View Full Version : The Brown Bunny, your thoughts

08 Mar 2005, 00:31
2003's contraversial film, those of you who know what film i mean will probably know why it caused a bit of a stir, so i wont go into any major details but Chloe Sevigny was happy to 'perform' what she did in her role, but obviously it was pretty uncomfortable for her to do what she did, but she really believed that what she did was for art, not porn, although I don't think it came out very 'arty' i could sort of see where she was coming from. I don't really think it was that big a deal although she probaly did go a bit too far and i think she made a bit of a mistake, since she is a quite well known actress and was risking career suicide, and'll probaly regret it later on, but give her credit, some hollywood women have been forced into doing this on the big screen by the powers that be behind closed doors but chloe agreed to do it knowing the backlash she'd get, Foolish...Maybe Brave..Hell yes.