View Full Version : What are you waiting of this album???

White of High
15 Dec 2002, 18:15
My question: What are you waiting of this album???

I'm waiting great orchestral music like in A Kiss Is A Terrible Thing To Waste or For Crying Out Loud...
I'm waiting long rock-operas like Bat Out Of Hell...
I'm waiting a great concert in Budapest...

15 Dec 2002, 18:51
Your first two wishes are impossible, because Jim isn't writing the songs.

The third wish can come trough, because Rock 'n' Roll Dreams always come trough.

I'm expecting songs like on the albums Bad Attitude and Welcome To The Neighbourhood. Great good powerfull rock songs, and a few rock ballads. Maybe a little bit country rock, like Laywers, Gun's and Money.

And for the album after this one I'm expecting your first two wishes:

16 Dec 2002, 01:22
As much as I am looking forward to this new album, deep down inside my heart I would have loved more Meat Loaf/Jim Steinman work. No matter what: those songs always have that little bit more.

But that is my humble opinion. Going trough live I had to give up hope about things, but I will NEVER give up hope for BOOH III !!!


19 Dec 2002, 01:09
I'm waiting for everything about this album, Good songs, Powerful music, And hopefully good music videos, Like as in story videos and maybe ripoffs of famous storys I.E I'd Do Anything For Love: Beautey And The Beast. I'd Lie For You: Indiana Jones. BUT THIS ALBUM WILL ROCK ANYWAY! P.S And most of all... The Powerful Voice!

20 Dec 2002, 13:21
For me, it's simple to say what I'm waiting of the new album:

Meat Loaf !!

21 Dec 2002, 20:30
I am waiting for :

- That powerful voice
- that feeling you get when you hear Meat's music
- some rocking songs like what I heard on the Summer tour (tear me down etc.)

Thats what I am waiting for - The fact that Steinman isn't on the album doesn't bother me, because I like non-Steinman albums as much as Steinman albums! I think Meat can do great on his own

28 Dec 2002, 21:48
As much as I am looking forward to this new album, deep down inside my heart I would have loved more Meat Loaf/Jim Steinman work. No matter what: those songs always have that little bit more.

But that is my humble opinion. Going trough live I had to give up hope about things, but I will NEVER give up hope for BOOH III !!!

I know what you mean. The combination Meat/Steinman is the best there is... I refuse to give up hope for BOOH III as wel.