View Full Version : Can a german speaker help me please?

28 Feb 2005, 21:14
If anyone speaks german can they please look at this link and tell me whereabouts the boat is located?

Many thanks

Clicky Clicky (http://www.schulschiff-deutschland.de/) :??: :??: :??:

28 Feb 2005, 21:20
In Bremen. http://www.vegesack.de/hbn/tourism/stadtplan.html

28 Feb 2005, 21:21
i do german GCSE but not that good yet sorry cant help.you can go to google and search language translate and i think their should be a page on their where you can type the website adress in and you can translate the page to the language, i guess its easier if one of our germen freinds just tells us :D

28 Feb 2005, 21:26
In Bremen. http://www.vegesack.de/hbn/tourism/stadtplan.html

Thanks R.

We are looking at holding the All-Europe international Smart Car Owners Rally there in 2 years - Trip to Smartville in Hambach and then a convoy to the boat!! 8)

28 Feb 2005, 21:35
More about Bremen: http://www.bremen-tourism.de/btz/english/bremen.cfm