View Full Version : Personal Privacy - UK Users Please read

20 Mar 2006, 13:15
A website has been brought to my attention that may pose a risk. The website is www.b4usearch.com and by clicking on 'People' and typing in an individuals name and area it brings up their home address, phone number, details of other members in the household, details of neighbours in the same street and also directions to your home.

I would advise that if your details can be accessed via this website, that you have them removed. To do this send an email to privacy@b4u.co.uk and your request should be removed within 21 days if they are not removed within this time you can complain to the Information Commissioner's Office by sending an email tocompliance@ico.gsi.gov.uk

Whilst much of the information available from this site is available in the public domain from electoral roll searches (for a fee), you may decide that in this case it's worth having yourself removed as this info is available for free.

Will leave this stickied for a while.

15 May 2006, 14:43
The site still holds my details so I've sent the other message. Will have to wait to see what happens.:evil:

15 May 2006, 18:22
I had my e.mail returned as it states that e.mail address is unknown! Any more ideas? :(

17 May 2006, 23:02
go to hotmail.com and create a email address and use that to get rid of ur detalis. it only takes a few mins to set up. hope this helps

31 May 2006, 15:39
:evil: i tried to remove my details from this webpage a few weeks ago and today i recieved this e-mail:

Your request of removal was rejected due to lack information that you provided us with. You can try again at anytime with proper details.
If you prefer not to use this method or for urgent removals please send in by fax with your full address and postcode as it appears on the site to 0911 443 4433 calls are charged at £1.50 per minute. These will be within 1 working day. We STRICTLY DO NOT accept telephone removals without exception.Thanks, Team B4U

I used a valid email and details these guys are really sneaky watch out!!!!!!:evil:

09 Sep 2006, 13:39
Wow when I looke dmyself up see if they had anything they even had my school and graduation date and that I was Head Boy......