View Full Version : Whoever posts last wins!
Welsh Rocker
12 May 2006, 21:53
I'm last :-P
I'm last :-P
Welsh Rocker
12 May 2006, 21:58
Yeah :twisted:
Welsh Rocker
12 May 2006, 22:14
Ah well...I'm still gonna be last!:-P
... only if you continue to work at it ... ;) ... and there's some fierce competition around here.. lol... grrrr... lol....
Devil's Son
13 May 2006, 00:18
Have a nice day!!! I'm the last.
hey all! Look upon the WINNER
..WHERE WHERE?????.. lol.. oh.. HERE !!.. and wasn't it JOYOUS.. of 'Imself to pop in with his news today???..
t... totally thrilled...
It was indeed!
The winner is here, look harder
13 May 2006, 06:00
:0mghi2u: :lock:
Devil's Son
13 May 2006, 10:43
You're right, I am the winner!!! :)
... after yesterday's wonderful news from 'Imself?.. we're ALL winners !!.. kwaff's on ME.. and good morning.. peeps of the world... !!!!!!!!! ... :coffee: .......
13 May 2006, 13:32
Hey there, Tink! What did I miss anyway? Hospitals need to be stayed away from, by the way. LOL
Hey there, Tink! What did I miss anyway? Hospitals need to be stayed away from, by the way. LOL
.. hi Rockie.. and what's this I missed???.. what's with the hospital??.. you were in the hospital??.. hope all is well.. as for what did YOU miss.. Meat came on forum yesterday... think it's the BAT 3.. under rumors.. and posted NON-rumor.. that he'll be on American Idol.. May 24 and the title of the BOOH3.. but go see for yourself.. it's much more fun to see his posting..imo.. eh?
see you in a bit.. off to the PAPER trot.. must always emphasize all don't have visions of me stuck in the loooo...byeeee !!!!
13 May 2006, 13:53
:rly: Do I want to know???
13 May 2006, 15:38
:yawn: :0mghi2u:
13 May 2006, 19:07
:bump: :whistle:
Testing, testing...123...what do you all think?
... i think.. ummm.... oh.. i'm WINning againe... :lol: ... lol...
... i think.. ummm.... oh.. i'm WINning againe... :lol: ... lol...
Oh come on now...
Oh come on now...
.. no.. see?.. i am !!.. lol...
.. no.. see?.. i am !!.. lol...
I know you're...but what am I?
... in second place... :lol: ...
13 May 2006, 20:39
:devil:Hey Tink i hope youre :up:, perhaps a little wurried now that you'll know i will win again :-P
..i'm MORE than okay..giggle.. you see "Fire Ball"'s back?...and giving out WHAT FOR... WAY TO GO MEAT !!
HE'S a winner..and look I YAM TOOOO !!... rolling... :cheer: ...
13 May 2006, 21:14
Now you got me Tink youre right: there's only one winner: Fire Ball!
.. we agree to agree on that Sunnie-one... ;) .. but back to bizness... I'M WINNING AGAINE !!.. hahahahahhaha.. hic... lol ....
13 May 2006, 21:37
oke, back to the official battle ground........ move over: nr. 1 is here MOI
stop joking sunneke!!
... yass. the Sunnie-one b funny ..hunh Benny?.. rolling.. and i'm fine sweetie..and yourself????
trying to steal my spot!
.. who MOI ?? ***tink bats eyes***.. nevaaaah... lol....
oh no never! not in a million years!
says lil miss innocent!!
... no matter HOW many times i'm found guilty... lol...
14 May 2006, 00:33
Dear Ben and Tink, yes i really like to joke around, but now i'm serious: i WIN (like i'v ever lost this game...... dahhhhhhhh don't think so)
.... uh oh.. Sunnie-one.. rrrrrong aGAINE !!.. lol....
14 May 2006, 01:56
Now, now people. I'm joining the game.:twisted: :bicker:
... are you sure you know how to play.. ?.. as i see you're losing already... :lol: ....
14 May 2006, 02:04
Losing what ????????? - my mind went a lon time ago.!!!
... then you're armed perfectly for this competition... lol...
14 May 2006, 02:13
.. you're welcome.. but losing againe.. lol...
14 May 2006, 02:40
Hey all!
.. lol.. hey Ross.. Vicki was a'whistlin' .. and i was a'dancin' to it.. how are you??? ...
I'm very good! Bit tired, sleepy time soon...
And you?
... i bet you're tired.. late where you are.. i'm very good ta.. and off to watch a bit of telly... if i don't see you when i get back.. good nicht da nicht to ye and pleasant dreams...
14 May 2006, 04:18
14 May 2006, 10:22
:tired: :zzz:
Off to bed guys and dolls.
14 May 2006, 10:40
Goodnight to you....... while a sneak in to the place that belongs to me... NR. 1
Morning all YAWN Stayed up too late last night...
morning all.....a lazy sunday in bed back to reclaim my spot as winner (for a while anyway)!:D
Not for too long long... but you can keep it warm while I go to Church....
Not for too long long... but you can keep it warm while I go to Church....
... **** some to the powers for da tink Ross ay?.. and good morning...
errr... THROW some then.. sheesh.. lol....
.. :coffee: ...
not u again tink!
.. yes.. sorry to disappoint.. i WOULD have sent 'Imself.. ?.. but he's still snoozin'... ;) ...
t.. off to the PAPER trot.. and then back TO BATTTTTULLLL.. lol...
i look 4ward to it!!
bring it on!
Devil's Son
14 May 2006, 13:50
Devil's Son
14 May 2006, 14:09
:keke: I never left
Devil's Son
14 May 2006, 14:38
:lmao: I'm a funny little Girl
im good and how ru rosS?
Very good thanks, but hungry
14 May 2006, 15:01
:bunny: :sneaky: :lock:
Don't look at me in that tone of voice!
14 May 2006, 15:11
:nag: :0mghi2u: :devil:
Devil's Son
14 May 2006, 15:52
... hey Ben !.. back from the PAPER trot.. and bonding with the love of my life.. so.. shall the race continue then?.. lol...
hiya tink, yes... let the batte begin!
no time for a coffee break tink!
... ..alrightie then .... :hic: ... lol...
14 May 2006, 20:20
..g'evening to you there Sunnie-one !! ...
14 May 2006, 20:23
Good evening to you to Tink! :0mghi2u:
14 May 2006, 20:46
:devil: :cheers:
14 May 2006, 22:11
:yawn: :wave:
Morning Everyone
You all better give up. Its simple. I'm goin to win this!:D :D :D :D :D :D
... you tell 'im Ben.. lol...
14 May 2006, 23:38
guy´s can you help me?
I´m tryin to get my 500th post still today, where should i post what???
... you tell 'im Ben.. lol...
guy´s can you help me?
I´m tryin to get my 500th post still today, where should i post what???
... here's as good a thread as any.. right Ben?? ... ;) ....
thats right tink, best place!!!
thats right tink, best place!!!
.. welp.. looks like our offer aint being taken up upon Ben.. lol...
15 May 2006, 00:06
ok ill try to reach the big 500
15 May 2006, 00:06
with posting just on this thread
15 May 2006, 00:07
if someone feels bugged by this, tell me
15 May 2006, 00:08
Oh, i forgot something very important:
15 May 2006, 00:09
IM WINNING!!! (too lazy to use php)
15 May 2006, 00:09
15 May 2006, 00:09
15 May 2006, 00:10
congrats, you had to beat yourself a lot to do that!
15 May 2006, 07:24
Well said Ross.
15 May 2006, 09:51
Goodmorning, what a wonderfull day te win!
... 'mornin' peeps of the world... :coffee: ...
15 May 2006, 12:25
15 May 2006, 12:25
Hello Sunniegirl! Where's my cup?
15 May 2006, 12:27
Hello Sunniegirl! Where's my cup?
come and get it Rockette!
15 May 2006, 12:29
:D Hmmm. Might be a bit cold by the time I get there. :-P
All this talk of brews reminds me ... I'm winning :))
15 May 2006, 12:35
15 May 2006, 12:38
Good girl! Sisters are doing it for themselves
15 May 2006, 12:40
Evening, Ross!
There's no room for pleasantries or team work in this game...
15 May 2006, 12:45
This sounds like a challenge girls!!!!!
15 May 2006, 12:48
:shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: I'm stunned you should see it that way
Well I can be rather stunning!
15 May 2006, 12:58
:D Ross, ray gun, the Mega Loafer. Now that's got a stunning ring to it. :D
:D Ross, ray gun, the Mega Loafer. Now that's got a stunning ring to it. :D
It does indeed!
15 May 2006, 13:01
Thought you might like that one. It just popped into my sleep deprived brain. LOL
They say you need less sleep as you get older ... are you the exception to the rule :))
15 May 2006, 13:04
:mrgreen: I'm just too tired to be offended by that quick response. ;)
15 May 2006, 13:15
so I shall answer myself and wish myself pleasant dreams.
Devil's Son
15 May 2006, 13:26
... pleasant dreams ....
Devil's Son
15 May 2006, 13:38
you're welcome!
Devil's Son
15 May 2006, 13:57
Oh, Ross you're welcome, too!
You're all wrong, I'm right :))
Devil's Son
15 May 2006, 14:10
;) Dreamer ...
You've got to have a dream, if you don't have a dream, how you going to make a dream come true?
15 May 2006, 14:46
Post 178 (I think!):D :D
15 May 2006, 15:34
hi guys!
15 May 2006, 15:35
:D Hmmm. Might be a bit cold by the time I get there. :-P
its no problem to make you a new and hot coffee!
Black with none please :))
15 May 2006, 15:45
Black with none please :))
Also for you: come and get it :-P
15 May 2006, 15:51
I'm fine for coffee thanks, I'll just have the winning space instead
You can't have the winning space if you're not having a coffee, shift over :))
15 May 2006, 15:54
:coffee: Satisfied now?
Devil's Son
15 May 2006, 16:08
:coffee: Ok, here is my cup of coffee.
15 May 2006, 16:27
:coffee: Black, no sugar as requested
Ta muchly ... any biccies?
15 May 2006, 16:35
The Tunnock's ones have all gone, I can offer bourbons or penguins...
OR ?
Does it have to be an OR?
15 May 2006, 16:45
I'm sure you can have both, I do have a spare shoehorn too, for the getting-back-into-the-leathers problem :))
Thank you ... don't worry about the leathers, I'll have sweated the biccie lard off before I get to wear them again ... only problem is I don't have a coffee to go with the biccies now ...
15 May 2006, 16:55
:roll: :coffee:
I take it you're doing all the washing up?
Since it's Black coffee, you can use the same mug :))
15 May 2006, 17:41
15 May 2006, 19:06
:lurk: dinner time, come and get it (so i can win again:devil: )
Devil's Son
15 May 2006, 20:08
:cheers: Beer for dinner?
Devil's Son
15 May 2006, 20:14
:cheers: Cheers, Loafer!
15 May 2006, 22:21
Sorry I haven't been here in a while folks. IP problems!!!:evil:
well it's good to be back ,oh is it me thats winning
me me me
... are you warming up to sing Ben? ready?.. do a deer a female deer... re a drop of golden sun... SING IT BEN !! mi a name i call myself.. !!
THAT'S the ticket .. rolling....
... :coffee:.. :angst:... :0mghi2u: ....
Just making myself at home here with a nice strong, black coffee ......... Mmmmm
16 May 2006, 00:21
:yawn: :nope: oke, it was fun with you all, you've taken my coffee, my dinner, but youre NOT, i repeat NOT taken MY first place oke!:evil:
Hate to rain on your parade Sunneke! :twisted:
Hate to rain on your parade Sunneke! :twisted:
SPEAKing of rain !... it's raining like a sonofagun outside..and yet.. the sun's out.. !!... i'd run out to check for a rainbow.. but.. i just KNOW.. someone would come along and take my first place spot... :( ....
You must have blinked! :sneaky:
Victory once again is mine, however fleetingly.
Devil's Son
16 May 2006, 01:29
Evening, the winner is here!
Sigh poor disallusioned Ben
i know!! its hard winning
it wears of when ur always #1
ur find out one day
16 May 2006, 02:26
:yawn: :zzz: and still winning
I know all about it - guess it comes more naturally to me
16 May 2006, 07:06
Well, if I was asleep, this new look sure woke me up!
16 May 2006, 07:56
16 May 2006, 10:54
Hey there! Did you remember my cup this time?
Devil's Son
16 May 2006, 12:04
:coffee: Here it is and one for me. Good Morning!
Devil's Son
16 May 2006, 12:09
:shock: I sorry, here it is and a Good Morning to you, too :coffee:
16 May 2006, 12:24
Evening Alex and everyone. Just got back from a staff meeting :zzz: and find that somebody has nicked my winning spot. Ya can't trust noibuddy these days.
Annie:sad: :cry:
16 May 2006, 12:29
REALLY? Who would do that to you?
Exactly! Such despicable behaviour ...
16 May 2006, 12:43
Never would have expected that here
... good morning peeps of the world.. no time to chat... storming here... and must be off before me bum's zzzappped !!! ... ta raaaah.....
16 May 2006, 12:53
Damn! and there goes my best shot of a cup too
... :coffee: ......
t.. queen of kwaff.... ..
16 May 2006, 12:55
Could have brought me one. Pleeeeease
Remember folks ... the only cup you lot will be getting is a coffee cup, the victory silverware will be mine
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