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10 Mar 2006, 13:21
Was thinking about this one...

What would you do for love? ....

Write a love song so Meat could sing it back to me.

10 Mar 2006, 13:24


Emm seriously.... (trying not to quote AFL)... Ok I wouldn't write a song, but I could compose a piece of music for a loved one. But only if they wanted me to.

10 Mar 2006, 13:29
Beg and plead basically. At my age, what else is there to do?

10 Mar 2006, 13:30
Beg and plead basically. At my age, what else is there to do?

being yourself...lol

having a good time..

you're not old..80 is old..lol

10 Mar 2006, 15:18
Drive to the opposite end of the country for a couple of days of pure magic!!

10 Mar 2006, 18:01
For love?

I would roam the earth forever, I would search the universe, I would endure my life in a torment of heavy metal, but I will NOT GIVE UP MY MEAT LOAF COLLECTION!!!!

10 Mar 2006, 20:59
I would travel across the universe
and through the years for her
but sometimes, going all that way, would only be the start...

10 Mar 2006, 21:52
I could tell you what I wouldn't do....... give up listening to Meat Loaf. Not in a million years.

Rob The Badger
14 Mar 2006, 06:50
For love? Pure, anadulterated love?
Quite possibly the hardest thing you could possibly do under the cirumstances, but for true love, I'd be willing to put a bullet in his head.

15 Mar 2006, 14:39
For love?

I would roam the earth forever, I would search the universe, I would endure my life in a torment of heavy metal, but I will NOT GIVE UP MY MEAT LOAF COLLECTION!!!!

:cry: Doggamit! And I thought I was back in the Will too! :?

15 Mar 2006, 18:25
What would I do for love...... For love of my children, I'd kill.... For love of my husband, I'd die....

15 Mar 2006, 18:26
What would I do for love...... For love of my children, I'd kill.... For love of my husband, I'd die....


Ageing Bat
15 Mar 2006, 20:19
Yeah, I like Hypnobabe's answer too..... can't think of a better one!

15 Mar 2006, 22:39
Aw... shucks.... fanks guys.... :oops:

16 Mar 2006, 18:29
:cry: Doggamit! And I thought I was back in the Will too! :?

Yeah, so did I, but then there was that minor issue with fibre optic cable on the paternal side (I'd rather stay out of that will now), and I got turfed on the maternal side after the affection was switched to hubby...:shock:

I would travel across the universe
and through the years for her
but sometimes, going all that way, would only be the start...

I was gonna use that as it is an adequate summation, but didn't want to be accused of stealing quotes, hence the paraphrase! :D

16 Mar 2006, 18:32
Drive to the opposite end of the country for a couple of days of pure magic!!

ditto ditto ditto..........

16 Mar 2006, 18:49
With the right person I would do ANYTHING for love, and I feel I've found him...

16 Mar 2006, 22:01
With the right person I would do ANYTHING for love, and I feel I've found him...

What she said!

16 Mar 2006, 23:33
Two things that i would not do for love: i will not stop listening to meat, and i will not forget who I am, and what i want in this life.

17 Mar 2006, 23:56
I would give it all up...and walk away... without looking back..... well maybe just the once.....

18 Mar 2006, 00:37
I am giving it all up for love.........

19 Mar 2006, 23:08

i would

shop - cook - after a full day at work

open the double gates to the drive - so hubby is not out in the cold soo long after a shift

forgo a lift home - so he can go out with a friend

buy him goodies - to cheer him up

cry - just at the thought of him not being there !!!!

20 Mar 2006, 02:42
With the right person I would do ANYTHING for love, and I feel I've found him...

:D With you on that one, Dottie! And there are still more like them out there. You've just gotta dig through a lotta dirt to get to the gold.

21 Mar 2006, 15:25
Reading all these answers looks like I've not found true love yet! I would kill for my daughter if I don't kill her first (she's 15 and starting the "kevin" period!)

21 Mar 2006, 15:30
Reading all these answers looks like I've not found true love yet! I would kill for my daughter if I don't kill her first (she's 15 and starting the "kevin" period!)

You have my deepest sympathies.... I have an eighteen year old step-daughter who turned into the female version of Kevin at about 15... she was out of it by about 17 tho', so not long to go....... rofl

21 Mar 2006, 16:09
but will either of us survive that long!