View Full Version : Musicals Query

20 Dec 2005, 22:07

you know how occasionally you get a line from a song or quote stuck in your head and cannot get rid of it? well this is one of those occasions.

I have got a line from a musical in my head:

"We that are young shall never see so much nor live so long"

The line is from Shakespeare's King Lear but is also used in a musical and i cannot remember which one! Does anyone know please?

Google has not been my friend in this!!!

20 Dec 2005, 22:30
sorry Chris..don''t recognise that one...

20 Dec 2005, 22:33
There's a song in Steinman's Dream Engine musical called 'Who Needs The Young'

Who needs the young?
The revelation of their faces and their hair
When all we have are withered traces of the faces we once were
And suffocation in the dirty, fatal air
Who needs the young bodies floating in the sun

Pud :twisted:

03 Jan 2006, 00:21
I've cracked it!!!

After a fortnight of chanting that line over and over again i have realised where it is from.

Return to the forbidden planet - near the end of the second half as they watch the planet's destruction!

It has been annoying me for weeks!!

07 Jan 2006, 23:01
I saw this CD (Australian Cast) in a secondhand shop going for NZ$4.00 (bargain) so I bought it. I'm really quite enjoying it. It's a bit of harmless nonsense with some good familiar tunes.

Thanks Chris for mentioning it.

Pud :twisted: