View Full Version : Childhood TV
When you were all younger what childrens TV programmes did you used to watch avidly??
Who used to watch Wacky Races adn hope that one day Dick Dastardly would win a race? Or shout Boing in time with Zebedee as he rode the magic roundabout? Or sing along with the mice on the mouse organ and Bagpuss? or wonder how Bertha could make all the different things when it was always the same machine?
Or we could go further back adn wonder how Windy Miller used to get in and out of the Camberwick Green windmill without the sails taking his head off? Or who speaks fluent "Flob A Dob" with Bil and Ben? Who can tell the thunderbirds puppets apart on sight? and who remembers the theme tune to Stingray?
So why not share your favourite programme with us all?
thunderbirds and stingray as well as captain scarlet.
gonna rack my brains and remember some obscure ones now.
Who remembers Brian Cant and Big ted shouting "Lets look through the ROUND window"??
...proudly knows all the words to the "do your ears hang low" song!!!!
Hahha.. funny. I remember specially the foreign series like Thunderbirds, A-Team, Dukes Of Hazzard. That was great... still like them.
yep remember all of them Tim.....haha
Who remembers the funny little man in the bowler hat who lived at 52 Festive Road?
nope idea with that one Chris
:roll: still none the wiser.....not come across that one
:roll: still none the wiser.....not come across that one
Mr Benn was aces!!!
All about Mr Benn (
15 May 2005, 00:59
ok showing my age here,watch with mother, bill and ben,andy pandy,looby loo and teddy the first time round, the woodentops , (they were a whole family of wooden puppets with a spotty dog,) :D :D :D
15 May 2005, 01:09
Like favorites were Thunderbirds.....stingray.....Captain Scarlet....also i loved...Fireman Sam, Postman Pat and Thomas the Tank Engine :oops:
Ageing Bat
15 May 2005, 01:21
Mary, Mungo & Midge and The Clangers (I can whistle just like them!)
Oh, and Rainbow with Zippy, Bungle & George.
All time favourite TV moment as a child was on Blue Peter, when John Noakes had the baby elephant on the show..... it had a few 'large accidents' on the floor and decided to leg it, so John grabbed the rope round it's neck to try and stop it escaping, slid over and was dragged through all the wee and poo on the floor! Sooooo funny! He also showed the bruises on his bum after he went down the Cresta Run (I'd never seen a man's bare bum before, apart from my dad's - mum was not amused and wrote to the BBC to complain!!)
Ah, Happy Days!........That was a brilliant show too, with the Fonz :up: HEEEY :up:
Rob The Badger
15 May 2005, 01:25
15 May 2005, 02:41
Oh, and Rainbow with Zippy, Bungle & George.
I can remember them....i used to watch them too...Her off Emmerdale used to be on it..."Lisa Digle" :D
Yes ageing bat, ...i used to watch The Clangers too :lol:
Remember the Muppets and the Freggles?? Also cool!!
now that was a good one keab
any one remember Hector's House ?
16 May 2005, 00:14
AM I THE ONLY ONE WHO REMEMBERS THIS?!?!? It was about a special stone that this weird dragony thing wanted to steal and give everyone nightmares with it. It was really cute and nice, and if it was still on tv I would still be watching it.
Now... Heli'll know this! :twisted: It was a really really good game show with go karts that went a measly 2 mph...
I used to friggin love this!!! (to be honest, i'm really not going there about this picture). Its about some demented penguin that was possesed by satan. Or at least, that what I always thought...
I still watch:
The most useless evil alien to invade earth. Involves rubber piggies, obsessive compulsive nerds, egomaniac insect things and the best robot to ever need oiling... GIVE IT UP!!!
About three 12 year old outcasts who spend all their time being naughty and scamming money off of all the other kids in their neighborhood... It's funny, trust me!!!!
16 May 2005, 00:19
Oh yeah, i forgot!
(does this picture scare anyone else?)
I remember the dream stone airhead ( have some dreamstone videos :lol: )
...also had that strange creature Urpgor ( don't know how it's spelt)...the nightmare things were called agorribles( again don't know how spelt)...and there were funny creatures that flew about on big leaves..... :lol:
I remember the dream stone airhead ( have some dreamstone videos :lol: )
...also had that strange creature Urpgor ( don't know how it's spelt)...the nightmare things were called agorribles( again don't know how spelt)...and there were funny creatures that flew about on big leaves..... :lol:
ah the dreamstone. i'd forgotten about that.
ps. why is airhead posting pictures of Fred? :wink:
16 May 2005, 08:35
I remember also watching Thunderbirds.. As a matterof fact I watched lots of Tv wehen I was young.. (Under 14..) I spent so much time at the hospital and there was nothing to do..
Most of the time I watced cartoons like teenage mutant ninjaturtles.. :lol: It was so funny.. And He-man was also one of my favourite and Captain planet.. It was so nice and thatīs why I recycle everything that is possible to recycle..
The Turtles.. that is not so old. From the 90's. But mostly remember the dutch shows like: de Berenboot, Film van Ome Willem. But you don't know that.
17 May 2005, 22:29
i used to watch many childhood programmes, flintstones, tom and jerry, fireman sam, ninja turtles, power rangers, postman pat, stingray, thunderbirds and many more but i cant remember them all ;) :-) :lol:
anybody remember freakazoid, earthworm jim and captain simian and the space monkeys?
17 May 2005, 22:31
no i dont remember that sorry. what was it about?
18 May 2005, 11:46
Every weekend I watch childerens program and there is Postman Pat.. Itīs so nice.. Of course itīs in Finnish..
I remember watching Ducktales and Chipīn Dale The Rescue Rangers.. As a matter of fact we have those on video..
what about willow the wisp with kenneth wiliams
or rhubarb and custard
happy day's and not a care in the world
19 May 2005, 14:38
I remeber Earthworm Jim!!!!! I still love freakazoid. How about Angela Anaconda?
I remember Will O' The Wisp.
Wasn't there a cartton about the lost city of Eldorado or something?
A group of people searching for a city made of gold if i recall!!!!!
I also used to watch SuperTed and Spotty!!!!
20 May 2005, 01:18
Wasn't there a cartton about the lost city of Eldorado or something?
A group of people searching for a city made of gold if i recall!!!!!
Mysterious Cities of Gold!
Does anyone remember Tugs?
They were the boats??
Sort of thomas the tank Engine on Water!!!!
anybody remember freakazoid, earthworm jim and captain simian and the space monkeys?
Remember some of them, not very good, but i do. But what about some old good computer games... remember Rayman, Pacman and all those others. That were great times, the 80's and beginning of the 90's.
Loved the Banana Splits :D :D
24 May 2005, 23:30
Loved the Banana Splits :D :D
Me too - Loved arabian nights - that donkey was ace
tra la la lalalala tra la la lalalalal - one banana two banana three banana 4
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