aug 2004, 22:40
A: Who wants to live forever....

Q: You are having dinner with the most influential person in your life. Who is it?

02 Aug 2004, 22:59
A: My Mum - God Bless Her

She would be having:

Prawn cocktail
Steak & Chips
Banana Split

I miss her :cry:

Q: What is the best holiday you have had - where & why

03 Aug 2004, 00:04
Dubai We were treated like royalty, The Hotel was breath taking, the city and the people were great, Can't wait to go back.

Are you a remote contol hogger?

03 Aug 2004, 00:18
A: No that is the hubby & daughter - I have to "go hunt the mote"

Q: Are you a morning or night person

03 Aug 2004, 00:33

When you go camping in a tent or caravan.

Rob The Badger
03 Aug 2004, 00:50
Tent of course.

Squash: Weak or strong?

03 Aug 2004, 21:23
The drink - Middle to weak, The game - strong!!!

Brown or white bread?

03 Aug 2004, 21:27
White bread

Guitar: acoustic or electric?

Rob The Badger
03 Aug 2004, 21:44
Acoustic all the way.

Music: Lo-fi or sharp production?

04 Aug 2004, 03:25
Sharp production

DVD or Video?

04 Aug 2004, 10:11

Why do dogs tongues never fit in their mouths? 8O

04 Aug 2004, 10:26
A: Cause they love to lick their own as*, then lick their owners faces :drool:

Q: Feeling tired. Bedtime or one last nightcap?

04 Aug 2004, 10:31

Why don't people like Catwoman?

Rob The Badger
04 Aug 2004, 13:00
Because it looks shite and isn't even set in Gotham! SHE'S A VILLAIN!

Greeks or Macedonians?

04 Aug 2004, 16:26

Morrissey or The Smiths?

Rob The Badger
05 Aug 2004, 21:11
Smiths all the way.

Bob Dylan or Dylan Thomas?

05 Aug 2004, 23:42
Difficult question to answer. Both have had a big impact in my life.
Will go for Bob Dylan but he only just wins.

Legs: do you prefer footballers or rugby players legs?

05 Aug 2004, 23:48
Rugby players legs. I don't watch football. :nope:

Punk or metal?

06 Aug 2004, 00:12
Has to be metal

Sweet or Savoury snacks

06 Aug 2004, 01:37
Sweeet well it depends but sweet

Cds or MP3s?

Rob The Badger
06 Aug 2004, 12:23

Bruce Lee or Jackie Chan?

06 Aug 2004, 13:30
Jackie Chan!

City Mouse or Country Mouse??

06 Aug 2004, 16:46
Country mouse

Quality sweet or Roses

06 Aug 2004, 18:41
A: Roses...because thats what my underwear smella like.

Q:Apple or Banana (Females barred from answering this question :wink: ).