View Full Version : Whoever posts last wins!
08 May 2006, 15:08
*Hypnobabe cracks her knuckles, in preparation for doing her worst, and while Ross is distracted, Hypnobabe beckons Rockette into first place...*
08 May 2006, 15:08
08 May 2006, 15:10
Team work... love it...
08 May 2006, 15:11
temporary only
You are all only temporary inhabitants of my first place position.
08 May 2006, 15:13
says you and what army?
Ross was correct, these armies, these handies, these wristies and these fingeries that are typing at the moment will carry me to victory
You need to see someone about these delusions you're having :))
Meh i did but they were no use...
08 May 2006, 15:57
You should try seeing a therapist instead of the checkout girl at your local Netto.... lol
Damn i knew something wasn't quite right
08 May 2006, 16:05
:nuts: :zzz: :yay: :cheer:
08 May 2006, 16:14
:silence: :whistle: Hey Ross
Hey sunneke! Sigh it's nearly time for work....
08 May 2006, 16:18
Never mind... I'll keep MY winning spot warm while you're gone...
08 May 2006, 16:26
That's okay, I'm a patient person...
Is that patient as in hospital?
08 May 2006, 16:34
Patient as in used to explaining things in words of only one syllable in a very calming voice for the hard of understanding...
So, you wouldn't have to sit paper one of the moderators exam on here then :))
08 May 2006, 16:38
No dear....
08 May 2006, 16:49
Good one Hypnobabe. Sorry for leaving before. Had to evaluate an essay for a student.
But you'd still have to sit and pass papers 2 through 450 ... including completing the dissertation on how not to patronise people with ban buttons :))
08 May 2006, 16:54
Could you explain how to use a ban button to patronise people then? Anyway, what would you do on here all day without me to play with?
08 May 2006, 16:55
:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
So, who was it who needed subtitles for the hard of understanding? I'd probably take the **** out of someone else and laugh alot less :whistle:
08 May 2006, 18:25
Hi Tink... finally overdosed on the Deppie one and come for some Meat relief? :D
hahaha... silly H'Babe... one cannot.. **hic***...overdohhhhze on the deppie one... :lol: ...
08 May 2006, 18:32
I see.... just run out of batteries then? ;)
Errr ... when did they make battery powered Johnny Depp's ?
Youth on your side? Oh Andy your fibbing again:lol:
********************************************************************** *********** ... :0mghi2u: ....
Youth on your side? Oh Andy your fibbing again:lol:
I've more of it on my side than some :P
It is true you and Fred are one and the same :lmao:
Lots of bickering this evening I see...
09 May 2006, 07:43
:D Yeah! Fight you beggars, I hate peace.:D
09 May 2006, 08:04
:coffee: goodmorning!!!!!!
09 May 2006, 09:46
Good morning. :D
.... 'morning Sunnie-one.. think i'll join ye in a cuppa'... :coffee: ... and 'morning peeps of the world ! ...
I've more of it on my side than some :P
Whose got the most hair?:lol: ;)
... of the dog that bit them ??... :shock: ...
Whose got the most hair?:lol: ;)
Depends on if you count the collection I've got in a box under my bed or not :))
Hey all you meaty people!
... 'mornin' Ross ! ... :0mghi2u: ...
Morning Tink, how about some of that coffee?
Yeah pass it round Tink, Ankie has failed in her morning duties in the office :))
... no worries.. i've plenty where that came from ... :coffee: :coffee: :coffee: :coffee: .. and noooo.. i'm not spitting in the cups.. just taste testing 'em ... lol ...
Black with no sugar please ...
Don't worry we trust ya tink.... don't know why though....
... as is then.. good thing ... i just pours 'em.. i don't serve 'em...
and now.. i'm off to the PAPER trot.. so enjoy the kwaff.. and the competition.. and i'll check in later... byeeeeee !!!!
t...****************************************************************** ********************************************************************** *****************************.. ooph ...
Don't worry we trust ya tink.... don't know why though....
OH.. hahahahahha.. you've been reading me autobio aka Peter Pan againe.. hahahha.. pay it no mind.. lie after lie after lie after lie.. okay..well except for a desire to kill all Wendy-birds.. OTHERwiiiiise... lol...
OH.. hahahahahha.. you've been reading me autobio aka Peter Pan againe.. hahahha.. pay it no mind.. lie after lie after lie after lie.. okay..well except for a desire to kill all Wendy-birds.. OTHERwiiiiise... lol...
LOL :cool:
09 May 2006, 12:42
Gooooooood morning all.... I see I'm still winning...
09 May 2006, 12:50
I know sweetie, it's getting to be a habit for you, isn't it?
What? Proving you wrong in this thread :))
09 May 2006, 13:05
Whatever you say.... :roll:
... will no doubt be responded to by someone :))
09 May 2006, 13:15
Well we can't have you winning, can we? Rockette, where's my back up this morning?
She's given up in the face of professional opposition ... this is a solo game after all, not a team sport
Being in Glasgow doesn't qualify you to win this ...
True enough, but you're not :))
Yes you can... well it's off to work with me!!!!
Will see you all later on tonight....
Have a good day at work :))
09 May 2006, 16:16
Bet you thought I'd gone, didn't you...
Now that would be just wishful thinking wouldn't it?
09 May 2006, 16:25
Well thanks a bunch! Yesterday you said I made you laugh, now you can't wait to get rid of me! Well really.....
Hey, don't blame me if I'm demonstrating how in touch with my feminine side I am by being random and irrational :))
09 May 2006, 16:42
If you're going to be in touch with your feminine side, you need to be random, irrational, violent and right ALL THE TIME.... never gonna happen....
Perhaps ... I wouldn't harm a fly ... unless it happened to try and steal my beer, or fly into my windscreen/visor
One last one
Dottie, you are aware that this competition closes while you're away aren't you? :))
Dottie, you are aware that this competition closes while you're away aren't you? :))
well in that case I'll be carry on posting whilst I'm away, there got you:lol:
... on a quick fly-by.. but no worries.. no one gets hurt.. lol...
Entries from Cyprus aren't allowed I'm afraid :))
i'll say aloha now.. :wave: ... that mean 'allo AND good-bye you know.. it means other stuff as well..but i ferget wot...
09 May 2006, 19:07
:coffee: White and none, thanks Tink!
09 May 2006, 19:07
Where were you when I needed you earlier?
09 May 2006, 19:09
In bed actually. Sorry bout that. Couldn't sleep, so now I'm here to make your day.
Good to see that sisterly solidarity is so strong :lmao:
09 May 2006, 19:46
:yawn: Yeah, yeah! So tell it to the judge. It's 2.45am here,but someone had to be up to help Lotus off to work. :twisted:
.... good LOAF.. !!.. looks like i b needing to put on anuther. POT !! ... :shock: ...
09 May 2006, 20:13
:wave: :coffee: goodevening, its 19.15 time for coffee!
... :coffee: :coffee: :coffee: :coffee: ... back with the kwaff !! ... :D .. evening Sunny-one ... !
......back in the lead :D
09 May 2006, 21:04
:0mghi2u: hey tinkie :D :cheer:
... hey.. me 2 !!...oh no.. sorry YOU'RE 2 .... ;) ... giggle...
Hello! I'm back! And so is Gerry I see....
10 May 2006, 06:38
So the gang's all here again!
10 May 2006, 09:44
:coffee: :0mghi2u:
Looks like I'm still winning this then :))
Morning... sorry to take your seat Andy
Mornin' ... apologies not necessary, I've got it back now!
10 May 2006, 12:34
:tard: :cheer: goodafternoon from a sunny, hot Netherlands......... omy what do i see :shock: i'am STILL THE WINNER thankyou thankyou!!!! love you all!
... good wotever time of day it tis where you are.. peeps of the world !!... quick fly-by.. and outta heeere !!!
Well if you're not stopping I@ll retake the crown :))
10 May 2006, 14:12
You must have third then...
You're too kind, but I must decline your offer
10 May 2006, 14:19
Oh I see... going for fourth instead... that's fine, I'll take the top three spots for you...
Well if you're not stopping I@ll retake the crown :))
***temptation too great.. tink had to STOP RIGHT THERE.. nab crown and place it upon her head.. where it truly forever after belongs...***
t... giggling as she wonders.. just how long "forever after" shall last.. lol...
10 May 2006, 14:26
Not long Tink... :lol: Yoink!
sneaks back in to first place while the girlies gossip ...
10 May 2006, 14:31
...only to find it already occupied by Hypnobabe, who, being female, has the ability to do more than one thing at a time.............
... except stay in the first place spot ...
10 May 2006, 14:35
Sure about that?
10 May 2006, 14:38
Well we'll have to agree to disagree...
Indeed we will, even though it appears I'm currently in the right...
10 May 2006, 14:58
But as we all know, appearances can be deceptive...
They can, but not apparently in this instance ...
10 May 2006, 15:10
Sorry, gonna have to disagree again... I'm argumentative like that sometimes...
I'm argumentative
Well, you are a woman :))
10 May 2006, 15:20
Your point being.......?
That not only were you stating the bleeding obvious, you were being argumentative :lmao:
10 May 2006, 15:23
Your point being.......?
Maybe it was a load of irrelevant cabbage, but it got me first place again.
10 May 2006, 15:26
briefly... almost as brief as a very brief thing wearing brief briefs, actually....
10 May 2006, 15:27
Isn't it weird how a perfectly ordinary word suddenly becomes very strange if you write it a lot.....
Well briefly, I suppose briefly that it does briefly become briefly strange for a brief period of time.
10 May 2006, 15:39
You mean you're not going to argue with me?
I don't need to, because I'm not the argumentative one ... you are.
10 May 2006, 15:42
10 May 2006, 15:43
After so little time, you know me so well.... sigh....
I'm incredibly perceptive and a good judge of character having learnt from my mistakes.
10 May 2006, 15:45
Modest too...
Well, I didn't want to say :))
10 May 2006, 15:50
A bit too much like blowing your own flugelhorn....
can't say I've ever tried ...
10 May 2006, 15:52
;) It's an experience not to be missed....
I'll take your word for it ... :pics:
10 May 2006, 16:06
Here, blow this.... :lmao: this.jpg
10 May 2006, 16:12
:oops: I think you may have it at the wrong end of your body....
10 May 2006, 16:24
I always thought you blew into it with your mouth .. thank you for putting me right.
10 May 2006, 16:29
I was getting confused by the Paarrrp! noise.... sounded like it might have been about three feet further south than that....
That's just my lack of musical ability when it comes to wind instruments.
10 May 2006, 16:31
:shock: Wind being the operative word there...
Too right, anyway I still win :))
10 May 2006, 16:34
10 May 2006, 16:35
Hi Sunneke :wave:
10 May 2006, 16:36
:0mghi2u: hi hypno!!!!:cheer:
10 May 2006, 16:37
How are you?
I'm fine thanks, thanks for asking :))
10 May 2006, 16:41
That's great, considering the wind problem :lmao:
It's not a problem for me :whistle:
... whew!!.. tis for me..that is YOURS is for me... that is.. i don't WANT it for me.. i mean... you KNOW what i meeean... :!: :!: :!: .. lol...
t... knowing she must at all times be careful of wording about this place... ;) ...
Best for you to say nothing then sTink :)) :lmao:
... and you said nothing at all.. and i couldn't have said it better myyysellllllf.... :twisted: ....
.. oh oh.. and i had to come back as.. i see... 4500 POSTS !! ... :cheer: ... hooraaay .. for.. well.. MEEEEEE !!!!!!
10 May 2006, 18:21
Congratulations! :cheer: On the 4500 posts, 'cos I'm afraid you ain't winning...
10 May 2006, 18:29
Look at my face... am I bovvered? lol
10 May 2006, 21:05
:nope: :cheers: :yay:
10 May 2006, 21:08
What does this say to you???
... it sez to me... that the owner of the car that's hooked to needs new stickers !! '93? .. WHOA..look out.. lol...
11 May 2006, 00:10
:bunny: :bump: move over losers!!!!! make room for ME, the one and only true WINNER!!!!!!!!
O and goodnight to you all!!!
... tip-toe... tip-toe.. tip-toe... ta daaaaa !!! .. lol...
Haven't we been busy today...
11 May 2006, 03:10
*sneaks in...looks around.... everyone is in bed.....
11 May 2006, 09:48
:yawn: :coffee: goodmorning, and again a perfect day to win:lol:
I'll take the first place for a while before I head off to my terminal meeting, but I'll be back to reclaim my crown later ...
... good morning peeps ! ... :coffee: ...
11 May 2006, 11:47
Morning all... see I'm still in my rightful place...
... yass.. i see you WERE.. lol ... ;) ...
11 May 2006, 12:13
Were... and still am... lol... Hey, look Tink, isn't that Johnny Depp at the back of the queue for first place? (Ha, that should distract her for a while... snigger snigger)
... nawww.. THIS is him.. sitting snoogled sharing me kwaff... :coffee: ... lol...
t.. off to the PAPER trot and wishing all good luck !!!
11 May 2006, 12:48
:rly: :hand: :cheer: :cheer:
Morning all.. I see the battle rages on!
I'm fantastic what about you?
11 May 2006, 15:57
I'll take the first place for a while before I head off to my terminal meeting, but I'll be back to reclaim my crown later ...
Hmmm..... seems AndyK's meeting may well have been terminal... lol
I think I will have to leave for work sadly....
11 May 2006, 16:32
Oh dear... do you mean sadly, you'll have to leave for work, or you'll have to leave for work in a sad sort of mood? lol
11 May 2006, 17:23
Good afternoon.. :lol: Sun is shining..
Hmmm..... seems AndyK's meeting may well have been terminal... lol
You're right it was :roll:
11 May 2006, 21:27
:nag: :nuts: :cheer: yep i did it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
HI EVERYONE!!! Ross is Back!!
12 May 2006, 00:11
hey Ross and :0mghi2u: Ross :devil:
Give in to the dark side.....
Give in to the dark side..... time to see what you're referencing..but i prefer.. the light fandango ta... :yay: .... lol ...
12 May 2006, 09:05
:bump: :coffee: goodmorning, and i'm in for the winnersplace
... good friday morn... peeps of the world !! ... :coffee: ...
12 May 2006, 10:23
goodmorning Tink, enjoy youre day
... good morning Sunny-one.. i'll try me best.. you do the same ... :-) ..
Late morning victory is mine again I see :))
... ***yet in aNOTHER part of the world *** ... ;) ...
morning all! i can't stay for long but rest assured i will be back to claim victory!
12 May 2006, 12:20
Oooh... looks like I'm still winning...
.. yes it did.. lol... off to the PAPER trot i yam..and then off to start THANK LOAF.. my friday...
yappy ones to all !!
While tink is busy working for Chris delivering papers, I'll sneak back and win this
12 May 2006, 16:11
:nag: :sneaky: :cheers: hey here i am again, did you miss me???? or where y'all thinking that you could winn now???? So sorry..... i winn, again and again :D
... i'll second that... ;) .. lol ...
byeeeee !!!! ...
12 May 2006, 17:06
What´s the weather? :D
12 May 2006, 19:21
Perfect weather for winning...
Devil's Son
12 May 2006, 20:27
Couldn't have said it better myself, dears! Am I the winner, now?
Couldn't have said it better myself, dears! Am I the winner, now?
No. I are teh winnar!!!1!!1one :))
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