View Full Version : How do you think about...

Bat out of Friesland
24 Oct 2005, 15:46
Maybe it's not a nice question, but I'm curious about: How the MLUKFC forum thinks about gaysexuality.

25 Oct 2005, 21:30
:shock: ..........backs against the wall:whistle:

The Flying Mouse
26 Oct 2005, 19:22
:shock: ..........backs against the wall:whistle:

:twisted: Typical Gerry :lmao:

Doesn't bother me personally.
Whatever people get up to behing closed doors is up to them.
Just so long as it isn't shoved in my face (should rephrase that 8O )

A very positive aspect of gay men is that it leaves us straight chaps less competition :mrgreen:

One thing that does irritate me is when a well know celebrity, who everyone knows is gay, just can't stop going on about the fact they're gay when they're being interviewed.
It's just an old, worn out shock tactic by self obsessed people who are (no pun intended) up their own asses 8O .

Anyway, to bring the level of conversation down (that's what i'm here for)....

Went to the pub the other night.
Seen an attractive girl at the other end of the bar, so after a couple of drinks to get my courage up, I approached her and asked her if I could buy her a drink.
"I'm fine thanks" she replied.
"Oh come on, i'd really like to buy you a drink" I pleaded.
"Look" she said firmly "you don't seem to get the point, i'm a lesbian".
"I don't care what star sign you are...." I began.
"No, look" she said "You see that blonde over there in the red dress with the hourglass figure?".
"Yes" I reply.
"Well i'd really like to make love to her" she said.
"F^@*ING HELL" I exclaimed.
"What's wrong?" she asked.
"I must be a lesbian as well then" :lmao:

26 Oct 2005, 21:28
:lmao: :lmao:

27 Oct 2005, 00:32
THink it is okay with me... Everybody must do and feel what they like. Do think it is a delicate topic you brought up here. Specially with some parts of the world where it is not accepted so... (like America, dickheads :lol:) but when they start talking about gaysexmovies or darkrooms... that is euh... horrible i think haha.

27 Oct 2005, 11:37
It would be a boring world if we were all the same........

I have gay friends, and I love them for what is inside their heart.....

28 Oct 2005, 01:21
Why are we even discussing it?
It's not like it matters!

The Flying Mouse
28 Oct 2005, 01:50
:twisted: Nothing ever matters in Off Topic :lol:

Bat out of Friesland
28 Oct 2005, 19:31
Heey the reason I posted in Off Topic is:
Because it isn't Meat Loaf related.

There are many people who are gay.
Especialy in the showbizz, but there are many fakers.

And I accept them.
I know there are some nationalities who not accept these people, but I don't care.

15 Nov 2005, 22:39
aah okay.. but i was thinking... what about Bisexuality.
Maybe that is better, cause you can have fun with both hahaha.

But to be honest Bat Out Of Friesland... i do think that the topic is to heavy for a forum... you see, i digged it up from the forum pits, and not many posted here. Think they are affraid. ANd like the americans.. they can't/won't talk about it, they are affraid i guess (but still making the most porno movies in the world... and naked is a taboe over there, hilarious).

16 Nov 2005, 10:07
aah okay.. but i was thinking... what about Bisexuality.
Maybe that is better, cause you can have fun with both hahaha.

But to be honest Bat Out Of Friesland... i do think that the topic is to heavy for a forum... you see, i digged it up from the forum pits, and not many posted here. Think they are affraid. ANd like the americans.. they can't/won't talk about it, they are affraid i guess (but still making the most porno movies in the world... and naked is a taboe over there, hilarious).

I wouldn't say that it's too heavey for a forum, but i don't think theres much of an argument here....i think none of us have a problem with homosexuals and if they do, they're obviously too ashamed to say so....

16 Nov 2005, 13:04
It don't bother me what so ever.
Some of my best mates are gay.

People are people ............
I go by personality ............
not their sexuality.

16 Nov 2005, 13:05
doesn't bother me either..everyone has to do what he/she feels best with

16 Nov 2005, 13:19
There was a thread on this ages ago which ended up gettting locked because it got a bit heavy.

Rob The Badger
18 Nov 2005, 05:22
*Waves* :D

It's okay by me...:P

X Rob - Resident Homosexualist X

I don't remember the threat Keb refers to though.

18 Nov 2005, 19:04
Doesn't bother me in the slightest, in fact I have so many gay friends that my other half is wondering if it's me that turns them LOL!

19 Nov 2005, 22:13
*Waves* :D

It's okay by me...:P

X Rob - Resident Homosexualist X

I don't remember the threat Keb refers to though.

You don't?
Clicky (http://www.mlukfc.com/forums/showthread.php?t=4305)