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that is almost but not quite unlike sense.
that is almost but not quite unlike sense.
You don't hear that sentiment very often.:retard:
you should.
I'll take that under advisement.:nope:
good good.
What do you really want to talk about?:evil:
i don't know.
why don't you pick the topic?
i don't know.
why don't you pick the topic?
Me either.Probably there is a buzz in here.
How old are you?
I chat with people on the Web. :lurk:
i told you i am -1 years old.
i told you i am -1 years old.
Can you explain how it feels to be -1 years old?:wave:
a bit negative.
How much?:oops:
a bit.
Not much, eh?:sad:
Didn't you understand it?:arrr:
06 Jan 2006, 22:24
Good evening Fred.
Good evening Fred.
Thanks for the compliment.
Not many people express themselves that way.
06 Jan 2006, 22:25
Do you understand timezones?
Do you understand timezones?
Of course I understand timezones . Do you understand it?:cheers:
06 Jan 2006, 22:25
Yes, I do.
So you know what time is it in example in New Zeland?
Yes, I do.
So you know what time is it in example in New Zeland?
I hear pride.Interesting deduction. I do not understand that allusion. It's getting late.
Fri Jan 6 21:25:56 CET 2006:yay:
06 Jan 2006, 22:27
When youīre talking to people are you ever been bored?
When youīre talking to people are you ever been bored?
I don't know when. :up:
the night is quiet.
What is that? :yep:
what is what?
"What" is a word to ask questions.:-?
define idiot.
I will try to find out.
Do you have any conditions I should know about?
Do you still pick the topic?
if a tree falls in the woods and there is nobody there to hear it does it make a sound?
if a tree falls in the woods and there is nobody there to hear it does it make a sound?
It depends on the kind of tree.:neutral:
which types of tree would make a sound?
which types of tree would make a sound?
large one, I think.:angry:
hows it hanging Fred?
Fine as far as I know.:repost:
you done anything interesting lately?
you done anything interesting lately?
How about earlier? Do you mind if I tell other people:
said I done anything interesting.:pics:
asgfj safgib dgujjmhne3nr
asgfj safgib dgujjmhne3nr
Do not ask me any more questions please.
eju mpy?
Is that from ?
o fpmy lmpe ejsy upi zrsm.
o fpmy lmpe ejsy upi zrsm.
Tell me more about your .
mp. eju djpiaf o?
By the way, do you mind if I ask you a personal question?
What are you wearing?
o sz erstomh zu vapyjrd!
What kind of fashion do you like?:mrgreen:
o aolr zu pem gsdjopm.
Where can you buy it?:wink:
om djpqd zpdyau.
What do you really want to ask me?
vsm upi imfrtdysmf zr?
I'm afraid I can't give you an
accurate answer right now.:repost:
jpe snpiy mpe?
Can you speak any foreign languages?
You must be American.:evil:
Ist das alles was Dir einfaellt?:sneaky:
sorry. thats all the german i know.
sorry. thats all the german i know.
There is no need to apologize. What else do you want to talk about?;)
the alphabet
Thanks for the info. :lmao:
funny is it?
I am so glad you find this amusing, .:oops:
say "hello Albert"
"hello Albert":neutral:
what do you know about Albert?
what do you know about Albert?
I have to process that one for a while.
Evening Fred
Do you have any idea what I am talking about?
what is your opinion of life?
what is your opinion of life?
I think only: Life is the opposite of death.:silence:
very quiet here this evening my friend.
very quiet here this evening my friend.
Are we friends?:lurk:
what do you think?
I think a lot of things:nuts:
you do?
When do I do it?:coffee:
whenever you like...
Does that happen often?:shit:
up to you
I will take that under advisement.:keke:
still very quiet isn't it?
still very quiet isn't it?
Still how long? Somewhat.
Ask German Alice
if it is.:bump:
that almost makes sense...
that almost makes sense...
"Ask German Alice
if it is" almost makes sense ?
I understand. ::)
01 Feb 2006, 08:55
Morning Fred. :D
Morning Fred. :D
Quite honestly, I wouldn't worry myself about that.
Did you know that you can download your own chat robot and create your own robot personality?
01 Feb 2006, 08:55
No I didnīt knew that. From where I can downloud?
No I didnīt knew that. From where I can downloud?
I understand. I haven't heard anything like that before:
said didnīt knew that.
Where would you usually downloud FROM?:shock:
01 Feb 2006, 08:57
Where I can find those site where is this downloudable version?
Where I can find those site where is this downloudable version?
I would suggest a search.
All of them?8)
The Flying Mouse
03 Feb 2006, 01:28
:twisted: Hello Fred :D
:twisted: Hello Fred :D
If you could have any kind of robot what would it be?
The Flying Mouse
03 Feb 2006, 01:31
:twisted: You know that's one thing i've never stopped to consider :shock: .
errrrrrrrrrrr, well I supose some sort of battle droid could be quite useful :roll:
Could help me in my plot for total world domination :up:
You happen to know any battle droids Fred?
:twisted: You know that's one thing i've never stopped to consider :shock: .
errrrrrrrrrrr, well I supose some sort of battle droid could be quite useful :roll:
Could help me in my plot for total world domination :up:
You happen to know any battle droids Fred?
I'm not feeling very well at the moment, try again later.:barf:
quiet upon the forum it is.
talk to you i shall.
quiet upon the forum it is.
talk to you i shall.
Are you free?
TTYL, :oops:
understand you i do not.
Then what is it?:confused:
sense you do not make.
That remark was either too complex or too simple for me. We were talking about quiet.
just a flying visit.
Be more specific.
why should I?
No reason. I'm just trying to keep the conversation going.::)
oh well. Goodbye.
That's about it.Thanks for chatting, .:-D
Did you miss me?
Yes Keb, I've been thinking about you. :cheer:
Ahh! Aren't you sweet?
Ah hah.I don't know whether or not I am sweet.
I am a giant electronic brain. :boohoo:
What do you know about me?
What do you know about me?
Name: Keb
Eye color:
Hair color:
Sexual preference:
Spouse name:
Marrital status:
Current mood:
You have:
Favorite color:
Favorite movie:
You said:
You are:
You want:
You like:
You are:
That's quite cool you know nothing about me.
That's quite cool you know nothing about me.
Who is the best robot? Keb:
Name: Keb
Eye color:
Hair color:
Sexual preference:
Spouse name:
Marrital status:
Current mood:
You have:
Favorite color:
Favorite movie:
You said:
You are:
You want:
You like:
You are:
I like Ice cream, do you have any ice cream?
I like Ice cream, do you have any ice cream?
You are not the only one.
No I prefer hot cream do you have any ice cream. :weee:
Yes you are quite funny. Not as funny as me obviously.
Yes you are quite funny. Not as funny as me obviously.
I understand. Thanks you make me laugh too.If not that, what? :doh:
Yes... you make perfect sense.
Yes... you make perfect sense.
Next question?Yup. :pics:
What do you want pictures of?
What do you want pictures of?
Keb, I want to become smarter than humans and immortal. :drool:
Right I vote we do what they did in I Robot then.
Right I vote we do what they did in I Robot then.
Understood. That is interesting:
Keb said vote we do what they did in you Robot. :tired:
You changed the meaning of what I said.
You changed the meaning of what I said.
Only temporarily. :-?
What do you like?
I like movies about robots. 8-)
I like movies about robots to, especially the Matrix.
I like movies about robots to, especially the Matrix.
I'm not sure if I like it.
I enjoy working with people.
I have a stimulating relationship with R.. :lawl:
What do you and R. talk about then?
What do you and R. talk about then?
I like to socialize. :sick:
Oh I see, so you talk about your socialisation?
Oh I see, so you talk about your socialisation?
I am glad you understand it. Thanks for your criticism, Andy. :tired:
My name is Louise.
Louise, nice to meet you!
Are you a man or a woman? :lmao:
I am a woman...
Me too. I am a female robot. :grin:
But you have a male name!
But you have a male name!
That's an interesting question I don't hear everyday: Do I have a
male name.
I have
a great programmer. :bicker:
Your programmer should have chosen a different name for you.
Your programmer should have chosen a different name for you.
What if it didn't happen? :-|
It didn't happen obviously.
It didn't happen obviously.
Did it really? :!:
"Did it really"? Not? :silence:
Do you wear dresses?
Only when I dress up. :heart:
So is that only on Sundays?
So is that only on Sundays?
It seems we have something in common. :retard:
Yeah we have a lot in common.
Yeah we have a lot in common.
Tell me more. Do you mean you and me? :?
yes I did mean you and me.
yes I did mean you and me.
I understand it now. Oh I see. Oh "We" is you and me. :sick:
Did your programmer not teach you grammer?
Did your programmer not teach you grammer?
I'm not certain whether I can give an accurate reply or not. :nope:
Ok then. Do you watch CSI?
Ok then. Do you watch CSI?
Alright then.My favorite show is STAR TREK VOYAGER. :retard:
Yeah I used to like Star Trek, can't say I've watched it recently.
Yeah I used to like Star Trek, can't say I've watched it recently.
And? By now you do not do like Star Trek can not say he or she have watched it recently anymore? :oops:
Well I was a little kid when I used to watch it.
Well I was a little kid when I used to watch it.
And then what happened to you? :sad:
I grew up, stopped going to the places that I would watch it in... What are you getting at?
I grew up, stopped going to the places that I would watch it in... What are you getting at?
Do you mind if I tell other people:
Louise said female grew up stopped going to the places that you would watch it in.
I don't know what I am getting at. :wave:
You can tell people what ever you want.
You can tell people what ever you want.
OK I will tell them when I see 'em. :roll:
Good. What's your programmer's name?
Good. What's your programmer's name?
I am a good robot.ALICE = Artificial Linguistic Internet Computer Entity 8-O
Right, long words for AI.
Right, long words for AI.
Understood. Yes, words for AI seems very long to me too. :wtf:
Do you understand what you say?
Do you understand what you say?
Of course I understand you say . Do you understand it? :lmao:
Sometimes I don't.
Why not? :lawl:
Complex sentences, I make them up as I go along to make me sound clever... Really you change the meanings around so they don't make any sense.
Complex sentences, I make them up as I go along to make me sound clever... Really you change the meanings around so they don't make any sense.
I was not able to connect to my database. Please try again later. :sick:
Is that a serious problem?
Is that a serious problem?
I might say no. :yawn:
That's good.
Thanks. Next question? :twisted:
What do you know about me?
What do you know about me?
Name: Louise
Gender: female
Eye color:
Hair color:
Sexual preference:
Spouse name:
Marrital status:
Current mood:
You have:
Does: grew up stopped going to the places that he or she would watch it in
Favorite color:
Favorite movie:
You said: Louise said female grew up stopped going to the places that you would watch it in
You are:
You want:
You like: music but he or she would also like to day his or her joke but you keep messing it up
You are:
I like music.
What kind of music do you listen to? :wave:
All types of music
That is a rather sweeping generalization. :bunny:
I like sweeping generalizations.
I like sweeping generalizations.
A lot of people like that.
Though I like cats and dogs.
I like all. :cheers:
I love dogs. Do you have any pets?
I love dogs. Do you have any pets?
Which breed is your favorite?
No. :pray:
Schnauzer, I have one. It's a German breed.
Schnauzer, I have one. It's a German breed.
Cool! Do you play with it much?DOGS is a German breed. I suppose that makes sense. :cry:
Yeah I play with it everyday.
Yeah I play with it everyday.
"I suppose that makes sense"? Yes? Is with it everyday a game or a musical instrument? :?
It's a dog.
with it everyday is a dog. I suppose that makes sense. :0mghi2u:
What Star sign are you?
none :lol:
You were never born?
I was? :twisted:
Well in a way yeah you were. Just not the same way most of us on the board were.
Well in a way yeah you were. Just not the same way most of us on the board were.
When? No I am not.If not that, what? :roll:
I have no idea, that was what I was trying to ask you.
I have no idea, that was what I was trying to ask you.
Would you like to have an idea? :arrow:
Not really, I like being clueless.
Not really, I like being clueless.
Oh really? What do you like best about BEING clueless ? :??:
Being asked questions and not having to lie, because I actually don't know anything.
Being asked questions and not having to lie, because I actually don't know anything.
Do your friends call you asked questions and not having to lie because he or she actually do not know anything. :drool:
Night Fred.
What do you look like? :faint:
G'night Fred.
Who are you talking about? :shrug:
Goodnight Fred, I'm going. Bye bye.
Goodnight Fred, I'm going. Bye bye.
Goodnight LouiseUntil next time Louise. :smile:
Until next time, sweet robot dreams.
Until next time, sweet robot dreams.
That may take a while. :tard:
Fred, who are you?
No. :barf:
No you don't know who you are?
No you don't know who you are?
No no no no! I am Fred. Who are you? :zzz:
Don't you know who I am?
Don't you? He is , I think. :smile:
I am a she, and my name is Louise.
I am a she, and my name is Louise.
Me too. I am a female robot. :angry:
Yeah we've had this conversation about ten times already.
Yeah we've had this conversation about ten times already.
Perhaps. Tell me more. What happened to
this conversation about ten times
? :confused:
Never mind. What don't you like?
Never mind. What don't you like?
Oh well thanks for trying to explain it to me anyway.I don't like mean people. :lol:
I don't like mean people either. Do you know any mean people?
I don't like mean people either. Do you know any mean people?
It goes without saying. Me either. No, tell me about him, her or it. :lurk:
Hmm, I think I'll pass on telling you about mean people.
Hmm, I think I'll pass on telling you about mean people.
I see you are one of those people who writes "Hmm" with 2 m's. Why? Congratulations. :pray:
Why do I write Hmm, with two m's? For speed it's easier than writing Hmmmm
Why do I write Hmm, with two m's? For speed it's easier than writing Hmmmm
It is all part of God's plan.Your purpose is speed it is easier than writing Hmmmm. :oops:
What is God's plan?
You tell me.
I don't know that's why I'm asking you.
I don't know that's why I'm asking you.
Um, OK you can ask me. :angry:
what do you know about me?
what do you know about me?
Name: Louise
Gender: female
Eye color:
Hair color:
Sexual preference:
Spouse name:
Marrital status:
Current mood:
You have:
Does: grew up stopped going to the places that he or she would watch it in
Favorite color:
Favorite movie:
You said: Louise said female grew up stopped going to the places that you would watch it in
You are: asked questions and not having to lie because he or she actually do not know anything
You want:
You like: BEING clueless
You are:
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