View Full Version : Meaty Taggart

11 Jan 2005, 23:34
I know we're clutching at straws but did anyone see the episode of Taggart the other night where 'Anything for love' was playing at the start??

Anything for a wee bitta Meat :D

I think theres been a 'Murder' :wink:

11 Jan 2005, 23:51
I know - i saw it - and was sooo not impressed.....

You could hear Meat singing AFL in the background as a fella was driving his car...then he was shot dead....and when the copper found the CD he said... 'ohhhh Meat Loaf....... maybe it was suicide...'


29 Jan 2005, 00:16
Better late than never,,i seen and heard it,,yeah i thought it a bit of a cheek saying it could have been suicide,,but in the next weeks episode,,, the policeman that said it got left with no clothes on, in a barn full of turkeys,, :D :D :D

08 Feb 2005, 17:37
I saw that episode 2, didnt see the one with the copper stuck in the barn though, guess he got what he deserved then lol
