View Full Version : WORLD PEACE
13 Feb 2003, 00:05
This has got absolutely nothing to do with Meat or his music. But I think it is time we all, religious or not (I'm not really) started focusing on world peace, aswell. Let's all just pray, in whatever way, that this thing is not going to escalate. War only leads to more pain. Mariella
Totally agree with you, Mariella. How the hell does it comes so far, each time.
Without callling names, there are people in this world who don't understand it, just want to fight.....for what cost? And what is the purpose of it all??
Maybe for some world leaders the sentence from ML new song Did I Say That is from any use:
The Truth Is Hard To Swallow, When You Are Chokin' On Your Pride
13 Feb 2003, 12:51
i live a couple of miles from Heathrow planes literally fly over my roof - and i am a little anxious as you can imagine at the moment- god gave us peace so lets learn how to use it
13 Feb 2003, 12:52
"All we are saying is give PEACE a chance
White of High
13 Feb 2003, 19:22
Well, I thought it too just I was afraid of start this topic. Why? Because you don't think that Hungarian nation hate USA! Me too! Sorry Meat!
Why? I think this country want to rule over the world. The war wouldn't be solution to the problem! At now! How many innocent people will die senseless? I want to say names, I want to speak about religion and ideology. Well, I wanna start with a delicate matter, with the ancient Hungarian history! In Hungary it is concealed by the scholars and politic.
We have got an ancient legend: "Legend of Marvel-deer". There are Hunor and Magor who are sons of Nimród! When you do researc in Sumerian history you would find a name who has built tower of Babylon! (I hope you remember this story.)
And it is a big secret in Hungary? Why? I think you can notice the context. Well, I think we are the descendants of the Sumerians! And here are Israel and USA! Did you know that USA has bombed out SIPPAR, a Sumerian town in 1991? Sippar was the city of ancient knowledge! Maybe Jesus was studing through 10 years there! Jesus in the Sumer Empire? You know so he was Jewish! NO! IT IS LYING! A Jewish wouldn't study in the Sumer (Arami) Empire! They hated other!
Well, Sippar is no more than a ruin. I am afraid of USA will bomb out other ancient towns too! Why?
Our civilization is building to the Christianity! And what is the Christianity? We know St. Paul apostle was writing down the Gospels. But this Paul isn't that Paul. He wasn't Jesus' apostle because he wrote down them in a.c. 70-80. He was Saul rabbi. And he has forged the original Bible. Did you know that the original Genesis is Sumerian? Adam and Eve, the Serpent...
Well, our Christianity is a lying too. But in Hungary we have got a little group of the original Christianity religion. And another information! In Hungary (and I think in USA too) the science is in the hand of Jewish people. University, Academia...
And the ancient knowledge is in Iraq (Mesopotamia) at now! Did you know that some months ago scholaries discovered 300 billion tonne oil there? Hmmm... USA needs oil, Israel needs the ancient cities for the knowledge and the people don't know the basis of their civilization isn't Hebrew origin. Oil and Culture! If USA will engage Iraq he partition the area. The oil will be of USA and Great-Britannia, the cities of Israel! But then we won't know NEVER the ancient knowledge what the Indians, Tibetians and Jesus knew! Because the personal interestedness is more important than the people and the Earth! We live this world!
I hope I don't hurt anybody's feelings. If yes I explain with my defective English! I hope you won't moderate me for it!
I will be in the world demonstration against the war in 15 of February! I hope your too!
I think bush is a lunatic. He's more dangerous for world peace than Sadam.
Our dutch governement supports the USA. Probably the next governement, with the PvdA (Social-Democrats (I voted on this party) doesn't support the war.
I hope there won't be a war, because I want to have peace. And I really think people can do it, just accept every other person!
I went to a peace rally (Thurs 13th). I didn't march or hold up a sign but I went along to hear what people had to say.
It was mostly talk about peace in general, but several people talked about the Iraq situation, and chanted and sung songs.
Apparently there is a world peace day coming up on Sat 15th.
Bush, Saddam and all the other creeps:
you've gotta hell of a lot to learn about rock 'n'roll!!!
There will be only 2 winners: the oil industry and the (how you say it in English..) weapon factories!!
Our dutch governement supports the USA. Probably the next governement, with the PvdA (Social-Democrats (I voted on this party) doesn't support the war.
Well at least I voted for the right party. I think Saddam is very dangerous if he ever would have serious waepons like nuclear or biological and that he has to be stopped.
BUT: Bush is too eager to go to war. he's determined to go to war no matter what. And that's wrong. As long as Irak seems to be cooperating, and after having heard the report of the weapon-inspectors, there's no need to start this war. I'm glad the UN isn't ready to carry out that resolution. And countries like Germany and France have veto-right. Thank God for that.
White of High
15 Feb 2003, 21:08
In Budapest we were 10 000!
And there?
Impressive story WOH. Very nice.
YOu know, all we ever do is hate each other, for what? Think it has to do with something that the other person hasn't got!! To bad......You see it on a lower scale, but now in big...... And it is stupid, but i had never thought that there ever would be a World War 3 in the make!!
WOH you had a beautifull piece, but you know, they don't only destroy those great city's, think about the culture....old culture... You can see this in Bosnie, they had a great culture, but now it is destroyed and for what?
16 Feb 2003, 02:32
I've never really cared for world politics until recently, and i think it's disgusting that Tony Blair is going along with all of this. I just think he's trying to keep things sweet with Bush so that he doesn't bomb us. But then we would win anyway, :wink:
White of High
16 Feb 2003, 11:30
Anybody's writing before: "...for the weapons factory..."
Oh yes! I think USA have never fought for the human rights. There was Japan in the 2nd World war and they have thrown down the atomic bomb. Why? Japan was capitulated before. Why? Did you know that most people died in Dresda (Germany) when the Alliance bombed out the city? More than Hiroshima...
Why did they go to Vietnam? And why did they go to Bosnie? There were civil wars - I think...
And did you know that Osama Bin Laden has been trained by USA against Sowietunion in 1981? And after Iraq? Why?
Because they need weapons and the weapons factories need more money, Israel need Mesopotamia...
And I think in the furure USA wil want to sorround China. I yet don't know with weapons or economy.
When will be 3rd World War? No at now! When they will partition Iraq and Israel will arrive there. Then will be the 3rd World War - I think.
Nostradamus said at beginning of 3rd thousand years the 3rd Antichrist will throw down an atomic bomb in the Mideast... and will be world peace.
Who are going to be the 3rd Antichrist? Bush, Saddam?
Or the dictator of Korea? Why not? I think it's possible.
16 Feb 2003, 15:30
Hi everyone, I'm against this war to but Sadam must be crushed once and for all! He could have been the one behind the 9/11 event! Now we must pray that our loved ones do not get killed in this hectic war! Because war can end everything! It can end love, it can end peace and justice! So we must stand together even if we have different religions and pray, pray, pray that this war ends quickly so we can go back to our normal everyday lives and Sadam and all his minions that they got a lot of things to learn about love and all that important stuff! He could kill all our loved ones and start a war at anytime! So PEACE must dominate the place which we call Earth and not death and destruction!
[Psycho Crusher Mode On]
[Pyscho Crusher Mode Off]
I hope there's no war! If there is then we must pray that it ends fast, but if it doesn't then let's pray that no innocent people's life ends!
Everything's a lie and that's a fact, when the movie's over fade to black!
Life is a lemon and I want my money back!
White of High
16 Feb 2003, 16:30
Sorry, where do you live? In USA? Why did you say that Saddam has to do with 9/11? Where is the proof, the document? Osama Bin Laden was who destroyed WTC, not Saddam. And who is Osama? You can find in my previous remarks!
But I think Osama isn't an alive person. I think he is just a pretext of USA and weapons factories. Saddam isn't terrorist, Osama (if he's alive) is terrorist!
No, I don't want to save Saddam! He is a dictator. The UN must give money to the Opposition's hand. And we mustn't kill Saddam or Osama (or Bush, Sharon and dictator of Korea) because we wouldn't take the life away that what God's given us!!!
In Budapest we were 10 000!
And there?
In Amsterdam (Holland) also 10.000 people demonstrated for peace and against war.
War is bad........but think about it. The worlds biggest country.......What can you do when a mad man is in charge of it? Nothing.
I do agree with WOH. The USA have supported the Al Qaida and all those other terrorist groups. But first they support them, now they want to destroy them?? What is that for crazy thought?
Or do i see this in the wrong way?
It's just about power. The USA will control everything!
04 Mar 2003, 14:45
Dear World,
Grab your copy of Bat II. Open up the insert and look at the very last thing it says. Take note.
The Flying Mouse
04 Mar 2003, 18:02
:twisted: Hi Dave.
See the last thing I wrote on the Merry Christmas topic on this forum.
Did I say that :roll: .
Have you ever noticed how much more friendly you get with beer?So...
I think the best way to secure world peace now,is to get all the world leaders and anyone else involved and lock them in a room with an unlimited suply of every alcoholic drink available.Leave them there for 24 hrs and they'll all be dancing on the tables :bunny: .The only thing they'll want to attack after that is a pizza :mrgreen: .
Shadows On The Wall
19 Mar 2003, 20:26
By posting this im going to be hated on the forum. I AGREE with war, 100%. He's a dangerous man who should be stopped. Everyone always worries about the consequences, but the threat of in-action would be worse.
The US wil not ocntrol everything - they may be a globally dominating power, but the United Nations will not allow complete domination
19 Mar 2003, 20:32
I see things completly different..but you will not be hated.
This is NOT a time to hate! It never is actually..
Be safe,
I think Bush is also a dangerous man. But I think there will be war tonight, or the night from friday to saturday. Because of the weather. I hoped there wouldn't be a war. But you can't trust Bush.
White of High
19 Mar 2003, 21:54
Did you hear anything about Saddam before Bush said: "I have to win against him!"? Hmmm...
Saddam hasn't got biologyst and chemical guns and if he has got we aren't in danger. We have to aid the Opposation with money and they do that what they want...
Bush is more dangerous! He is an idiot!
You said we will not be hated!
Sorry! I hate USA! I love only one thing: the magic of music, Meat Loaf & Jim Steinman!!!
Meat, what is your opinion about it?
19 Mar 2003, 23:15
Hi White,
I truly believe that hate is never an answer to any problem, big or smal.
Hate will only lead to fear/pain and every negative emotion you can think off.
I am absolutely/totaly/completly AGAINST this war.
I have even changed my 'location' on this forum from Holland to Belgium, just to state I no longer feel 'proud' of being dutch, because of their position on this.
I am a registered member of the most left-wing party there is in my 'former' country.
I sign every petion for peace I can get these hands on.
I have been asking everyone, including Meat, to donate a braincell for Bush these last few days, but decided that being cynical is not the right way to deal with this, for me.
So if you want to hate, that is your choice. I just don't want to!!
Hate/greed has brought us here, love/sharing will get us out!!!
If you read this post above you will see I adressed someone, who is 100% for this war, who said he would be hated at this forum for his opinion.
Be safe,
20 Mar 2003, 01:34
One more thing...instead of saying 'the world has to change' why don't we change ourselves?
Because we ARE the world! ALL of us, it's that simple.
One more thing...instead of saying 'the world has to change' why don't we change ourselves?
Because we ARE the world! ALL of us, it's that simple.
Exactly .. thank you Mariella
20 Mar 2003, 12:09
under the waterline
no place to hide
to another time
the eyes of the world now turn
and if we think about it
and if we talk about it
and if the skies go dark with rain
can you tell me does our freedom remain
put down that weapon all we'll all be gone
you cann't hide now where with the torch light on
and it happens to be an emergency
somethings are meant to be
somethings don't come for free
above the waterline
point the finger yeah point the bone
its the harbour towns
that the grey metal ships call home
and if we think about it
and if we talk about it
and the sea goes boiling black
can you tell me what you would do about that
put down your weapons or we'll be gone
I must know something to know whats wrong
and it happens to be an emergency
some things aren't meant to be
somethings things don't come for free
they keep talking about it
they keep talking
put down that weapon or we'll all be gone
you must be crazy if you think your strong
Midnight Oil - Did they have hindsight or what when they wrote this?
under the waterline
no place to hide
to another time
the eyes of the world now turn
and if we think about it
and if we talk about it
and if the skies go dark with rain
can you tell me does our freedom remain
put down that weapon all we'll all be gone
you cann't hide now where with the torch light on
and it happens to be an emergency
somethings are meant to be
somethings don't come for free
above the waterline
point the finger yeah point the bone
its the harbour towns
that the grey metal ships call home
and if we think about it
and if we talk about it
and the sea goes boiling black
can you tell me what you would do about that
put down your weapons or we'll be gone
I must know something to know whats wrong
and it happens to be an emergency
some things aren't meant to be
somethings things don't come for free
they keep talking about it
they keep talking
put down that weapon or we'll all be gone
you must be crazy if you think your strong
Midnight Oil - Did they have hindsight or what when they wrote this?
Shadows On The Wall
20 Mar 2003, 18:08
To late now anyway the war has started. And all i have to say to you is - what is sadam using to shoot people with, o thats right the weapons he doesnt have! (detect the sarcasm there)
Oh! such anger - Lets all send love to one and another-I SEND YOU ALL MY LOVE - Pass it on
21 Mar 2003, 00:54
I'll be more then happy to pass this on.
Dottie, you are a treasure..
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