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View Full Version : I'd Lie For You Video

04 Jun 2005, 10:28
Does anyone know if there is two versions of this video? I recently downloaded it and I could swear that it's different then the one they played on VH1 when it came out. The one I first seen towards the end when the bat lady comes out of the box she turns into/throws a fire ball that becomes a fire dragon and the one I now have doesn't have that scene but still has the part where Meat is dragging the girl backwards and the one I have is showing much more of Dana Patrick than I recall on the VH1 version if ya know what I mean. Any help would be appreciated.

Love and Peace

04 Jun 2005, 14:30
Hey! There were indeed a few versions of the video at one point, mostly because I believe it was released, for whatever reasons escape me now, before the special effects were added into it. I seem to actually recall seeing at least three different versions though, so it might not have just been due to the effects. Sorry if I'm not all that helpful! Take care!

Jen S.

04 Jun 2005, 21:43
Thanks for the info you helped alot, now I know I'm not going crazy lol. Now I just have to go looking to find the other versions :)

Love and Peace