View Full Version : Yet again, i am burning my bra.

24 Mar 2005, 21:41
This is a really weird thread. But after the experience i had last night, I just wanna say to all those girls, women, ladies, whatever...


I have already had to punch, kick, and say **** off to a boy in my school. He was touching my private areas and even hurt my boob where he poked it too hard, but luckily, i had someone there. :?

He is a shrimp so i could knock him out easy, and hopefully i've nipped it in the bud before something bad happened, and i'm a heck lucky it was just that, but remember girls, never let anyone take advantage of you. (he even had the nerve to ask for hug this morning). :evil: :evil: :evil:

That is all I have to say. I just needed to blow off steam.

PS: I also mean this to those men out there being hurt by women. This goes the same way.

24 Mar 2005, 21:43
Wow... see you are upset and angry. Some people have all the nerves and do everything. Just sick, really sick!!

24 Mar 2005, 23:34
if in doubt kick him in the balls

25 Mar 2005, 00:23
You want me to come down hon? I'll rip the little ****ers scrotum off :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:

25 Mar 2005, 16:10
Will you really do that for me, Biter??? :)

He had been driving me insane for a few months now, and the little ~~~~~~~ liked being hit!!!! :nuts:

So I drove him to humiliation, and he didn't speak to me for the rest of the day. i hope he doesn't move from me onto a girl who can't handle this kinda stuff.

Rob The Badger
25 Mar 2005, 23:42
Wow...maybe you should ride a bike instead.

26 Mar 2005, 00:42

Rob The Badger
26 Mar 2005, 02:05
Instead of getting angry and "humiliating" people. It's not good for your karma.

26 Mar 2005, 10:40
Yeah ed, I would. Give the word and I will be there tomorrow morning if I can find a way of driving up there. This happenned to me at work last thursday so I know exactly how you feel. Get the police involved as you can get the nobhead done for assault. Tell your teachers too.

And Rob, if it happened to you, you'd be livid.

Rob The Badger
26 Mar 2005, 12:19
Perhaps. But you're blowing things out of proportion. Police? Please...

26 Mar 2005, 22:05
Why is it wrong to get the police involved? If he aint sorted out now, the little sod's gonna be doing it over and over again. No use telling the parents cos thay will probably do jack all. I have got the police on to the guy that attacked me and as a result I feel much safer. Ok, its company policy for me but it should apply wherever you are.
Im gonna be accused of Sexism now or something silly like that but boys have it a hell of a lot easier than women. You hardly ever hear about a man being assaulted like that wheras it happens many times daily for women and I for one am sick of it. Some people think they have the right to do anything and it isnt on. I can argue this point for hours, and if I need to, I will. Unless it has happened to you Rob, you aint got no idea what it feels like and I hope you never will.

Jen x

Rob The Badger
27 Mar 2005, 00:38
The reason that you do not hear about men being assaulted in this way is because traditional gender roles force males to feel ashamed of being beaten or assaulted by a woman. Therefore the report rate is lower.
Also, did you know that a woman cannot be convicted of rape?
Think about that before you throw your feminist radicalism around.

27 Mar 2005, 04:34
Whos chucking feminist radicalism around? Its a fact of life. Genetically, men are bigger and rougher than women and im not ashamed to say that. Also, women are a hell of a lot more vunerable. Put yourself in my shoes - I go to work. I get sexually assaulted while doing my job. Thankfully somebody got me out of that situation before it got really ugly. Emma goes to school/out with friends and gets assaulted in the same way. Does that make it any less traumatic?

Before you start having a go at her for fighting back and tell her to "ride a bike" in case karma creeps up and bites her in the arse, think about the people who have had to actually go through it. As I said in my last post, I hope you never experience it but its a cold fact that millions upon millions of women have to suffer it and its almost like its brushed under the carpet.

I agree that most men will feel emasculated by admitting they are being beaten up by a woman (as you said, there are hardly any reported cases) but the truth is it happens a hell of a lot less than if the tables were turned. Im not condoning it, as I think all people that commit violence against "loved" ones are the lowest forms of life.

And yes, I did know that in this country a woman cannot be charged with rape. They can be charged with harassment, statuatory(sp?) rape and sexual assault but who brought up rape, Rob? If you wanna speak about that, we can speak about that, but not on here.

Now I, for one, am sick of arguing with you. Im on here to try to comfort my best friend, who I cant phone at the moment for reasons I'm not gonna go into. She didn't ask to be almost snapped at.


27 Mar 2005, 11:49
As a man I would like to say you have been victims of the male minority, It deeply saddens me and I almost feel ashamed when you hear stories of rape,sexual harrasment etc, But please don't tie all of the male population with the same brush, These perverts are sick and warped but believe me they are a tiny minority!

Rob The Badger
27 Mar 2005, 12:35
I for one, Bitey, am sick of being treated as somehow inferior to women because I'm stonger and bigger than a lot of them. Get off your moral high horse. Sorry it happened to you and all but you need to realise the world doesn't really care. Perhaps if you see what really happens everyday, genocide, war, pestilance you'd probably think a few fellahs looking for a bit o' grab at your expense isn't that pertinent.

27 Mar 2005, 17:43
Yeah, I know NO-ONE CARES and thats why im so f'in angry. The only people those that have sufferred it can turn to is themselves. Even their friends dont support them.

Ive just realised what a ****ing idiot I am even bothering to argue with you. Every time I make a valid point, you throw "feminism" in my face and its almost like you patronise everybody, male and female, that this has happened to. Yes, its ignored, and it bloody hurts that nobody takes it seriously.

Now I know why I didnt bother coming online for a week.

And dont call me bitey. ever.

29 Mar 2005, 00:30
thanks biter, only i get to call ya bitey.

Thank you, and yes, rob its true its happened to me in a total of three times (yes, THREE times a man has "assulted" me) and i'm so lucky it hasn't been rape yet, just invasion. Why do you think i dont go in the local pet shop anymore??? Perv tried to get me into the back of the shop last summer.

Rob, it doesn't have to be rape to hurt. Even the first touch somewhere can be incredibly anger and hurt inducing, so why lay down and let the little ~~~~~~~ walk all over you and treat you like an object? I KNOW you would say the same rob. YOU GET OFF YOUR HIGH MORALS HORSE.

And i can't ring Biter very much because she goes to work and I'm busy at night with GCSE homework.

*hugs jenna* thanx, mate.

love, the airhead.

29 Mar 2005, 02:11
Send me your number? Pleeeeeeeeeeeease?

Ooh and I got that utter ****ball that attacked me today. I got a bit roughed up but now the police have got him. Which is good.

29 Mar 2005, 16:16
who hurt ya? Can i come down to dagenham and tie his tongue to an icy lamppost and cut his nipples off with a rusty breadknife please? I hope he goes DOWN.

And yes, the little shit who upset me i going down tonight. He has been doing the exact thing to one of my best friends and me and her are gonna teach him a thing or two about women. What goes around, comes around, mike!!!!

29 Mar 2005, 19:05
Be careful....

30 Mar 2005, 01:16
It didn't happen. Oh well.

I've been trying ta ring ya, jen, no ones answering your home!

30 Mar 2005, 11:57
Tis cos i'm never in!!!!

Rob The Badger
30 Mar 2005, 16:19
You must be the unluckiest person in the world if this just happens to you all the time. Either that or you dress suggestively. No one does care, and no one cares that it pisses you off. Also, I don't patronise anyone, I'm honest. Din't think that was something to be ashamed of.

Fallen Angel
30 Mar 2005, 16:46
if in doubt kick him in the balls
Couldnt agree better!

Fallen Angel
30 Mar 2005, 16:53
Unforunatley i can relate to Eddie's situation but sadly there was nothing i thought i could do about it. Rob why were you having a go?
We should all stick together n support each other N.M.W!!!
Eddie, hun, you ever need help give us a shout.

Ageing Bat
30 Mar 2005, 17:31
Airhead - there are many of us here who empathise with how you are feeling, and unfortunately Rob doesn't appear to be one of those. Perhaps with maturity he will learn when to speak and when to shut up.

Rob The Badger
30 Mar 2005, 17:46
Maturity is of little relevance, here...

31 Mar 2005, 20:37
You know what.. My longest relationship was only 2 weeks...
This guy Mikko was visiting and he was going home but we had I fight... And I never heard of him anymore...

I think that he was upset about that Iīm strong minded and no-one and I mean NO-ONE can say to me what to do... Thatīs my temper.. No-one can dominate me... I think thatīs why I donīt have boyfriend.. Maybe Iīm too strong minded... :roll:

01 Apr 2005, 00:28
No such thing babe. Just been dumped myself and facing major nastiness as a result so i know how you feel ;)

Rob The Badger
01 Apr 2005, 13:15
Nothing wrong with being strong minded, but of couurse you need to make compromises, no use being a battleaxe.

05 Apr 2005, 19:57
Airhead - sorry to here that - there are some horrible people about - Take care

Debbi V
06 Apr 2005, 15:46
I think alot of the "superiority" issues that some people have stems from their upbringing actually. Most of us are moulded by our environment.

I know both men and women who are some of the most agressive, nasty "me" people in the world!! Members of either sex can be brought up to be way beyond "strong minded" - unfortunately, some actually cross into thinking that they will and can do anything they please with no consequence.

Me - I've done my best to teach my boys that ALL human beings should be treated with respect. Of course, neither has reached the teen years yet so I still don't know that my methods have worked completely. ;) I've tried to show them by example that men and women are partners in a relationship and that each sex has it's own strengths and weaknesses.

Airhead, you have unfortunately encountered one of the neanderthal male minority (yes, minority) who is of the opinion that any female is a male's plaything. I feel your pain and empathize with the situation. However, one piece of advice . . . do not answer his physical attack with one of your own.

Doing so will only give him cause to further escalate the situation. Go to the autthorities - at school, work, or legal and fight that way. Get every witness and fellow assaultee you can muster. You may be surprised how often this "man" (and I use the term loosely) has attempted the same on another.
Fight back by using your brains instead because obviously, this nitwit, has little or none!

07 Apr 2005, 13:06
I think alot of the "superiority" issues that some people have stems from their upbringing actually. Most of us are moulded by our environment.

I know both men and women who are some of the most agressive, nasty "me" people in the world!! Members of either sex can be brought up to be way beyond "strong minded" - unfortunately, some actually cross into thinking that they will and can do anything they please with no consequence.

Me - I've done my best to teach my boys that ALL human beings should be treated with respect. Of course, neither has reached the teen years yet so I still don't know that my methods have worked completely. ;) I've tried to show them by example that men and women are partners in a relationship and that each sex has it's own strengths and weaknesses.

Airhead, you have unfortunately encountered one of the neanderthal male minority (yes, minority) who is of the opinion that any female is a male's plaything. I feel your pain and empathize with the situation. However, one piece of advice . . . do not answer his physical attack with one of your own.

Doing so will only give him cause to further escalate the situation. Go to the autthorities - at school, work, or legal and fight that way. Get every witness and fellow assaultee you can muster. You may be surprised how often this "man" (and I use the term loosely) has attempted the same on another.
Fight back by using your brains instead because obviously, this nitwit, has little or none!

Well put Debbi

Remember airhead - YOU HAVE RIGHTS

SEXUAL HARASSMENT - Sexual harassment is unwanted, deliberate or repeated sexual behavior: comments, gestures or touching. The person hearing, seeing or being touched does not want this attention and is frequently uncomfortable and embarrassed. Sexually suggestive objects, signs, magazines or pictures may be sexual harassment, too.

If it continues - report it - someone must stop this person. He might think it's funny - but it is not & he has no right to do such a thing.

Rob The Badger
07 Apr 2005, 13:08
Can we let this thread sink please? It long ago ceased to be interesting and the thread starter hasn't posted in it for weeks...

09 Apr 2005, 00:34
Can we let this thread sink please? It long ago ceased to be interesting and the thread starter hasn't posted in it for weeks...

Then don't post on it - leave it alone - but others are interested & concerned about a fellow human being

09 Apr 2005, 16:41
Woah Rob! If anything happened (gender is irrelevant) to ANYONE on this forum which distressed them and which was caused by someone else, surely the first response should be to provide a calming influence...??

...anyway radical feminism is something completely different - and I've never heard of anyone actually believing in it...I assume YOU are a feminist anyway, as the only relevant principle is that everyone should be treated equally, and that means whomever is subjected to violence of any kind should be given equal support...

Hope you're feeling better airhead - watch out for the shock kicking in after the anger...xx

Rob The Badger
09 Apr 2005, 17:49
People aren't equal.

09 Apr 2005, 19:00
Nothing wrong with being strong minded, but of couurse you need to make compromises, no use being a battleaxe.


Ofcourse I can make compromise but that guy have to be ready to do that too...

09 Apr 2005, 23:16
Woah Rob! If anything happened (gender is irrelevant) to ANYONE on this forum which distressed them and which was caused by someone else, surely the first response should be to provide a calming influence...??

...anyway radical feminism is something completely different - and I've never heard of anyone actually believing in it...I assume YOU are a feminist anyway, as the only relevant principle is that everyone should be treated equally, and that means whomever is subjected to violence of any kind should be given equal support...

Hope you're feeling better airhead - watch out for the shock kicking in after the anger...xx

Exactly - we are all here - I think - not just for the love of Meat but also to show support for fellow members - come rain or shine

09 Apr 2005, 23:31
Exactly - we are all here - I think - not just for the love of Meat but also to show support for fellow members - come rain or shine

Couldnīt have said it better myself.

10 Apr 2005, 18:56
People aren't equal.

Youre right...some people care about the feelings of others and think before they type. And I know thats bitchy but its true.

11 Apr 2005, 22:39
I wanna thank yous lot. A lot has happened, still hate the little arses guts, but was forced to accept his "apology". Did it for the only fact that i'm friends with his twin and it was half an hour of arguing with him until i gave in for peace's sake. Watcha do for a friend, eh?

Rob, people are equal, just that some like to think their bigger and better.

Thank you, i love a all! :)

Rob The Badger
12 Apr 2005, 23:57
Please don't assume I don't care...I care about justice and being fair. Forgive and forget and all that, love thy neighbor and whatnot, turn the blind cheek and all that jazz...
Pragmatism is better than melodrama anyday...now please stop with the jabs, it's getting rather mean...