View Full Version : I. Hate. Our. Society.

Rob The Badger
13 Dec 2004, 23:06


... ... ...

These people should be the ones being banned...

14 Dec 2004, 00:17
There are loads more links then that discussing it:




14 Dec 2004, 13:28
I'm speechless that this sort of thing can even be aired....wow!

crystal shards
14 Dec 2004, 15:29
*absolutely at the loss of words* ... going back into middle age 8O or what?

14 Dec 2004, 16:18
*Stares at screen speechless*

This is just like them trying to ban christmas because they thinkit offends other religions. Its all gone mad.

14 Dec 2004, 19:04

14 Dec 2004, 19:22

So true! Lol! Funny, but true!

14 Dec 2004, 20:26
Don't underestimate the power of these idiots- sadly, America is now a place where this sort of thing could quite easily get passed. It may not pass on a national level, but it only takes a handful of hateful folks to get such an issue on a state or local ballot. I am a school librarian, and the idea of removing books from my shelves for this reason is appalling. Number one, "promotion of the homosexual lifestyle" can be defined in SO many ways that it could be used to remove hundreds and hundreds of books from libraries. Secondly, if such a law were to be passed, what does that say to gay and lesbian youths? Oftentimes, they are so tormented by others (and themselves) about their lifestyle that they have lots of issues. How will saying that promotion of an alternative lifestyle is so unacceptable that the books can't be in their school going to make them feel. This is a bad, bad, bad thing that ultra conservative America is trying to do- thanks for bringing it to our attention Rob, as I will be following the progress of it and doing whatever I can to stop it.


14 Dec 2004, 22:21
When I opened this link, I first thought this must be a joke - this Cannot be happening...horrible I think!



15 Dec 2004, 11:32
I agree Sherrie - in the UK even when we complain about being ultra P-C at times, at least everything is very open to scrutiny (although not always terribly democratic), but politicians don't get away with much without everyone watching (I know I know David Blunkett was an arguable exception for a while.. :)

Hopefully the anti-discrimination lobbyists will now start to address this issue in the USA...?