View Full Version : Show your Support for our Fan Club and Forum
First of all R. if this topic is inappropiate, and likely to cause problems please delete...........
Most of you will be aware now of the Questionairre inserted into our latest edition of the Rear View Mirror......
Firstly I would just like to state I personally found a haven in my life whenever I visited the Forum whether as a novice or now as a long time member of the Forum.
I have made very many friends here in England and abroad, some of you I have met personally.....
This Forum wouldn't exist with its Family atmostphere, if it wasn't for R. and I would like to say a big thank you to R for all the time and effort in producing a website that caters for the needs of its members in all areas.
Secondly the MLUKFC has run successfuly for very many years now, always placing its fans first, and bringing as much as humanly possible in the way of information and news to us first....
Every penny of our renewal fee is ploughed back into the Fan Club. . I for one would increase my renewal fee if I thought it could help at all..
The Rear View Mirror has always dropped through our letter boxes without fail, even during times of extreme stress for Diane and everyone behind the scenes has always been there for us, as we should now be there for them..
Please, Please if you care about the Meat Loaf Forum and the Fan Club, please register your Support here now!
I have been and always will be loyal to this site and this Fan Club only...
Mm... Where is this about Dottie? Mean, is there something being said about the forum and it's excistens??
I'm a fan, but i just can't pay for those things. Even if it is a small amount of money every year. I've just got other priorities. That doesn't mean i don't support this fan club and don't care about it and it's members. Not at all. I don't think that paying is a solution, you also know that. Some people just can't affort it.
1) Do you want MLUKFC to continue as a paid membership club - Absolutely YES!
2) Will YOU remain in paid membership of MLUKFC if we continue as a paid membership club and renew your membership when due? - Absolutely YES!
3) If MLUKFC were to close would you make use of a renamed "Meat Loaf UK Fan Community" website? - Absolutely YES!
4) Would you now prefer to join ($40.00 annual fee) and leave MLUKFC when it is time to renew - No, No,. No!!!
5)Have you already accepted the 6-month trial? - No, No, No!
6) Would you now like to accept the six months free membership with offered by its new Fan Club Manager? - No, No, No!
In a state of shock, thought something was coming but never this..........
Having belonged to all the different Fan Clubs during the years, and joining the Forum and finding it to be a truly wonderful experience day after day, year after year..........
Rainer, yourself, Diane and all the workers behind the scenes, who worked through the night to make sure we always had up to date information, specials and our Rear View Mirror, well what can I say......
I too have made many special friends here and abroad, and have met most of them personally, this Forum is more of a community than could ever hope to be.....
Well thats my opinion anyway.......
I have been very fortunate having realised all of my dreams with regards to Meat Loaf.........
But I believe that if you have to pay for the privilege of meeting a particular person, whether or not they are in agreement with this, that something is wrong somewhere with a management.. that wishes to live of the backs of its fans ........ and only offer things for a hefty price....
After all our Fan Club and Rainers Forum placed Meat Loaf where here is now, and supported him always through thick and thin, talking of thin thats exactly what I think the Fan Club Members/Forum Members have here THE THIN EDGE OF THE STICK!
As you say Mike we've all made lots of friends on the Forum and in the Fan Club, our common goal Meat Loaf
Like you said, Dottie...
Meat, the band (past and present) and Jim did change my life, but the people I met through This Very Fanclub did change it at least as much!!!!!!
(you know who you are.....)
30 May 2005, 16:44
Well said Dottie....I absolutely very strongly agree with everything you have said above!! :D
When i joined at the start of the year i was a little frightened in joining but now i am a member, and have made some fantastic friends whilst been here for only 6 months and hope to make alot more as the months and years go by....:D
R. is doing a fantastic job with the forum...I didnt know about the Rear View mirrors ans what had to be done in order for getting them...i do now and will be sending my form off in due course...i look forward to reading the next edition!! :D
My support for the fan club and the forum is here and will be here for a few years to come!!
I'm getting the picture that something's been said that I've well and truely missed, but I shall add my humble opinion about the whole thing anyway!
As I am typing this I'm sat at the laptop with the MSO version of For Crying Out Loud belting out of the speakers, and it's times like these when I hear the amazing songs that have changed my life forever that I realise the extent of my passion and dedication, both to Meat and the band, and to this fanclub.
I joined MLUKFC way back on June 2nd, 1998 ( uh oh, renewel's due end of the week! ) and if I remember rightly, back then it cost somewhere around £11 for a year's membership. Yes, this fee has gone up over the past 7 years, but isn't that inevitable? At the minute I am a student, and not a particularly wealthy student at that, but while MLUKFC is still going strong, my membership will be paid, every year without fail.
I appreciate that of course this cannot apply to everyone. I'm not yet in a position where I have bills to pay or a mortgage, and I live with a very understanding Mum who knows just how much being a part of this fanclub means to me! I am by no stretch of the imagination saying that I am more of a fan that anyone else on the basis that - for the time being - I can afford fanclub membership, I am simply saying that while it is still possible to do so, MLUKFC can count on me being a fully paid member.
As I said, I joined MLUKFC back in 1998 and since then, with endless hard work and support, I have seen it grow from the UK club it was back then to the worldwide organisation that it is now, and I am so so proud to be called a member of the MLUKFC.
I can't begin to imagine the hours that must go in to running this fanclub, and especially the production of RVM, which, through good times and bad has never failed to land on my doormat. I, along with many others I'm sure, would be more than happy to contribute to the running of the fanclub if needs be, from working towards RVM to sticking stamps on envelopes - it all needs doing, and if these jobs weren't done the fanclub wouldn't be what it is today, so please guys, don't hesitate to ask for help if it is needed.
MLUKFC has truely changed my life for the better, as through this fanclub and forum i have made some of the best friends a person could wish to have, friends who have supported me through thick and thin, who have laughed and joked - and probably become equally as annoyed - when I'm chattering away about meeting the man himself, who have questioned by bizarre outlook on life I'm sure, and who have been on hand with endless love and support through some of the hardest moments of my life.
A great big thank you to the Meat Loaf UK Fan Club.
Although I'm not a member of the fan club (yet! - I'm working on it! ;) ) I've never heard anyone say anything except praise. I will be sending off my form soon as and am looking forward to getting RVMs. The forum is a fantastic place and I have some wonderful friends on here.
The fanclub and forum will always have my support and thanks to everyone involved.
Cathie x
30 May 2005, 18:57
Even though at present I a* not a *ember anylonger (due to the siple fact I no longer have a credit card) I would like to show *y support for this site/ is *y strong belief that a fc Should be run by fans and this place truly feels 'like a family' to me...and I have not found any place like this on the net!
I hope these boards will continue to be here - and I would be *ore than happy to pay for that (can I please just send the money!? lol) serious, I a with Dottie 100% This is ho*e and even though we do no longer have the privilige of eeting the artist through this site (sorry that one letter is not working on y keyboard lol) I still feel that the wonderful friends I et through here, are far *ore iportant in my life today! :D
...hope you could all read this - it is Hard when one letter on your keyboard is Not working lol
30 May 2005, 23:33
Hello i support everything Dottie says. This is the first site i come to soon as get on the internet.I like to the read the different facts on Meat Loaf ,the blogs ,all of Rs,interesting sites ,there are lots of different things to read etc, in fact i dont think there are many sites that you can do all these things on ,and everybody seems so friendly, I am a member of the fan club and will continue to be as long as its there.
Thank you to everyone who is posting in support for this topic.........
If you've received your Rear View Mirror by now, you will understand perhaps why I felt it necessary to start this topic to begin with.....
Please all of you, whether a fan club member or are registered on the site, please do keep spreading the word.....
31 May 2005, 20:57
Can I ask what was said in the RVM.....It wasnt anything bad was it??? :?
Now this is where i should be a member and have it sent to me :roll:
31 May 2005, 21:40 ( ( (
These are the articles in the RVM magazine that Dottie sent me all of 30 mins ago and she wanted me to post them on this thread for you, the fans to view and then pledge your support for MLUKFC!!! ( ( (
Ditto all above. 100% support for this Fan Club!! It might be full of mad...even INSANE people but at least we all feel at home :D .
Somewhere to chat about Meat and just chat in general (is anyone listening ;) ).
From running this site to the RVM we always applaud the effort put into this site and will continue M&G's or not etc etc.
Meat might not be here as much as before but we are here as fellow fans who will continue to be called 'Sad' by their friends ;) (only kiddin) and support out hero!!!!!
01 Jun 2005, 15:40
1) Do you want MLUKFC to continue as a paid membership club -
2) Will YOU remain in paid membership of MLUKFC if we continue as a paid membership club and renew your membership when due? -
3) If MLUKFC were to close would you make use of a renamed "Meat Loaf UK Fan Community" website? -
4) Would you now prefer to join ($40.00 annual fee) and leave MLUKFC when it is time to renew -
5)Have you already accepted the 6-month trial? -
As Dottie any many others have said - this is a community of not just Meat Loaf Fans - but also FRIENDS. DON'T SPLIT THE COMMUNITY UP - PLEASE !!!! - IF YOU DO - PEOPLE WILL GET LOSE :(
I have made some great friends on here - infact too many to name everyone of them - some are very special - call me sad if you like - but it is true. I have laughed - cried - shared close secrets - even had arguements with people on here. BUT I love this site & all that come on it. People are so welcoming. (I hope I am one of them)
R has done a fantastic job with the new site & I take my hat off to him.
I have had some great experiences from this site - especially the trip to London Palladium to see Steve Steinman - also trips with Christabales to see Andy Pyke & of course the Big Man Himself.
I am looking forward to my forthcoming trips to Kent to see a dear friend Ageing Bat & meet others like AndyK - Debs - Keb & many others. Then back to Derbyshire with Christa - SLM - Drac - & the gang. We are going to have a ball.
None of this would have been possible if it was not for this site being a bloody good place to hang out & people being sooo accommadating.
Something else is going to happen that I am truely excited about later on in the year - but at the moment I feel it only fair not to say anything. I believe that this may not have come about if it was not for this forum & the community spirit.
We have to support this site & show that we really do love it & want to keep it. I for one will help in any way to support it. I have already showed some of my commitment by signing up for a lifetime membership last year - lets hope it is around long enough to use it.
Do I want to keep mlukfc more than anyone! YES!!!! Can I afford it?? No :(
It's sad because I would do anything for mlukfc but with no source of income I havn't been able to join up and become a "proper" member. But if there is any way I can do my bit as a free member i will!! The past year has been one of the greatest years in my life. I still remember joining this bored.....getting on everyones nerves.....and i just sorta...i dunno....felt wanted for once! I had people i could be "normal" with and it has been one hell of an experience. I have joined other free forums to see what it's like ...and they just don't have the family quality that MLUKFC does! You guys rock, and if i ever did stop liking Meats music (in what ever sick world that may be) I will always love coming to this forum!! It kicks ass, it really does!! And to Rainer, Mike, Diane and all the the words of Jack Black...."For those who are about to rock...I salute you!!" :-P!!
01 Jun 2005, 16:27
I have just paid my £20 to renew my membership for the next twelve months. Therefore I feel I have a right to air my views on this thread even though it may be different to those above
Obviously having paid £20 I must consider this a reasonable amount to pay for five Rear View Mirrors though there is an element of loyalty in the renewal. But that is £4 per copy now. As I see it there are no other benefits now of being a paid member of MLUKFC - at least on an ongoing basis. I accept you may get some additional items when you first join
I originally joined the MLUKFC as a paid member for information. Future tour dates etc, Unfortunately the growth of information on the net has made this redundant from my point of view. I accept for those without internet access it is not but that is the way the world is going like it or not
The problem is not the hard core who will continue to be paid members but the probable majority who in all honesty probably don't see benefits of continuing as members. It is easy to say keep going but when it comes to putting you money in your pocket and money is tight to opt out. As some people on this thread seem to have done
So I voted for the club not to continue as a paid membership club, ditch the RVMs and just have a UK Internet presence like this which I am not sure how that will be financed but the costs I presume would not be that high. Controversial maybe but I am sure the club organisers want the questionnaires returned and people shouldn't think in any way that they are being disloyal for voting this way - I don't think I am being disloyal anyway!
And finally I am not migrating to the Official Fan Club. I am not paying for no benefits and not paying for a Meet and Greet. I don't think the new official club does Meat any favours but that is another story
Hi everyone, I just want to pledge my full support for MLUKFC. I first joined when I was about 15, didn't have the internet then. And have been a memeber eversince, I'm now 22.
Apart from about a couple of years ago when I accidently got wiped off from the system!!! as I say I didn't have a computer so it took me months and months of writing to people to try and find out why it had happened and I never recieved any RVM's or anything-zilch! Even though it took til March of this year to get sorted I STILL considered myself a PROUD member of MLUKFC. And I still more than anything wanted to get back to being a member of MLUKFC.
I may not be the most active of people on this site but I'm always here, reading all comments etc and cherish that this is a fantastic fanclub to be in.
Money may be tight at times but i'll always pay my membership for MLUKFC.
It really has a 'family' feeling and beloging to it that I don't think you can find on any of the other fanclubs anywhere.
Leah x :D
A big thank you to everyone who is taking the trouble to post here in support of the MLUKFC and the Forum
love dottie
Sapphire Lady
04 Jun 2005, 14:32
I've just renewed my membership for another year and will continue to do so in the future. The MLUKFC is more than a fan club, it's a community and I've met some very nice people over the 7 years I've been a member. couldn't replace that.
Diane, Mike, Rainer and others do a great job and I'd hate to see the MLUKFC be discontinued.
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