View Full Version : Lost

22 Sep 2005, 22:33
http://www.i-am-lost.com/ :angst:

23 Sep 2005, 00:06
Great site thanks........ i love lost!
Chloe :)

23 Sep 2005, 21:09
Sorry to say I'm not too keen on Lost. :?
Watched the first four or five episodes due to all the hype, but could not face staying up on a wednesday night to watch another twenty episodes of it!! :shock: Maybe going through the first two series of 24 at the same time as first seeing Lost didn't help, either. 24 was so fast paced, shouting at the TV kind of show that Lost seemed a bit bland after it. Also calling the main character Jack too was another :doh: moment, especially when Lost Jack was mentioned in a (pretty damning) review in the same sentence as 24 Jack. :shock: :shock: :shock: :evil: :evil: :evil:
Incidentally, can anyone tell me if Lost Jack's voice has broke, yet?