View Full Version : Copyright

20 Jan 2006, 17:48
Probably a daft question but I was curious....

Just completed an assignment at college, and for the final piece I made a Meat Loaf "themed" t-shirt - it's black, blue and white from the Bat II cover and it's got the Meat Loaf 'M' on the bottom right hand corner ( it all makes a lot more sense if you read my assignment and see the pic! lol )

Anyways, crossed my mind about copyright, as I've used the M from the logo??? The purpose of the top was purely for my assignment, not to be sold or suchlike, and my Mum commented about wearing it for shows as no one else would have one, just I wondered where I stand on things like that, or would I be dragged out of an arena kicking and screaming because I'd copied Meat's logo !!!?!?

20 Jan 2006, 18:22
I don't think he mind if u used it but just because it's you.

20 Jan 2006, 19:47
I wondered where I stand on things like that, or would I be dragged out of an arena kicking and screaming because I'd copied Meat's logo !!!?!?

You might still get dragged out of an arena kicking and screaming but not cause of making your own Meat Loaf t shirt. :D

21 Jan 2006, 22:29
Well, I remember that FB was not very happy with a particular site from a tribute band cause they used his logo. And "not very happy" is an understatement.

21 Jan 2006, 22:37
Surely if there is no financial gain he wouldn't mind!

21 Jan 2006, 22:46
I am not so sure. If we all show up at concerts with our own homemade Meat Loaf t-shits, his merchandise outlets will have no profits.

21 Jan 2006, 23:02
Just to clarify - I'm not doing that lol I made it purely as part of an assignment, but the issue of copyright came up in conversation!

21 Jan 2006, 23:20
Just to clarify - I'm not doing that lol I made it purely as part of an assignment, but the issue of copyright came up in conversation!

I think you're fine Lucy. Good luck !

21 Jan 2006, 23:22
It is definately one of the most tricky area's in this business, Lucy!

Feel free to ask here. If anyone knows in a particular situation, he/she will for sure help out!!

21 Jan 2006, 23:24
Just to clarify - I'm not doing that lol I made it purely as part of an assignment, but the issue of copyright came up in conversation!
Lucy...I should think you don't have anything to worry about - no money involved here:D


21 Jan 2006, 23:29
That's exactly what I was thinking Mariella :-)

21 Jan 2006, 23:35
That's exactly what I was thinking Mariella :-)
We must have been posting around the same time again, Vicki...well, alike-minds and all that:D

Love to you,

22 Jan 2006, 00:20
We must have been posting around the same time again, Vicki...well, alike-minds and all that:D

Love to you,

Right you are :D
Love to you too!

22 Jan 2006, 00:54
Even if there was a copyright law against it I don't think Meat would care that you are expressing your 'love' for him. If it was a hate t-shirt then it may be a different story...lol

22 Jan 2006, 20:44
....but your have to share some pictures of you shirt with us tho lucy!! lol:D

22 Jan 2006, 21:05
I have to take some pics to put in the portfolio so I'll get them on here when i do - just to say though, it's not a Meat Loaf top like you'd buy at a show, it's based on the colours etc - it makes a lot more sense if you read my work! lol

22 Jan 2006, 22:18
Some of you have been so lucky and admire my car :lol:
For all of you out there who haven't (yet); it does carry 2 very large prints on the front; one on the left and one on the right side of the RVM.
Saying: Meat and the other one: Loaf.

Yes, the biggest violation of copyright. But I can not think of any other nutcase to drive around like that!
I am happy to say though that at least 3 more albums have been sold because of it; and so often people tell or ask about Meat. Since that was the exact reason for doing so, I am happy and will continue ''advertising'' our Meat Loaf!! :))

22 Jan 2006, 22:55
Hey Ankie have you got any pics you can post of your car? :pics: :))
Would love to see it :D

22 Jan 2006, 23:46

23 Jan 2006, 00:23

:pics: :mrgreen: :0mghi2u:

23 Jan 2006, 17:44
Yeah come on Ankie you cant tell us about it then not show us any pics!!!

24 Jan 2006, 00:24
:pics: :pics: :devil: :pray: :yay:

24 Jan 2006, 11:55
Some of you have been so lucky and admire my car :lol:
For all of you out there who haven't (yet); it does carry 2 very large prints on the front; one on the left and one on the right side of the RVM.
Saying: Meat and the other one: Loaf.

Yes, the biggest violation of copyright. But I can not think of any other nutcase to drive around like that!
I am happy to say though that at least 3 more albums have been sold because of it; and so often people tell or ask about Meat. Since that was the exact reason for doing so, I am happy and will continue ''advertising'' our Meat Loaf!! :))

Naughty naughty girl. Watch out on the road for Uncle Loaf, he is gonna chase you like a bat out of hell!

But it's a nice car. i have seen it. Put a pic here.

24 Jan 2006, 19:12
COME ON ANKIE!!! LET US HAVE A PIC!! You have us ALL in suspense!! :D :pics: :pics: :)) :p

24 Jan 2006, 22:38
COME ON ANKIE!!! LET US HAVE A PIC!! You have us ALL in suspense!! :D :pics: :pics: :)) :p
Absolutely, dieing for a peek!!! :D

25 Jan 2006, 02:07
Some of you have been so lucky and admire my car :lol:
For all of you out there who haven't (yet); it does carry 2 very large prints on the front; one on the left and one on the right side of the RVM.
Saying: Meat and the other one: Loaf.

Yes, the biggest violation of copyright. But I can not think of any other nutcase to drive around like that!
I am happy to say though that at least 3 more albums have been sold because of it; and so often people tell or ask about Meat. Since that was the exact reason for doing so, I am happy and will continue ''advertising'' our Meat Loaf!! :))

Lol thats ace!!!!!

No....i dont think you have anything to worry about either lucy! Its great though isnt it using Meat in you're college work! Last year i wrote two essays on Meat related topics....Arranged a meat song as part of my music coursework....Which at the time i too worried bout copyright issues :S, and now my english coursework this year is being based on Meat! Its great....Makes you want to actually do some work!!!
I bet your t-shirts ace!!!

27 Jan 2006, 21:13

This old "Mighty'' is still around;) I am happy to announce we celebrate her 18th ''birthday'' tomorrow :lol: This car is even more special because she took me to every Meat concert I ever went to, starting off on the 4th of april '94.

27 Jan 2006, 22:06
Nice one Ankie! :up:

27 Jan 2006, 22:59
Thanks for sharing pic with us Ankie :D :))

27 Jan 2006, 23:31
Now it is your turn, LUCY! We want pix :twisted:

28 Jan 2006, 15:44
thanks Ankie..will remember your car while touring through Holland..lol

28 Jan 2006, 20:37
Im down in Birmingham visiting my other half this week but I'm heading home tomorrow, so will try and get some pics asap!

31 Jan 2006, 20:04
That car is fantastic. Can't wait till i drive so I can add my own Meat pics etc.

31 Jan 2006, 23:20

This old "Mighty'' is still around;) I am happy to announce we celebrate her 18th ''birthday'' tomorrow :lol: This car is even more special because she took me to every Meat concert I ever went to, starting off on the 4th of april '94.

That's GREAT, Ankie. Now there's two of us. I've been driving around in the Netherlands with my very own "Meat-mobiel" for over 2 years now: :lol:


31 Jan 2006, 23:24
As far as copyright goes: Meat's logo is copyright-protected.
I used a different letter: Deutsche Gotic, it resembles the logo, but is nog quite the same.