View Full Version : It's about time somebody told the truth about {bbusername} ...

31 Mar 2005, 21:53
... and that someone is me.

I feel obligated to say something about {bbusername}, because, as the Talmud says, "Silence is akin to assent." As this letter will make clear, following {bbusername}'s words left to right and down a page is like following fingernails on a chalkboard. Let me try to explain what I mean by that in a single sentence: {bbusername} has stated that he has a duty to conceal the facts and lie to the rest of us, under oath if necessary, perjuring himself to help disseminate the True Faith of snobbism. One clear inference from that statement -- an inference that is never really disavowed -- is that he holds a universal license that allows him to show a clear lack of respect not just for those brave souls who fought and died for what they believed in, but also for you, the readers of this letter. Now that's just twisted. So who's crazy? I, or all the insincere spoiled brats who insist that the kids on the playground are happy to surrender to the school bully? Before you answer, let me point out that he might make bigotry respectable one day. What are we to do then? Place blinders over our eyes and hope we don't see the horrible outcome?

It doesn't do us much good to become angry and wave our arms and shout about the evils of {bbusername}'s obiter dicta in general terms. If we want other people to agree with us and join forces with us, then we must embark on a new path towards change. I heard through the grapevine that {bbusername}'s intimations need to be reassessed with {bbusername}'s ulterior motives in mind. Whether or not this rumor is true, his latest manifesto, like all the ones that preceded it, is a consummate anthology of disastrously bad writing teeming with misquotations and inaccuracies, an odyssey of anecdotes that are occasionally entertaining, but certainly not informative.

I indubitably hate having to keep reminding everybody of this, but {bbusername}'s particular brand of despotism will inspire a recrudescence of muddleheaded fatuity in a lustrum or two. That's self-evident, and even {bbusername} would probably agree with me on that. Even so, his taradiddles disgust and infuriate me. But there is a further-reaching implication: {bbusername} thinks we want him to suppress controversy and debate. Excuse me, but maybe the facts as I see them simply do not support the false, but widely accepted, notion that the ideas of "freedom" and "narcissism" are Siamese twins. It goes without saying that {bbusername} demands obeisance from his peons. Then, once they prove their loyalty, {bbusername} forces them to work hand-in-glove with what I call patronizing mattoids. If he were as bright as he thinks he is, he'd know that I like to face facts. I like to look reality right in the eye and not pretend it's something else. And the reality of our present situation is this: He maintains that we can change the truth if we don't like it the way it is. Perhaps it would be best for him to awaken from his delusional narcoleptic fantasyland and observe that it is immature and stupid of him to sell quack pharmaceutical supplies (and you should be suspicious whenever you hear such tell-tale words and phrases as "breakthrough", "miracle", "secret remedy", "exclusive", and "clinical studies prove that..."). It would be mature and intelligent, however, to listen to others, and that's why I say that I stand by what I've written before, that his position that you and I are inferior to the most oppressive spielers you'll ever see is based upon a specious argument without any substantive basis. But you knew that already. So let me add that one of the things I find quite interesting is listening to other people's takes on things. For instance, I recently overheard some folks remark that he claims to have turned over a new leaf shortly after getting caught trying to impede the free flow of information. This claim is an outright lie that is still being circulated by {bbusername}'s representatives. The truth is that {bbusername}'s pigheaded undertakings leave the current power structure untouched while simultaneously killing countless children through starvation and disease. Are these children his enemies? Well, while you're deliberating over that, let me ask you another question: When he looks in the mirror in the morning, does {bbusername} see more than the same, conceited face that all snotty, hectoring incubi share? Now, not to bombard you with too many questions, but I recently overheard a couple of horny utopians say that without {bbusername}'s superior guidance, we will go nowhere. Here, again, we encounter the blurred thinking that is characteristic of this {bbusername}-induced era of slogans and propaganda. You know what? If you ever ask {bbusername} to do something, you can bet that your request will get lost in the shuffle, unaddressed, ignored, and rebuffed.

One indication of this is the fact that he dreams of a time when he'll be free to delude and often rob those rendered vulnerable and susceptible to his snares because of poverty, illness, or ignorance. That's the way he's planned it, and that's the way it'll happen -- not may happen, but will happen -- if we don't interfere, if we don't provide information and inspiration to as many people as possible. Certain facts are clear. For instance, if my memory serves me correctly, {bbusername} is doing everything in his power to make me get fired from my job. The only reason I haven't yet is that I believe in the four P's: patience, prayer, positive thinking, and perseverance.

Currently, {bbusername} lacks the clout to make empty promises. But any day now, he will have enough followers to denigrate and discard all of Western culture. He says he's going to cripple his enemies politically, economically, socially, morally, and psychologically in a matter of days. Is he out of his amoral mind? The answer is fairly obvious when you consider that I know some dim-witted simpletons who claim they once overheard him say, "I want to convert lush forests into arid deserts in the blink of an eye". For proof of this fact, I must point out that he joins the most sordid avarice and the most detestable superstition to the most invincible hatred of all people. It's that simple. And that's it. Pragmatic adherence to concision necessitates that I delete a plethora of thoroughly unflattering adjectives regarding {bbusername}'s arguments.

01 Apr 2005, 01:23
I know English isn't your first Language R ... but have you been :hic:because you've certainly left me :confused: if not a little 8-O and certainly thinking :wtf: maybe it'd be easier if you explained yourself in :pics:

01 Apr 2005, 01:28
:lmao: sussed it, you've way too much time on your hands....

01 Apr 2005, 01:32
I know English isn't your first Language R ... but have you been :hic:because you've certainly left me :confused: if not a little 8-O and certainly thinking :wtf: maybe it'd be easier if you explained yourself in :pics:

You're not the only one confused Andy :evil: If this is R's idea of a joke, it's not very funny !!!

Vicki aka Vickip

01 Apr 2005, 01:32
Can you kindly explain to me?

01 Apr 2005, 01:34
Can you kindly explain to me?

Yes ... please do Andy !!

01 Apr 2005, 01:35
Not yet I can't no, bear with me for a while ... I'd hate to be accused of trying to lose R his job by being too premature :mrgreen:

01 Apr 2005, 01:36
What the heck have I done NOW?????????????? :lol:

01 Apr 2005, 01:39
I'm a girl, R....

01 Apr 2005, 01:41
I love you too R.


01 Apr 2005, 01:44
You definately have waaaaaaaaayyyyyyy too much time on your hands. We gotta find you a hobby :lmao:


01 Apr 2005, 01:46
I think he's already got one ... maybe we need to find him a new one?

01 Apr 2005, 01:49
I'd really like to know what's going on! That certainly wasn't about me if anyone asks! I have no idea what all that is about. Thank You.


01 Apr 2005, 01:54
He's talking about yours truely. and yeah. he is a gr8 fan of mine. he has decided to rite a biog in me!!

01 Apr 2005, 01:54
What the heck have I done NOW?????????????? :lol:
airhead it says my name! I'm a girl as well.

01 Apr 2005, 02:00
I'd really like to know what's going on! That certainly wasn't about me if anyone asks! I have no idea what all that is about. Thank You.


You're not the only one Gina ... I still don't get it :?

01 Apr 2005, 02:10
:lmao: !!!

I thought I was popular then for a minute......never should get my hopes up should I!! Lmao!

01 Apr 2005, 02:12
Guilty conscience perhaps Heli? :mrgreen:

01 Apr 2005, 02:19
Guilty conscience perhaps Heli? :mrgreen:

Now I get it ... can you tell it's been a long day :oops:

01 Apr 2005, 02:21
What the hell is going on?

That rant had my name on, everyone seems to see their own name so its obviously set up (dont ask me how) to be this way.

Either R has lost it or someone has used R's name.

01 Apr 2005, 02:26
I am really at a loss for what to say in this post, other than to convey my shock. Let's start with my claim that several things R. has said have brought me to the boiling point. The statement of his that made the strongest impression on me, however, was something to the effect of how he has a "special" perspective on revanchism which carries with it a "special" right to control your bank account, your employment, your personal safety, and your mind. Someone needs to fight the warped, distorted, misshapen, unwholesome monstrosity that his refrains have become. Who's going to do it? R.? I think not. It is as if we were safely on the bank of a raging river, enjoying a picnic with our friends and family, when a bunch of licentious pamphleteers came along and threw us into the river. Not only must we must struggle to avoid drowning in the raging torrent of R.-sponsored neocolonialism, but we must crawl out of the river before we can discuss the relationship between three converging and ever-growing factions -- unreasonable, ghastly geeks, misinformed fogeys, and brazen Luddites. What he does in private is none of my business. But when R. tries to encourage every sort of indiscipline and degeneracy in the name of freedom, I object.

Think about that for a moment. Should we sit back and let him force us to bow down low before virulent shysters, or should we denounce those who claim that "the norm" shouldn't have to worry about how the exceptions feel? That choice sure sounds like a no-brainer to me.

It's somewhat tricky to advance a clear, credible, and effective vision for dealing with our present dilemma and its most unprincipled manifestations, especially since the media in this country tend to ignore historical connections and are reluctant to analyze ideological positions or treat a fringe political group seriously. Now, more than ever, we must see through the haze of pessimism. If you can go more than a minute without hearing R. talk about post-structuralism, you're either deaf, dumb, or in a serious case of denial. Worst of all, our children's children would never forgive us for letting him seize control of the power structure. I've tried explaining to his comrades that the horny neopaganism in his smear tactics is not always explicit, but it is clear to me in talking to them that they have no comprehension of what I'm saying. I might as well be talking to creatures from Mars.

From what I understand, R. is thoroughly saturnine. We all are, to some extent, but he sets the curve. Which brings me to my point. At the risk of repeating myself, I must reiterate that one does not have to spread churlish views in order to drive off and disperse the wicked stirrers who hijack the word "nondeterministic" and use it to make our lives a living hell. It is a lecherous person who believes otherwise. It's good that you're reading this letter. It's good that you're listening to what I'm saying. But reading and listening aren't enough. You must also be willing to help me shoo R. away like the annoying bug that he is.

If everyone does his own, small part, together we can provide an atmosphere of mutual respect, free from expansionism, tribalism, and all other forms of prejudice and intolerance. If he continues to devise impetuous scams to get money for nothing, I will be obliged to do something about him. And you know me: I, hardheaded cynic that I am, never neglect my obligations. Now that I've stated that, allow me to say that I have a problem with R.'s use of the phrase, "We all know that...". With this phrase, he doesn't need to prove his claim that there is something intellectually provocative in the tired rehashing of crazy stereotypes; he merely accepts it as fact. To put it another way, I'm sure he wouldn't want me to eavesdrop on his secret conversations. So why does R. want to give expression to that which is most destructive and most harmful to society? It is bootless to speculate on the matter, but it should be noted that you should not ask, "How will R.'s grunts react when they discover that R. wants to divert us from proclaiming what in our innermost conviction is absolutely necessary?", but rather, "Whatever happened to his sense of humanity?". The latter question is the better one to ask, because the reason he wants to lead an active disinformation campaign is that he's utterly temperamental. If you believe you have another explanation for his crude behavior, then please write and tell me about it. I wish that some of R.'s rank-and-file followers would ask themselves, "Why am I helping R. treat people like illiterate amnesiacs?" In case you have any doubts, it would be wrong to imply that he is involved in some kind of conspiracy to regulate incendiarism. It would be wrong because his screeds are far beyond the conspiracy stage. Not only that, but he draws his outrageous conclusions from arbitrary statistics. Do I blame society for this? No, I blame R.. In closing, R.'s stratagems epitomize our most jaded, effete instincts.

01 Apr 2005, 02:39
I get it now! You're a real riot R! LOL Y'all take care.


01 Apr 2005, 03:00
Now I'm lost well and truly.

01 Apr 2005, 04:22
Me thinks a bunch of people are sitting around with their knickers in a twist over nothing (as usual).

I believe every word R has posted - or do i?


01 Apr 2005, 04:23
:!: :!: :!: :!: :!: :!: :!: :!:

Debbi V
01 Apr 2005, 04:34
... and that someone is me.

I feel obligated to say something about Debbi V, because, as the Talmud says, "Silence is akin to assent." As this letter will make clear, following Debbi V's words left to right and down a page is like following fingernails on a chalkboard. Let me try to explain what I mean by that in a single sentence: Debbi V has stated that he has a duty to conceal the facts and lie to the rest of us, under oath if necessary, perjuring himself to help disseminate the True Faith of snobbism. One clear inference from that statement -- an inference that is never really disavowed -- is that he holds a universal license that allows him to show a clear lack of respect not just for those brave souls who fought and died for what they believed in, but also for you, the readers of this letter. Now that's just twisted. So who's crazy? I, or all the insincere spoiled brats who insist that the kids on the playground are happy to surrender to the school bully? Before you answer, let me point out that he might make bigotry respectable one day. What are we to do then? Place blinders over our eyes and hope we don't see the horrible outcome?

It doesn't do us much good to become angry and wave our arms and shout about the evils of Debbi V's obiter dicta in general terms. If we want other people to agree with us and join forces with us, then we must embark on a new path towards change. I heard through the grapevine that Debbi V's intimations need to be reassessed with Debbi V's ulterior motives in mind. Whether or not this rumor is true, his latest manifesto, like all the ones that preceded it, is a consummate anthology of disastrously bad writing teeming with misquotations and inaccuracies, an odyssey of anecdotes that are occasionally entertaining, but certainly not informative.

I indubitably hate having to keep reminding everybody of this, but Debbi V's particular brand of despotism will inspire a recrudescence of muddleheaded fatuity in a lustrum or two. That's self-evident, and even Debbi V would probably agree with me on that. Even so, his taradiddles disgust and infuriate me. But there is a further-reaching implication: Debbi V thinks we want him to suppress controversy and debate. Excuse me, but maybe the facts as I see them simply do not support the false, but widely accepted, notion that the ideas of "freedom" and "narcissism" are Siamese twins. It goes without saying that Debbi V demands obeisance from his peons. Then, once they prove their loyalty, Debbi V forces them to work hand-in-glove with what I call patronizing mattoids. If he were as bright as he thinks he is, he'd know that I like to face facts. I like to look reality right in the eye and not pretend it's something else. And the reality of our present situation is this: He maintains that we can change the truth if we don't like it the way it is. Perhaps it would be best for him to awaken from his delusional narcoleptic fantasyland and observe that it is immature and stupid of him to sell quack pharmaceutical supplies (and you should be suspicious whenever you hear such tell-tale words and phrases as "breakthrough", "miracle", "secret remedy", "exclusive", and "clinical studies prove that..."). It would be mature and intelligent, however, to listen to others, and that's why I say that I stand by what I've written before, that his position that you and I are inferior to the most oppressive spielers you'll ever see is based upon a specious argument without any substantive basis. But you knew that already. So let me add that one of the things I find quite interesting is listening to other people's takes on things. For instance, I recently overheard some folks remark that he claims to have turned over a new leaf shortly after getting caught trying to impede the free flow of information. This claim is an outright lie that is still being circulated by Debbi V's representatives. The truth is that Debbi V's pigheaded undertakings leave the current power structure untouched while simultaneously killing countless children through starvation and disease. Are these children his enemies? Well, while you're deliberating over that, let me ask you another question: When he looks in the mirror in the morning, does Debbi V see more than the same, conceited face that all snotty, hectoring incubi share? Now, not to bombard you with too many questions, but I recently overheard a couple of horny utopians say that without Debbi V's superior guidance, we will go nowhere. Here, again, we encounter the blurred thinking that is characteristic of this Debbi V-induced era of slogans and propaganda. You know what? If you ever ask Debbi V to do something, you can bet that your request will get lost in the shuffle, unaddressed, ignored, and rebuffed.

One indication of this is the fact that he dreams of a time when he'll be free to delude and often rob those rendered vulnerable and susceptible to his snares because of poverty, illness, or ignorance. That's the way he's planned it, and that's the way it'll happen -- not may happen, but will happen -- if we don't interfere, if we don't provide information and inspiration to as many people as possible. Certain facts are clear. For instance, if my memory serves me correctly, Debbi V is doing everything in his power to make me get fired from my job. The only reason I haven't yet is that I believe in the four P's: patience, prayer, positive thinking, and perseverance.

Currently, Debbi V lacks the clout to make empty promises. But any day now, he will have enough followers to denigrate and discard all of Western culture. He says he's going to cripple his enemies politically, economically, socially, morally, and psychologically in a matter of days. Is he out of his amoral mind? The answer is fairly obvious when you consider that I know some dim-witted simpletons who claim they once overheard him say, "I want to convert lush forests into arid deserts in the blink of an eye". For proof of this fact, I must point out that he joins the most sordid avarice and the most detestable superstition to the most invincible hatred of all people. It's that simple. And that's it. Pragmatic adherence to concision necessitates that I delete a plethora of thoroughly unflattering adjectives regarding Debbi V's arguments.

Huh?? Did I miss something? :shock:

And he would not be the proper pronoun to use in my case.

Debbi V
01 Apr 2005, 04:35
And I don't know who you are, but I did NOT find this particularily funny.

Debbi V
01 Apr 2005, 04:42
Guess what, Dave - I don't give a rat's butt if this is some "fun" that R. is having!!! I've got quite a number of friends in Iraq right now and it was eXtremely UNFUNNY.

01 Apr 2005, 06:47
Good job I have a sense of humour & knew "R" would be doing something like this :roll: otherwise I would be greatly offended

& Yes Debbi - not everyone will find it funny :( or know what is going on :??:

01 Apr 2005, 10:21
Let's hope it is a 1 april joke. Otherwise i will get pretty angry....

01 Apr 2005, 11:19
:roll: ..i have a good sense of humour.....but fail to see any humour in this...

01 Apr 2005, 12:39
Um....................... :shock: :roll: :lol:

01 Apr 2005, 12:44
when I saw the title of this thread I got worried :lol: Pleased to know my dark secrets are still safe :twisted:

Louise xxx

Rob The Badger
01 Apr 2005, 13:13
Yes, dears. Look at the calander.
Good one, I must say.

Debbi V
01 Apr 2005, 13:43
Good job I have a sense of humour & knew "R" would be doing something like this :roll: otherwise I would be greatly offended

& Yes Debbi - not everyone will find it funny :( or know what is going on :??:

Thanks, sweetie!!

Must stop reading messages lin the evening when I'm tired.

Of course . . . . it wasn't anywhere near April 1 when I read it.

Ageing Bat
01 Apr 2005, 13:51
I thought jokes were meant to be funny. Personally, I find this one absolutely disgusting, and am still shaking from the distress this has caused. I know I'm feeling particularly vulnerable at the moment, as my beloved dad passed away a few days ago. I come to this site as I feel a strong bond of support from it's members.

I'm appalled, and so very, very hurt. Laugh at my expense if you like, but think of the pain this has caused too.

01 Apr 2005, 14:14
I like this kind of humor.
My heart stood still for a moment or 2, but then it was over. What a great joke this is :mrgreen:

01 Apr 2005, 14:15
I am sorry for you though, Ageing Bat. :sad:

01 Apr 2005, 14:35
I didn't read it....i just saw my name....then the reference that I was a he and gave up! :lmao:

Bit of a boring april fools....i prefer telling my dad that i was pregnant or something! Lol!

Debbi V
01 Apr 2005, 14:36
I didn't read it....i just saw my name....then the reference that I was a he and gave up! :lmao:

Bit of a boring april fools....i prefer telling my dad that i was pregnant or something! Lol!
hee hee

I'm rolling on that one, Heli!!! ;)

01 Apr 2005, 15:07

I thought for a minute that my dirty little secret was out!!!

01 Apr 2005, 15:35
"Luckily" I've had this done before! :D Otherwise I'd have seriously kicked off and all those things might have been true! lol

01 Apr 2005, 16:27
I am really at a loss for what to say in this post, other than to convey my shock. Let's start with my claim that several things {bbusername} has said have brought me to the boiling point. The statement of his that made the strongest impression on me, however, was something to the effect of how he has a "special" perspective on revanchism which carries with it a "special" right to control your bank account, your employment, your personal safety, and your mind. Someone needs to fight the warped, distorted, misshapen, unwholesome monstrosity that his refrains have become. Who's going to do it? {bbusername}? I think not. It is as if we were safely on the bank of a raging river, enjoying a picnic with our friends and family, when a bunch of licentious pamphleteers came along and threw us into the rive{bbusername} Not only must we must struggle to avoid drowning in the raging torrent of {bbusername}-sponsored neocolonialism, but we must crawl out of the river before we can discuss the relationship between three converging and ever-growing factions -- unreasonable, ghastly geeks, misinformed fogeys, and brazen Luddites. What he does in private is none of my business. But when {bbusername} tries to encourage every sort of indiscipline and degeneracy in the name of freedom, I object.

Think about that for a moment. Should we sit back and let him force us to bow down low before virulent shysters, or should we denounce those who claim that "the norm" shouldn't have to worry about how the exceptions feel? That choice sure sounds like a no-brainer to me.

It's somewhat tricky to advance a clear, credible, and effective vision for dealing with our present dilemma and its most unprincipled manifestations, especially since the media in this country tend to ignore historical connections and are reluctant to analyze ideological positions or treat a fringe political group seriously. Now, more than ever, we must see through the haze of pessimism. If you can go more than a minute without hearing {bbusername} talk about post-structuralism, you're either deaf, dumb, or in a serious case of denial. Worst of all, our children's children would never forgive us for letting him seize control of the power structure. I've tried explaining to his comrades that the horny neopaganism in his smear tactics is not always explicit, but it is clear to me in talking to them that they have no comprehension of what I'm saying. I might as well be talking to creatures from Mars.

From what I understand, {bbusername} is thoroughly saturnine. We all are, to some extent, but he sets the curve. Which brings me to my point. At the risk of repeating myself, I must reiterate that one does not have to spread churlish views in order to drive off and disperse the wicked stirrers who hijack the word "nondeterministic" and use it to make our lives a living hell. It is a lecherous person who believes otherwise. It's good that you're reading this lette{bbusername} It's good that you're listening to what I'm saying. But reading and listening aren't enough. You must also be willing to help me shoo {bbusername} away like the annoying bug that he is.

If everyone does his own, small part, together we can provide an atmosphere of mutual respect, free from expansionism, tribalism, and all other forms of prejudice and intolerance. If he continues to devise impetuous scams to get money for nothing, I will be obliged to do something about him. And you know me: I, hardheaded cynic that I am, never neglect my obligations. Now that I've stated that, allow me to say that I have a problem with {bbusername}'s use of the phrase, "We all know that...". With this phrase, he doesn't need to prove his claim that there is something intellectually provocative in the tired rehashing of crazy stereotypes; he merely accepts it as fact. To put it another way, I'm sure he wouldn't want me to eavesdrop on his secret conversations. So why does {bbusername} want to give expression to that which is most destructive and most harmful to society? It is bootless to speculate on the matter, but it should be noted that you should not ask, "How will {bbusername}'s grunts react when they discover that {bbusername} wants to divert us from proclaiming what in our innermost conviction is absolutely necessary?", but rather, "Whatever happened to his sense of humanity?". The latter question is the better one to ask, because the reason he wants to lead an active disinformation campaign is that he's utterly temperamental. If you believe you have another explanation for his crude behavior, then please write and tell me about it. I wish that some of {bbusername}'s rank-and-file followers would ask themselves, "Why am I helping {bbusername} treat people like illiterate amnesiacs?" In case you have any doubts, it would be wrong to imply that he is involved in some kind of conspiracy to regulate incendiarism. It would be wrong because his screeds are far beyond the conspiracy stage. Not only that, but he draws his outrageous conclusions from arbitrary statistics. Do I blame society for this? No, I blame {bbusername}. In closing, {bbusername}'s stratagems epitomize our most jaded, effete instincts.
Fixed. :p

01 Apr 2005, 16:34
Does the song you're so vain you probably think this thread is about you mean anything? Sorry to steal R.'s thunder but I couldn't sit on my hands any longer.

01 Apr 2005, 18:17
Were anybody's guilty consciences pricked by this thread?

Applause to R for placing the cat amongst the pigeons and causing some of the natives to be restless last night. For those of you offended by this, then I forone am sorry you felt that way. Must admit when I first read the message I wondered what the hell was going on, especially after the last few months that I've personally had ... but I very quickly worked it out (guess that's one of the advantages of working in the computer industry).

Have to admit that the number of "what the f..." PM's I received last night and this morning made the whole episode even more worthwhile and entertaining from my point of view. Guess it's just my warped sense of humour.

R, I owe you a beer!

Chris - you're dark seceret is out, but it's so sickening that we refuse to talk about it :lmao:

01 Apr 2005, 18:27

Have to admit that the number of "what the f..." PM's I received last night and this morning made the whole episode even more worthwhile and entertaining from my point of view. Guess it's just my warped sense of humour.


As for my guilty concience...i had one till i started reading. Even if it was really about me it was too long to read past the first paragraph! Lol!

01 Apr 2005, 18:46
Before I start explaining, go here (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/April_Fool%27s_Day) for some background information.
As I had some days off work, I could spend some time on how to perform a nice April Fools prank.
I developed a few ideas (actually, I will use one of them next year :bleh:).

However, this year it should be something you could do with the features of our new forum software. There's one feature that came in handy: you can execute certain program segments on a trigger word stored in the message body. I added 2 (two) code lines that, if triggered, exchange the trigger word with the username of the currently logged on user. I did a few tests and it worked perfectly.Now, as it would seem that I was addressing a specific user directly (the one who is actually reading the text), I needed something to deliver this prank. Starting with the "Insult Generator" I posted years ago and some additional googling, I found a genereric complaint generator (http://www.pakin.org/complaint/), a perfect paylopad. :))The complaint generator finally constructed a nice completely senseless complaint with a male bogus name. I copied and pasted the complaint into a text editor, replaced the bogus name with the trigger word ({vbusername}) and posted a new thread with the trigger word in the title. The deed was done.Well, the feedback was mixed. Some people were upset, some were amused and some were simply puzzled like :wtf: is going on here.
Anyway, {bbusername} - you got served.
Happy April Fools Day! :pNow, as we got that resolved, here's some real news that might interest you:
(1) Nasa finally found water on Mars (http://antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov/apod/astropix.html)!
(2) Google expanding and expanding ... (http://www.google.com/googlegulp/index.html)


01 Apr 2005, 18:53
He he, like the water on Mars R. :lol:
Made me chuckle

Mike Piercy
01 Apr 2005, 19:38
Well if I'm right R. posted the message on 31 March thereby invalidating his April fool joke in British terms at least.

What a wheeze though.

Roll on next year, if they tell you it costs $400.00 for a "meet and greet" next year that must be an April Fool's joke, mustn't it?


01 Apr 2005, 20:08
Dang, R- the topic heading scared the poo out of me! I couldn't IMAGINE what I had done to deserve such a message. After a few lines of reading I figured things out, but a my heart sure was pounding for a few seconds! You are the second person to get me for April Fool's today. My boss sent an email saying that summer break would be delayed by one week due to making up time missed during the hurricanes earlier in the year. After a bit of shouting and stomping, I realized the date and was quite embarrassed! :oops:


Fallen Angel
01 Apr 2005, 20:41
im truly lost!!!

01 Apr 2005, 20:46
Yes, happy april fool's day to you too, R! :lol:

01 Apr 2005, 20:51
Can we have a "Chris is a muppet and fell for it" smiley please!!!!

I spotted the thread, read it, guessed it was R.'s idea of an April Fools (German sense of humour i think!!) and ignored it. But even tho i didn't read it until after a load of people had replied, including someone quoting it, i thought everyone was seeing it with my name on and just figured R had picked someone he thought wouldn't mind being the butt of the joke!!!:oops:

In my defense it's been a long day - although telling the boss at half five this morning that I couldn't take the secrecy any longer, I was having an affair with his married son was worth it for the look on his face - he forgot it was april 1st!!!

01 Apr 2005, 20:51
must say, when i first saw that topic, i was very curious, then i start reading it and was shocked... really wondering what was happening. Then realizing that it was 1 april today (read it yesterday) so hahaha.
Allthough, i can imagine that a lot of people are not amused by it and think it is offending and cruel.
I can now see the point, but was very pissed at one moment hahah. But still, i'm more into the practical jokes on this day.

01 Apr 2005, 21:02
Can we have a "Chris is a muppet and fell for it" smiley please!!!!{bbusername} would probably choose this one: :tard:
:keke: :lawl:

01 Apr 2005, 21:25
http://alanmerrill.com/forum/images/smiles/tock-lol.gif perhaps?

01 Apr 2005, 22:19
Chris - any of these will do



01 Apr 2005, 22:54
In my defense it's been a long day - although telling the boss at half five this morning that I couldn't take the secrecy any longer, I was having an affair with his married son was worth it for the look on his face - he forgot it was april 1st!!!

I would have loved to see his face as well, did you wait until 12 to tell him or straight away?

01 Apr 2005, 23:03


01 Apr 2005, 23:35
i am affraid i dont come onto this site as much as i use to and when i saw this post i was worried that i had done something wrong :(

but as i was reading this i was talking to FA1000 on msn and she told me it was a joke and NOT a funny one at that and i agree im sorry R you do,do some really wicked jokes and pictures but this one was in very poor,poor taste

01 Apr 2005, 23:46
I quite liked it - as a joke that is...had my heart pounding for a bit tho!


01 Apr 2005, 23:52
Ditto :tard: :lol:

01 Apr 2005, 23:57
Well - Sorry R but you have upset some of me mates on here - obviously without realising but - my mates none the less - I stick up for my friends & have to say that I think you have overstepped the mark on this one - I value individual feelings - & too many have been hurt - please consider this for any future prank !!!!

I love a laugh as much as anyone else - but you have to think beyond this.
Some people have issues beyond this site - what happened today - yes it's a joke but people have been hurt - I feel for them - a joke is not always that !!!!

To my friends (you know who you are) I did not like it either - wondered what the hell I had done wrong to deserve such a thread - but soon realised what was happening. To all of you that found this offensive - you have my support.

An April Fools Joke is supposed to be that - A JOKE !!!!!!!

Sorry but - I have me serious head on - I did not see it as funny !!!!! :evil:

02 Apr 2005, 00:33
ok i have got it eventually after reporting this topic and getting an email back from andy, and one from fallen angel 1000. thank you, :D .

02 Apr 2005, 02:32
If I say what I think im gonna be banned.

02 Apr 2005, 02:38

02 Apr 2005, 02:52
But as you asked so nicely... :tard:

02 Apr 2005, 17:58
Were anybody's guilty consciences pricked by this thread?

It is painfully clear that this is most certainly and without a doubt obviously the case, as not only R has been attacked - but the ones who also thougnt this was entertaining have also been attacked. Time to lighten up and enjoy? Me thinks that time is way overdue!


03 Apr 2005, 11:45
Roll on next year, if they tell you it costs $400.00 for a "meet and greet" next year that must be an April Fool's joke, mustn't it?


As far as the original post goes, like I said, I've experienced this before, confused the hell out of me the first time but realising it was April 1st I realised something had to be wrong - it was meant as a joke and it seems most people have taken it as such!

Rob The Badger
03 Apr 2005, 14:37
I think there are a lot of people here who seriously need to lighten up, or if not, stop whining about something that was intended to be humerous. Also, whoever FA's 'friends' are should speak for themselves....

Debbi V
05 Apr 2005, 14:54
I think there are a lot of people here who seriously need to lighten up, or if not, stop whining about something that was intended to be humerous. Also, whoever FA's 'friends' are should speak for themselves....

They have, Rob. Both publicly and privately.

At this point, let's just say "Dot . . . the end".