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View Full Version : Meat Live

13 Sep 2004, 02:14

Is this an audio CD with a DVD with it? or do you buy the dvd seprate :oops:


Also, what's that :roll:


hey guys I haven't been around in a while I been trying to cut my online time back alot.
Meat still rocks and is number one to me alwas :D

evil nickname
13 Sep 2004, 09:29
The first one is apperently the CD. No DVD attached.

The second one looks like it's yet another "hey, let's make a quick buck on all those suckers that can't see that this compilation isn't an absolute nescisarity in their collection" type compilation in the vein of "Rock And Roll Hero", "The Collection", "Prime Cuts", "Paradise By The Dashboard Light", "Live From Hell And More Hell Hits", "Definitive Collection", and that list could go on for a while.