View Full Version : If Meat had recorded Renegade Angel...

24 Sep 2005, 21:20
which songs from Dead Ringer and Bad for Good do you think would've been on the album?

After listening to Bad for Good this morning, i think that that would be the obvious opening song. I think in the studio Meat wouldve made Steinman's version look very ordinary.

I'm gonna love her for both of us gets ahead of Lost boys and Golden Girls and Stark raving love(if ever a song sounded like a filler this was it)

More Than You Deserve would definitely be there, followed by Love and Death and an American Guitar.

Out of the frying pan beats I'll kill you if you don't come back, even though the latter is a great title.

Read em and weep would be in before surf's up. Never liked the Steinman version, preferred meat's on Bad Attitude. The same goes for Rock n roll dreams come through.

Left in the dark gets ahead of everything is permitted, with dead ringer and the storm finishing off the album.

1) Bad for good
2)I'm gonna lover her for both of us
3)More than you deserve
4) Love Death and an American Guitar
5)Out of the frying pan and into the fire
6) Read em and weep
7) Left in the dark
8) Nocturnal Pleasure
9)Dead Ringer for love
10) The Storm

Good choices?

24 Sep 2005, 22:23
I think an abbreviated version of The Storm would have made a great introduction to Bad for Good (thus topping the 12 minute mark I guess) and an orchestra version of I'll Kill you would be my choice as last song. As Jim says it's the ultimate love song, where you would kill the person you love because you can't stand being without that person.

Imagine the bit "somebody bless all the girls..." with Meat singing and an full blown orchestra taking over the melody after the sung verses.... :drool:

25 Sep 2005, 03:24
Good call, Musicman, that would be awesome...got goosebumps hearing it in my imagination!
Should we start a petition? :D

26 Sep 2005, 19:50
Meat said Renegade Angel was CLOSE to what Bad for Good is today: with the exception of one or two songs. According to copyright US. Jim wrote a song in 1979 called ALIVE AND KICKING. Perhaps this was one of them?

26 Sep 2005, 21:14
I heard him say in an interview on Radio One in '93, that they were trying to get him to go back and record the songs again but he wouldnt.

It's a pity that it didn't materialise, because Dead Ringer and Bad for Good were good without being great, taking the best bits out of each wouldve made a great album.