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View Full Version : Bootlegs Storytellers Tour

11 Oct 2002, 20:57
I'm looking for recordings of the Storytellers tour (1999). On a few shows Meat thit songs like For Crying Out Loud, Blind Before I Stop, Left In The Dark, Read 'em And Weep, I'm Gonna Love Her For Both Of Us, Sailor To A Siren, etc.

Has anyone bootlegs of the storytellers tour? I have enough stuff to trade!

12 Oct 2002, 18:31
I am in the same boat as you Michel

I have been looking for boots from the Storytellers tour. I think our best bet is to ask nobody. She has tons of ML bootlegs.

13 Oct 2002, 10:40
What is her e-mail adres, or MLUKFC nickname?

10 Nov 2002, 13:10
Yes, I already traded with nobody, she has many bootlegs.

But she hasn't bootlegs from the storytellers tour, doesn't anyone has a bootleg from the storytellers tour?