View Full Version : "It's your funeral"

30 Sep 2005, 22:43
An idea i have shamelessly stolen from another forum:shock: but what cna you do about it!!!

If it was your funeral, what music would you like to have played?

Mine will basically be a big concert!!

Where Angels Sing - Meat
If Tomrrow Never comes - garth brooks
The Dance - Garth Brooks
www.memory - Alan jackson
I Can't Go There - Kenny Chesney
Another one bites the dust - Queen
Live like you were dying - Tim McGraw
Welcome Hom e- Dolly parton
Bringing out the elvis in me - Faith hill (just to worry everyone that i might not be dead!)

and since i want to be cremated as I go through the crtain - Johnny Cash - Burning Ring Of Fire

(or as there are a few people will want to dance on the grave mayvbe burial and the conga!!!):shock::shock:

30 Sep 2005, 23:09
A little off topic here, but a friend told me this story:
A mother of a friend had died, and of course my friend's mother went to the funeral. Apparently the old woman who had died wanted "Somewhere Over The Rainbow" from The Wizard of Oz played, so they had the tape with the songs on from the movie ready. Anyway, it came to the part of the service where that song was to be played, the play button was pressed. However, the tape was inserted into the stereo the wrong way, and instead of "Somewhere Over The Rainbow" playing, it was "Ding! Dong! The Witch Is Dead!"!!!!!!!! :shock:

30 Sep 2005, 23:44
I won't post my whole funeral programme here, but here's a few of the songs I want playing:

Seagull - Bad Company
Last Horizon - Queen (preferably the live version from the Manchester show I saw)
It's a Beautiful Day - Queen
Build me Up buttercup
Give A Little bit of your love - Supertramp
And to finish off
Sacrifice - Kasim Sulton! :)

Obviously i wouldn't mind a couple of my friends adding a song there as they see fit. :)

01 Oct 2005, 00:56
It's a running joke in my family: everyone who dies insists upon the rest of us (we're a big famil) singing Amazing Grace. None of us can sing to save our lives, so we all end up in tears of laughter at funerals.
I'm breaking the tradition. I insist, that at my funeral, everyone will sing Bat Out Of Hell. And, if there are people not puffing at sweating at the end of it, they will sing it again. And again. And again... Until everyone looks as exhausted as Meat does after performing BOOH.