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05 Feb 2003, 21:58
Hi all,

I have just moved house and whilst packing/unpacking, I discovered somehting that I haven't told you all about.

I ahve a secret which I feel it is time to confess to you....

I have a criminal record!

It is Jason Donovan and Kylie Minogue singing "Especially For You"


(To make matters worse, I know all the words! :oops: :oops: :oops: )

05 Feb 2003, 22:36

Like you, i have a very embarrasing past. The first ever record i bought was Kylie and Jason's 'Especially for you' :oops: :oops:

One thing though - at least i have the excuse that i was young, impressionable, and nieve.....whats your excuse???? :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:


The Flying Mouse
05 Feb 2003, 22:59
:twisted: I've just had a look through some of our old records for any incriminating evedence.
I found that Carol has a 7" single "Suddenly" which was the neighbours wedding theme when Scott & Charlene were married :lol: .
Saying that,Kylie is more popular than ever now,so you guys could be seen as trend setters :roll: .
I on the other hand have the dubious honour to own a record by Googie The Liverpool Duck 8O .

05 Feb 2003, 22:59
I was only born in 1981 so it was all the rage when I was younger!!!!! I owned all of Jason Donovans albums and New Kids On The Block.

My first single was on vinyl and it was Bart Simpson - Do the bartman
My first album (also vinyl) was a naff group called Big Fun.

Hows that for embarrasing

on a different note, Jason Donovan still plays 1980's night every few months at our local nightclub in Halifax, and we all go to it!!!!!!!!!!!!!

05 Feb 2003, 23:05
Well really Mr Mouse :twisted:

I will ahve you knwo that i am quite a fan of Angry Anderson's "Suddenly"

If you continue to insult good music I will be forced to get nasty and play Jive Bunny and the Echomen albums!!!!! You have been warned!!!! :evil: :evil:

The Flying Mouse
05 Feb 2003, 23:07
:twisted: I read in the paper when they did the tv show An Audience With Kylie Minogue,that Jason Donovan wanted to come on and sing "Especially For You" to revive his career.
Unfortunatly for him,he was turned down as Kylie wanted to sing it with Kermit The Frog :lol: .
How's that for rejection :cry: .

The Flying Mouse
05 Feb 2003, 23:22
:twisted: Hey,what's wrong with Jive :bunny:

07 Feb 2003, 05:16
Oh Be'Jesus! Do I really need to confess to owning Milli Vanilli on cassette, vinyl, and CD?


07 Feb 2003, 19:53
Oh Be'Jesus! Do I really need to confess to owning Milli Vanilli on cassette, vinyl, and CD?


One more post like this and you get a lifetime ban on these forums. :devil:


08 Feb 2003, 06:19
LOL :lol:

Before i started listning to Meat I only owned albums like "Absolut music 12" :oops:

But now I only listen to Meat Loaf, punkrock and some hard rock...but mainly Meat...he is the KING!!!

08 Feb 2003, 11:58
Meat Ball, you're from Sweden? Very cool!!! Also the weather? LOL

08 Feb 2003, 15:44
Oh Be'Jesus! Do I really need to confess to owning Milli Vanilli on cassette, vinyl, and CD?


One more post like this and you get a lifetime ban on these forums. :devil:


Good! LOL! I was also just about to admit to actually liking Boyzone's NO MATTER WHAT!


08 Feb 2003, 16:04
Oh Be'Jesus! Do I really need to confess to owning Milli Vanilli on cassette, vinyl, and CD?


One more post like this and you get a lifetime ban on these forums. :devil:


Good! LOL! I was also just about to admit to actually liking Boyzone's NO MATTER WHAT!


Everybody his won opinion! But I think that version isn't steinman. They raped the song!

But I have bought very strange singles, even one of the backstreet boys. I was in a weak period that time!

08 Feb 2003, 16:39
Hello everyone, I feel that enjoying all kinds of music is absolutely nothing to be embarraced about. In fact this music is very special to me, but that doen't mean I've stopped listening to other music. I have cd's from take that (think it is great when I'm cleaning the house) but sometimes I even listen to andrea bocceli. Now what could possibly be wrong with that? If you say Meat is no.1, does that mean you can no longer listen to other music? Don't think that would be good for me.
Have a great day! Mariella

08 Feb 2003, 16:49
Hi Mariella,

i certainly do think the same. 8)
I was just a little bit sarcastic regarding David's post. :devil:


09 Feb 2003, 16:42
I've dug out Sonny Curtis - So used to loving you - I know the words to this as well- 1964 - Beat that if you can

09 Feb 2003, 21:33
My first single was T'Pau, China In Your hand. Or it might have been Star Trekkin'. Is that bad or acceptable?

10 Feb 2003, 00:30
You know, not an oldy, but i've got a Cd that's truly to bad for words! You know that boy from Baywatch? Howie was his name i think..... well he made a Cd a lot of years ago.....well, i do got that one. Somewhere under my bed.... How could i have bought that disk? :oops:

10 Feb 2003, 20:02
8O David Ha$$elhoff - ouch.
Now that really hurts. 8O

11 Feb 2003, 08:07
Hi Tim!

Yes I´m from Sweden (the land known for its blond babes :D )

I´m from south Swden (its called Skåne) so usualy we have good weather down here but now its cold as hell and snow :(