View Full Version : Letters to Santa

The Flying Mouse
23 Dec 2005, 03:08
:twisted: OK folks, get your orders in :mrgreen:

Dear Santa.
Please try and get it right this year.

Several cases of brandy.

Dozen boxes of havanna cigars.

21 yr old twins.
Kinky as hell :mrgreen:

Advance copy of Bat Out Of Hell III

Sort that, and i'll be happy for the next year (or at least the next couple of months :roll: )


23 Dec 2005, 03:14

Dear Mr Santa Sir....

This christmas, I would really like....
A butler
An assistant
Several million pounds (uk pounds to be precise)
A Yacht in Southern France
A Villa in Italy
An apartment in London, New York, Moscow, Hawaii and Japan
My own private Jet
And 10 wishes to last me throughout the year please ^_^

If not, then just a Meat Loaf hoody, a Queen hoody, some music and a rail card ^_^!

Thank you very much Mr Claus! I promise to go to bed before twelve on saturday ^_^!