View Full Version : Need Help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

28 Feb 2006, 23:50
For a uni seminar I may have to do a presentation solo. It would be on one of Meat's songs, and I was just wondering what your interpretations of some of the Steinman songs were. I was thinking more like GGGTH or OOTFP, but any other song contributions are most welcome. How do you personally see the song, what message is being conveyed? Was that message intentional on Steinman's part or could it be a double entendre?
Thank you in advance for any thoughts!:D

28 Feb 2006, 23:59
What about Objects In The Rearview Mirror?

To me that song represnts a man looking back at his life. The ups, the downs, the heartaches etc etc etc

Pud :twisted:

Space Monkey
01 Mar 2006, 01:01
Saw them talking about Meat on "The Big Breakfast" many years ago. A Priest was said to have "brought Meat Loaf to the altar". What he'd done was to read out the middle part of "Life Is A Lemon..." in his sermons ("What about love? 'It's Defective!' It's always breaking in half..." etc). The Priest's take on this was to take all of Meat's 'grumbles' and turn them around to show a more positive picture.

Don't know if this helps?

01 Mar 2006, 19:45
Thanks for your ideas, but it looks like I may not have to do a solo presentation on a song: Today I got in with two guys and another girl and we're doing a scene from Fight Club! Not my idea, either, but I promise to get Bob in there somewhere!;)