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View Full Version : My Meat Loaf story.

15 Jan 2006, 00:45
"My Meat Loaf Story" is now underway :-) I was having second thoughts but I said I might as well write the thing.

There is going to be a few people from ROCKMAN,MLUKFC AND MIRROROFTHESOUL in it.

I won't be posting them on these sites. Anyone that wants to recieve a free copy will have to send me there e-mail address. It's not a long story.
Trust me I think you will LOVE it.

More on this soon.

15 Jan 2006, 01:09
There is nothing rude or ignorant in it, I would'nt ask people to read it otherwise.
Meat Loaf is brilliant, so is the THE FLYING MOUSE from here and others.

I like THE FLYING MOUSES role its funny.

I won't tell you the plot but its set backstage at a Meat concert.

15 Jan 2006, 05:00
I'd strongly urge against using anyone's actual name from any of the boards.

Pud :twisted:

15 Jan 2006, 05:06
Yeah I know, but there MLUKFC username thats surely ok?
Is it ok with all you people on this site?

15 Jan 2006, 05:09
Since no one knows who's name you're using, then perhaps you need to PM them individually to see if it's OK ;)

Pud :twisted:

15 Jan 2006, 05:12
Ok I'm only using THE FLYING MOUSE, CHRIS, MEAT LOAF,ME and maybe Ryan for the moment!!!!

15 Jan 2006, 13:15
This sounds like a cool idea:))

15 Jan 2006, 14:52
Do me a favour and post all your "scenes" in one thread.