View Full Version : Now that

12 Jun 2005, 00:36
... is what I call a professional car stereo installation (http://forums.vwvortex.com/zerothread?id=2028826). :lawl:

12 Jun 2005, 11:22
:lmao: my god... really cool if you can show that to your friends. Pimp my Ride baby!! :lol:

12 Jun 2005, 15:26
For serious In Car Entertainment, what you need most of all is a set of HUGE subs!!!

Preferably bigger than the car itself!!!


I will try adn find some proper pics of this car so you can see what atrue setup should have. It even has ports for connected turntables to!!! And somewhere of the net there is a video of it where the vibrations from the subs are enough to flip a doughnut off the roof of the car!!!:shock::shock:

EDIT> it is capable of over 135 dB in normal usage!!

12 Jun 2005, 21:22
WOW, big IS best :shock:

13 Jun 2005, 20:23
Pfff ... amateurs. Watch this (http://www.chilloutzone.de/files/05050303.html)! :shock:

You can close your mouth now ... :))

13 Jun 2005, 20:31
"It was really loud" thats an understatement.....:lmao:

But good though lol :D