View Full Version : wtf has happened????!!!!!!!!

29 Sep 2004, 18:11
I went in HMV to pre order the MSO DVD today, and was told the release date's been put back to 18th October!? :wtf:

Can anyone confirm this? It was due to be released next Monday, right? Anyone have any idea why?

Oh well, at least I won't have to stop watching the DVD for a driving lesson next Monday :evil:

You just know that if it was the latest justin or m+m DVD it would be out two weeks early :evil: This sucks!!!!! :cry: Why are we always on the wrong side of the Atlantic?!

You can just see the record company saying to Meat on Monday "Happy birthday, Meat!... Oh and by the way your DVD's out two weeks later in the UK. Is there a problem with that?" :roll:

AAARRRGGHH!!!!!! I almost forgot!!!!!! I saw someone ( a youngish woman) walking around the shopping centre with a Meat Loaf Bat II t-shirt on!!!!! :D Not very exciting I know, but it's the first time I've seen anyone other than me wearing a ML t-shirt in Sunderland :D

29 Sep 2004, 20:24
The region 1 (US) DVD is out next tuesday. As far as I'm aware the region 2 (UK) DVD has always been scheduled for release on the 18th, along with the CD :(

Too bad that we can't get them at the same time and hardly any sites that ship to UK are stocking the american one and the ones that are are being really slow about it (DVDSoon I'm Looking at YOU!!!!!!! :evil: )

29 Sep 2004, 20:39
It's just on the home page of this site it says the DVD's released in the UK on the 4th, and nothing else has been posted since :(

29 Sep 2004, 21:43
I've posted another News item to the front page with the changed dates.

Thanks for alerting us that the front page was out of date.


03 Oct 2004, 19:32
The dates on the front page for USA are wrong.

The CD'S out on the 28th September
& the DVD is out on the 5th October

04 Oct 2004, 20:56
Eeeh, honestly!!!!! I thought this was the official UK fanclub and should therefore know everything!!!! :wink:
I think I should get this DVD and CD free cos I was the one who alerted the site to the mistake :wink:

Just kidding! :twisted:

16 Oct 2004, 16:10
As far as I'm concerned, and I LIVE IN AUSTRALIA (!!!), this DVD doesn't exist. I blame the internet for that. I tried my music store for CHSIB in March, last year, and they thought I was crazy. They told me the CD didn't even EXIST! (Not even as an import from GERMANY!). I looked for it, being the fool I was, and this DVD isn't anywhere. And, remember, this is Australia, an hour from MELBOURNE - AND WE DON'T EVEN HAVE THE DVD!!! Is it just me or is Meat Loaf losing control of things?? I hope BAT OUT OF HELL 3 gets better press.