View Full Version : golden oldies - where are you - what about a oldest member
aren't there any silver surfers lurking out there? Am I the only one over 21ish?!!!!!!! eagerly awaiting contact.
07 Feb 2003, 15:33
I'm 22. In April I will become 23.
I'm 23, on March the 31st (yes release date of the album) i will become 24!! :lol:
I could very well be the oldest. I'm 41, turning 42 next May
08 Feb 2003, 00:52
Hi Im 32 years old, 33 in september.
I could very well be the oldest. I'm 41, turning 42 next May
And I just turned 41 in January :)))
Sorry Guppie. Gotcha beat on that one. I'll be 43 in May. BTW Dottiebat, how old ARE you? :)
Lady B ~ Who's listening to Life Is a Lemon at the mo.
I've been lurking for a long time, but have been active elsewhere. I just want everyone to know I'm 46 and have been a fan since the '70's. I'm so thrilled to see that Meat's music is multi-generational! Age is relative... but the music touches your soul.
Jules 8)
Meat's music is multi-generational!
Age is relative... but the music touches your soul.
Jules 8)
I totally agree with you Jules!
Lady B
Geez, Bren why doesn't that surprise me? :lol: I'm just thrilled to see all the younger people so excited about the music. This year will make us all very happy, and that is something we can all celebrate! 8)
All I can say Jules is that You took the words right outta my mouth . . . now where is it that I've heard that line before . . . oh yeah, it's blaring from the computer speakers right this very moment. LOL
Lady B ~ who's in a VERY Meaty mood listening to Live Around The World at this very second . . . and that one . . . and this one too . . . (Don't mind me. I guess I'm just in a goofy mood since the kids are gone and it's Meat Loaf ALL NIGHT LONG!!!!!) :lol:
(Don't mind me. I guess I'm just in a goofy mood since the kids are gone and it's Meat Loaf ALL NIGHT LONG!!!!!) :lol:
Party @ LadyB's place your own popcorn!
I am :)
.......well, yesterday now :<
Kettle corn and either berry juice or Starbucks . . . it doesn't matter. Movies or music . . . either way it's an all Meat Loaf all the time night. Darn, I'm not in radio anymore. I could get fired for FCC stuff for that kind of thing. We older ones welcome you no matter how old or young you are cuz it's all fun anyway.
Lady B
Can't handle caffine after 5.... so the berry juice sounds good. I prefer the music, and yes I do have the "Live Around the World" CD in shuffle right now. Popcorn always is a good thing... 8)
berry juice sounds good.
Oh hell yeah!
08 Feb 2003, 07:30
I am :)
.......well, yesterday now :<
Sorry Cloggy. Happy B-Day
Lady B ~ Sec of HMD in ROL
So far I'm the oldest at 46. Does any one want to challenge that? 8)
Well, I don't know if Sgt Wezzie is registered or not but I do believe she's in the over 50 set.
Lady B
White of High
08 Feb 2003, 12:19
I'm only 21, but I think you aren't the oldest here!
Is Meat (Fire Ball) 55? :?
I thought Meat is 54!
My age is 19.
I think Cloggy is the oldest, 222! :lol:
I'm 53 on Tuesday the11th February but a very young looking one and a very young mind- I luv Meat and he has helped me through some tough times in my life
Cloggy 222 years young - yeh right!!
Jules - Beat Yer - not beast - although you could be for all I know!
Sorry Guppie. Gotcha beat on that one. I'll be 43 in May. BTW Dottiebat, how old ARE you? :)
LaI'm 53 years young on February 11thdy B ~ Who's listening to Life Is a Lemon at the mo.
Dottiebat, are you borred? :lol:
So much posts, lol. But, wow different ages here on the forum. That is great. See, not only the "old" people like Meat Loaf. That's nice to know. People around me are allways fooling around with my ML love. "Tim, think you're one of the 10 ML fans in the Netherlands!", "Does he still excist? Isnt't that for old people?" Very stupid i think.
Sorry Guppie. Gotcha beat on that one. I'll be 43 in May. BTW Dottiebat, how old ARE you? :)
LIady B ~ Who's listening to Life Is a Lemon at the mo.
I'm 53 years young on the 11th Feb.
Dottiebat, are you borred? :lol:
So much posts, lol. But, wow different ages here on the forum. That is great. See, not only the "old" people like Meat Loaf. That's nice to know. People around me are allways fooling around with my ML love. "Tim, think you're one of the 10 ML fans in the Netherlands!", "Does he still excist? Isnt't that for old people?" Very stupid i think.
I think people who mock meat - are dumb, deaf, stricken with the rubbish thats churned out by the so called music industry. Meat stands the test of time. Whereas who is around today who will be around even acouple of yearsdown the line
Off Topic - I guess. :mrgreen:
I've been lurking for a long time, but have been active elsewhere. I just want everyone to know I'm 46 and have been a fan since the '70's. I'm so thrilled to see that Meat's music is multi-generational! Age is relative... but the music touches your soul.
Jules 8)
That's exactly right, Jules.
And isn't it great that there are already at least 2 generations fan of the same guy?
White of High
08 Feb 2003, 17:19
I'm 53 on Tuesday the11th February but a very young looking one
Oh Yes! I think all 53 years old women haven't got blue hair! :lol:
08 Feb 2003, 17:33
I'm 53 on Tuesday the11th February but a very young looking one
Oh Yes! I think all 53 years old women haven't got blue hair! :lol:
it's true - i do have blue hair!!!!!
I waited 25 years to finally have my first experience when I got to see him this past summer but I couldn't afford to take my daughter who's 16. She really wanted to go. And my 21 year old son likes his music too altho' he's always teasing me about it.
Meat's music (and Jim's writing too) are ageless. They each have a special talent whether they're together or apart.
Lady B
For a while i thougth i was the oldest on all these forums. (i am almost 32).
All those teenagers here made me feel kinda old!! By the way, when you are something about 50+, i think it's not old. for example look at Meat. Does he looks old? Haha, i don't think so. last week i saw the bad attitude video for a while. i think that he looks better now and his voice is much warmer.
And that makes me think: Jim Steinman got no choice: there's no turning back. Meat is on the top of his voice. There's no escape now for Jim!
I was going to post shortly after my wife's post (Jules) as I am 13 months older, but you got us beat. I don't think we can count Meat in this age thing, it's about his fans of his public career. He's been a ML fan since the day he was born!
So I think you are first, but I can claim most experienced in life! Did I miss someone else on here? Too many interesting posts to reply to.
here's a link to the beast-
It's a pic of her and Meat just over a year ago. We need to change this, as we had shared that account, but she now has a separate one. Just thought you and others might enjoy a pic of an "aged" ML fan. The pic is a little reddish, but she was also sunburned...and speechless!
I know it was a typo, j/k.
Personally I think she's hot here at 45! OOOPs, better stop this...
Funny pic, tbuck!!
You're wife is lucky, she met Meat Loaf!!!
11 Feb 2003, 11:15
At last I am first in something
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