View Full Version : Dottie
I was going to do this by PM but your inbox is full and obviously I can;t ring in case hubby is there. Then i realised that i don;t need to hide away, what i have to saym, i am willing to say publicly.
Firstly i want to thank you for being there for me and being such a fantastic person. I thought I liked you as a best mate but this weekend changed all that.
After going away with you and you alone I have come to realise that I have feelings for you. And i think you have feelings for me. We have both been through the fires of hell and have the ashes to prove it but I am willing to risk it all for you.
However, I cannot carry on like we are doing. Behind his back and conducting everything in a cloak and dagger fashion. So i have to do this. If you truely meant what you said this weekend as I know i meant what i said from the bottom of my heart, then please take that step into the unknown. Leave him and come to me. I can only continue this if you will be open and publicly admit your feelings for me and come away with me. I have a life and job as you do but I would walk away from it all like that if you asked me so please do the same for me.
I was gonna end with a quote from paradise about What's it gonna be, yes or no, but that would be too cliched when i mean this from my heart. :oops:
Let me sleep on it, baby, baby let me sleep on it........
Take all the time you need but bear in mind I am being deadly serious.
I mean every word and I really want you to be mine and mine alone. Not stolen weekends when we can get an alibi or frantic phone calls when he is out but together properly.
Is the grass greener on the other side?
My heart says yes, but my brain says no...........
Isn't there someone out there who can help me decide...
I would love this man in my life... but so scared in taking the plunge..
Do you throw it all away? Or do you follow your heart?
Our household has 2 votes in favour, 1 vote against. The cats abstained.
:wtf: you know he's not good 4 u Dottums........dont marry him, have me :angst: :shock: ;)
Ageing Bat
29 Mar 2006, 10:46
OK, bearing my soul and revealing my murky past here......
When I was 25, I had two children aged 2 and 5, had been married for 7 years. We'd had good times, and not so good times. We didn't have blazing rows, but we didn't really talk, or share things together. My marriage was stagnant. One evening the doorbell rang, and there on the step stood a man in his late 40's, slim, thinning on top but from somewhere a thunderbolt shot my heart. I couldn't breathe, let alone speak...... it was Paul. He'd come to see my husband to arrange a trip out in our fishing boat. In time, he and my husband became friends, and would often pop round for a chat. For a long time, I was prepared to accept that all we would ever be was friends, but my tummy had butterflies every time I saw Paul. He was always the perfect gentleman. I couldn't help how I felt about him, to the point that one afternoon we got talking and I took a chance - I told him how I felt about him, and was delighted to hear that he felt the same.
And so started our 9 month affair. We were incredibly discrete - even my best friend didn't suspect anything. Paul never pushed me to make a decision...... I agonised over what to do for hour after hour, day after day. I had two very young children to consider, did I tear them away from the comfort of their home, their father, just to satisfy my needs, or spend the rest of my life with a man who I now realised I really didn't love, just for security? The decision was forced upon me when someone sent my husband an anonomous letter one easter weekend..... the whole situation came to a head ........ and so I left him. Driving away from my home with the children sobbing in the back of the car, with just a few bags of clothes was the hardest thing I have ever done. It wasn't just me leaping into the unknown - I had my two children I was pulling with me.
It hasn't been easy....... we've sometimes had more than our fair share of acrimony to deal with. But we've got through every bit of crap that's been flung our way because we did it together. If what I feel for Paul is love, and I know it is, then I now realise that I never loved my first husband. He supports me in everything I do, and has helped me achieve so much. With him, I feel alive and whole. OK, so there's 20 years between us, but it's only a number - we don't have a problem with it...... this summer we'll be celebrating 10 years of marriage.
Chris and Dottie - you are both facing many difficult life decisions. Only you two can make those decisions..... together. Chris - be patient....... you have to let Dottie deal with this in her own way, in her own time.
We only have one life, full of chances, littered with unknowns. I'm glad I took that chance and lept into the unknown.
I'm between the Devil and the deep blue sea, I am in love with the Devil (Chris), but I am finding it so hard to make a decision based purely on love and nothing else......:twisted:
What if I make a mistake and throw away my marriage:roll: , what if Chris is the one for me after all?
At 56 years years of age you would think I have the knowledge and experience of life to make this decision promptly, but no!!
Please anyone out there help me!!!!!!!!!
Thank you Ageing Bat your love story has helped me to see another angle on this problem;)
You guys can't be serious.....surely?!!
Dottie I don't know what to say to you, I want you to be happy but I have stayed at your house, I know your husband well.
But I am a true friend and will stand by you whatever you decide to do, you know where I am to talk to.
I know what I want your answer to be but i am just going to have sit quietly and wait....
Whatever it takes
or how my heart breaks
I will be right here waiting for you
I was nothing but a lonely girl........
looking for something new.....
And you were nothing but a lonely boy...
But you are something.....
Something like a dream come true.
For Crying out Loud you know I love you Chris....
I can laugh and cry with you Chris, and MAYBE I'll never know how high I could be flying, Ah, with you right beside me......
I'm between the Devil and the deep blue sea, I am in love with the Devil (Chris), but I am finding it so hard to make a decision based purely on love and nothing else......:twisted:
Please anyone out there help me!!!!!!!!!
Thank you Ageing Bat your love story has helped me to see another angle on this problem;)
I have consulted my feline tribe to gain wisdom for you. Their responses are as follows.
Burgy: Go to wherever you will get the most and nicest food.
Checker: Choose the place with the most comfortable furniture, most chocolate, and most pizza....
Mac: Go to whoever is going to give you the most pats and attention.
Cynthia: Get your eyes off Chris, he's mine, all mine... (This cat is a headcase, and loves a Chris, so don't necessarily listen to her ;) )
Hope that helps. :D
29 Mar 2006, 13:02
Like Sarah, I have a slightly murky past...
I was married at 19, to my first serious boyfriend. After about 4 years of being the chief cook, cleaner, bottle washer and everything else, I was not a happy bunny, and fate introduced me to Richard, who was seeing one of my ex-'s mates... Within a month, I knew I loved him, and that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with him, but it was a huge leap from the safety and security of marriage (even though it was by no means a happy one) to the unknown of a relationship with a man I hardly knew, who is nearly 20 years older than me.
It came to a head for me when Richard went abroad on business and having said it would be nice if he came home and I was there, gave me the key to his house. My ex- and I had gone to visit friends for the weekend, rowing all the time, and when we got back, he said "I've had enough of this, pack your things and get out!" It was the push I'd been waiting for, and I did just that... moved into Richard's house while he was 6000 miles away, and spent a week by myself. That was when I realised I didn't miss my husband AT ALL, and I've never looked back since. We've now been together for 9 years, married for 6, and have two beautiful children together. We've been through some ups and downs, but as Sarah says, we've worked through them together because we truly love each other.
Dottie, my advice is follow your heart... but use your head - make sure you have security JUST IN CASE it doesn't work out the way you hope it will - and good luck x
You guys can't be serious.....surely?!!
I have never been more serious in my life.
29 Mar 2006, 15:56
Guys - do what is best for you both.
Although it seems Dottie has more to lose than Chris.
Chris if you are deadly serious about his relationship give Dottie time to work it all out for herself. You know that if you hurt Dottie you would have a forum of people after you :mad: BUT I don't believe you will.
I do admire your strength of commitment shown - actually posting your feelings for each other. Like people have said - you only get one life - grab happiness with both hands.
Dottie are you happy at home?
Would Chris offer you more than just love?
Can he provide for you?
Would he make you happier than you are now?
What would your kids say?
Chris - is this just a fling on you part?
Not being funny - but what about the age difference? (Yes Sarah I know :oops: ) but had to ask.
You both don't need to answer these questions in public.
You two are very special people - think long & hard before you do anything rash.
Whatever you decide - GOOD LUCK :heart:
Best wishes to you both:heart:
You guys can't be serious.....surely?!!
Never more sure of anything in my life..........
But I am a true friend and will stand by you whatever you decide to do, you know where I am to talk to.
Thank you Rosie will be in touch very soon.......
I do admire your strength of commitment shown - actually posting your feelings for each other. Like people have said - you only get one life - grab happiness with both hands.
Dottie are you happy at home?
I thought I was - until...........
Would he make you happier than you are now?
Yes I have never been so happy, feel as if I have been living under a cloud for so long....
What would your kids say?
That subject I haven't broached yet!! But at 23 years and 30 years respectively I would hope they would try to see both sides of the coin to to speak......
Not being funny - but what about the age difference? (Yes Sarah I know :oops: ) but had to ask.
Chris and I have an affinity that surpasses all age difference....
29 Mar 2006, 19:45
I do admire your strength of commitment shown - actually posting your feelings for each other. Like people have said - you only get one life - grab happiness with both hands.
Dottie are you happy at home?
I thought I was - until...........
Would he make you happier than you are now?
Yes I have never been so happy, feel as if I have been living under a cloud for so long....
What would your kids say?
That subject I haven't broached yet!! But at 23 years and 30 years respectively I would hope they would try to see both sides of the coin to to speak......
Not being funny - but what about the age difference? (Yes Sarah I know :oops: ) but had to ask.
Chris and I have an affinity that surpasses all age difference....
Then Dottie - the best of luck & love to you both - you know where I am if you need me - that goes for you too Chris :heart:
........its a shame that the one other important person here is 'potentially' going to be hurt is Dotties Hubby.
I think a wee affair is good for the Heart but this guy has probably loved you from the moment he has met you and would be gutted?? to loose you.
Not trying to make a profit, heres my odds
2/1 further nookie
10/1 leave Hubby for Chris (sorry mate)
3/1 Stay with Hubby
20/1 Embark on Lesbian affair ( givis a call if so);)
2/1 Male members from forum wanting to meet you (PM you my mobile :))
5/4 Back on Graham Norton or Trisha to explain yourself
10/1 leave Hubby for Chris (sorry mate)
I'll take those odds (and your money) gerry.
I am quietly confident in my heart that Dottie will make the right choice.
Love conquers all and all that stuff.
The wait is ****ing killing me tho.
Decisions, Decisions.............
Let me sleep on it......... I'll give you an answer in the morning.........
Take all the time you need my darling.
I shall be here, whenever you decide.
Chris I know how Dottie feels about you...... she tells me everything so please give her the time she needs, a few days at least, there is no going back if she follows her heart to you..
I am new here so forgive me any transgressions.
1. Is this thread for real?
2. Did you all meet Meat Loaf at the same time cause all of your pictures have him wearing the same shirt?
Thank you.
1. Is this thread for real?
Sorry, I was just checking. Sometimes you get to the strange forum and people already have their inside jokes, etc. and then you jump in with you dumb 2 cents and make a fool of yourself if you know what I mean...
30 Mar 2006, 00:04
I've just read every single post by every person (which took about 20minutes) and i've yet to make up my mind whether you guys are being serious.... this has to be a joke!
I love both you guys, you know I do.
Chris, don't think I didn't understand what you said to me the other day about all this. You know it's all worth the wait and the heartache and the difficult desicions.
Dottie, I know Chris. Believe me, he means it.
This isn't an easy desicion. Don't rush it.
Best of luck to you both and you know where I am if you need me.
You've made some dumb decisions in the past mate (namely buying a Smart Car, but I won't hold that against you). You've also made some good decisions in the past (taking my spare QUeen ticket off my hands for example). And you were there to help me last summer in Liverpool when I needed it (even if the bail money wasn't forthcoming!). So, if you need a voice of experience, give me a shout ... been there, done that, bought the T shirt and then lost it in alimony!
good luck to you both:heart:
[QUOTE=Cathie]I love both you guys, you know I do.
I know Cathie, you have always been there for me with a non-judgemental ear, always ready to listen........
Dottie, I know Chris. Believe me, he means it.
I know Cathie, Chris came into my life at a time when I had sunk so low, and needed love........
This isn't an easy desicion. Don't rush it.........
I have spent most of the night thinking about the whole situation, and weighing up the pro's and cons
I have made a decision Cathie........
Chris I have made my decision......
You have given me so much love over the past few months, you have lifted me so high with happiness.........
You have a heart of gold encased in so much love, you have given me a reason for living once again, you have shown me what it is to be loved and how to return it........
"For giving me the answers when I'm asking you why? For that I thank you"
"Oh Baby you're the only thing in this whole world that's pure and good and right, and wherever you are and wherever go there's always gonna be some light"
But I'm sorry Chris "I gotta get out, I gotta break it out now, before the final crack of dawn"
"Now it's over you know we'll both be so alone"
"Baby we can talk all night, but that ain't getting us nowhere, I told you everything I possibly can, there's nothing left inside of here"
"I can't lie, I can't tell you that I'm something I'm not, no matter how I try, I'll never be able to give you something, something that I just haven't got"
Chris, I am going to stay with Roy, and I am so sorry for all of the pain I have caused you, I built you up and knocked you down again, for that I will never forgive myself..........
Please try to see that we cannot possibly continue with this affair, my place is with Roy, please do not ring me, or try to contact me in any way at all...
I just wish to be able to salvage something from my life, and try to re-build it, and would hope that you could do the same Chris.......
Once again I am so sorry........
So that's it then is it?
I'm just supposed to walk away and act like everything is hunky dory? Pretend like neither last weekend nor Cardiff ever happened?
Face it Dottie you are only saying it because you are scared. Scared of stepping into the unknown and risking it. I suppose everything you have said over the last six months has just been empty platitudes and meaningless promises then?
"oh yes chris, of course i love you" - bull shit - you don't know the meaning of the word love. All you know is how to play with peoples emotions.
Tell me, were you ever a "rock and roll bride"? because i can see you now playing with the boys, breaking their hearts like they were toys.
Well this time I am not going to let it end like this. I will not let you treat me like some little tin soldier in your hands, something that is good for nothing but to obey your commands and something you can just wind up and let go.
You picked the wrong person to mess with this time and I promise you, here and now, you will live to regret this decision.
And I thought my friends were dramtic :roll: offence or anything
I know you're online, your PM box is full so have to post this here for you to see ... call me on my mobile now!!
Chris, got your text, please please you need to calm down. Please reply to the text I sent you or phone or something, am worried about you. You can't just send me messages like that and disappear.
Hey chris back off and leave Dottie alone for now, I know you are hurting but give her time........ please
30 Mar 2006, 19:22
............................. What The Fu...........
30 Mar 2006, 19:26
I know i don't know anyone here personally, but please...... Chris, it seems to me you are asking Dottie to have an affair! and Dottie, it seems you want to stay with someone you don't even love... and, not only that, but you are POSTING IT ON THE NET FOR EVERY BODY IN THE WORLD TO SEE!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hope i don't get any complaints over this message but hopefully you both understand where i'm coming from
I feel for both you.
Hope you're both ok.
Dottie - you know where I am if you need me.
Chris, got your text, please please you need to calm down. Please reply to the text I sent you or phone or something, am worried about you. You can't just send me messages like that and disappear.
At least someone gives a **** about peoples feelings don;t worry about me i have Captain morgan and good old Jack D to keep me company.
Of course people care - please don't do anything silly, take it easy on Jack.
At least someone gives a **** about peoples feelings don;t worry about me i have Captain morgan and good old Jack D to keep me company.
Are you Russian???
In any event...I am a stranger and so forgive me but here it goes...
I was on the Internet when people didn't know what the heck it is. First my first Internet boyfriend broke up with me because he didn't want to leave his wife. Then I broke up with my second internet boyfriend because he didn't want to leave his wife. Now all three of us are divorced, re-married and happy. Life is a funny thing...but to find out all about it you do kinda have to live it.
30 Mar 2006, 22:18
Are you Russian???
In any event...I am a stranger and so forgive me but here it goes...
I was on the Internet when people didn't know what the heck it is. First my first Internet boyfriend broke up with me because he didn't want to leave his wife. Then I broke up with my second internet boyfriend because he didn't want to leave his wife. Now all three of us are divorced, re-married and happy. Life is a funny thing...but to find out all about it you do kinda have to live it.
Firstly :wtf: are you Russian? what do you mean?
Please tell me you're not now married over the internet to said boyfriend(s) and that you now all live in a house made from mircochips and wire?:nuts:
ps if you got any Jack left over tonight send him over here :hic:
All right everyone, pick up a bottle of your poison and head for Chris's place. :-)
Is it compulsory to speak Russian? Or will gibberish do? ;)
Hmmm Life is a tough old mass of twists and turns, some good some bad.
Do you let your heart rule your head or vis-versa and then have to live with the consequence's....only you yourself truly know deep deep down...It's like standing at a crossroad whilst being totally lost. And to anybody in that situation I wish you all the best in your decision
....Hmmm you can throw that bottle of JD over here!
Well I'm confused :shock: , But I will say this I am Dotties nephew and I am 6ft 10 and quite large.I will happily take on anyone who upsets her.
blood is thicker than water
Firstly :wtf: are you Russian? what do you mean?
Please tell me you're not now married over the internet to said boyfriend(s) and that you now all live in a house made from mircochips and wire?:nuts:
ps if you got any Jack left over tonight send him over here :hic:
Did I post to you by mistake? I am sorry...I was posting to Chris...or at least trying to post to Chris - I am new here. Chris has a quote in Russian by his name...that's why I asked if he is Russian. Nah...not married by microchips and not sitting in the computer...or on the computer anymore...but the story actually was true. We were all married at the time - me and my 2 "boyfriends" (I did know them in real life too, although, of course, not at the same time). We all swore we will never get divorced...all three of us got divorced but not at the same time. I was the first one out...and then all three of us, of course, at different times, had our regrets...and then all three of us re-married to real people in real life and all got off the internet (my boss is out of town so I am typing away here).
Are you Russian???
It's an honorific used by members of the Russian mafia to identify those considered untouchable and on whom a contract can never be issued.
Scotty, Am i supposed to be scared? I haven't upset her. She has upset me - playing with peoples emotions and screwing with their heads.
Like i said,. she picked the worng person this time.
30 Mar 2006, 22:56
mszee - sorry my daughter got on the computer whilst I was away from the desk - THAT WAS NOT ME !!! :bicker: If you want to delete your reply - please do :oops:
It's an honorific used by members of the Russian mafia to identify those considered untouchable and on whom a contract can never be issued.
Oh...I see...
mszee - sorry my daughter got on the computer whilst I was away from the desk - THAT WAS NOT ME !!! :bicker: If you want to delete your reply - please do :oops:
Oh dear...I am laughing my head off here...This is just too's alright...let it stand as a symbol of my gullibility (sp?)...thank you for clearing this out...I am at work and laughing my head off...geez...not a good thing...
30 Mar 2006, 23:05
Oh dear...I am laughing my head off here...This is just too's alright...let it stand as a symbol of my gullibility (sp?)...thank you for clearing this out...I am at work and laughing my head off...geez...not a good thing...
Glad you can see the funny side of it - she is a ****** :shock:
Glad you can see the funny side of it - she is a ****** :shock:
I am a mother too...yick...if I only knew then what I know now...
You know.......
.....the only reason i'm not really posting in this thread is because.....i'm jealous of dottie.
Truth is I actually secretly really like Chris...and its crushing me to know that he's inlove with another woman...who doesn't even want him! :(
Life just so unfair!
Don't fret over her Chris....I don't mind being a rebound!
You know.......
.....the only reason i'm not really posting in this thread is because.....i'm jealous of dottie.
Truth is I actually secretly really like Chris...and its crushing me to know that he's inlove with another woman...who doesn't even want him! :(
Life just so unfair!
Don't fret over her Chris....I don't mind being a rebound!
How did I find myself in Twilight Zone?
31 Mar 2006, 00:38
You know.......
.....the only reason i'm not really posting in this thread is because.....i'm jealous of dottie.
Truth is I actually secretly really like Chris...and its crushing me to know that he's inlove with another woman...who doesn't even want him! :(
Life just so unfair!
Don't fret over her Chris....I don't mind being a rebound!
hahahaha, have you ever seen chris?
Yes of course I have......i even remember our anniversairy....(Which, by the wa chris, i'm still pretty sad that you forgot it! Talk about a punch to heart!) :(
hahahaha, have you ever seen chris?
I know you didn't post to me...but I just can't help myself - Friday is coming. I've never seen Chris...but from your pic up there you look awfully familiar to me...hahahahaha....
OK, who's heard from Chris?
Garbled phone call at 11pm last night telling me he's coming over for a chat, and since then nothing.
Worried of Cheshire!
I had a message from chris last night that read ' any time,any place- He has feelings for Dottie and will fight whoever for her'
It takes a hell of a lot for my to lose my temper but let's just say I'm starting to simmer!
He never made it to work this morning. I tried to ring but he wasn't answering so I have just been around to his flat with the spare keys. He isn't there and it doesn't look like he slept there last night. His shotgun was still in the cabinet which is a good thing i think and it doesn't look like he has packed or taken anything.
I've started ringing everyone in his address book that he might turn to but no one has seen him yet.
Really really starting to worry now.
Please let me know if you hear anything.
Samantha :?
..........knew I should've extended those odds :shock:
31 Mar 2006, 15:16
He never made it to work this morning. I tried to ring but he wasn't answering so I have just been around to his flat with the spare keys. He isn't there and it doesn't look like he slept there last night. His shotgun was still in the cabinet which is a good thing i think and it doesn't look like he has packed or taken anything.
I've started ringing everyone in his address book that he might turn to but no one has seen him yet.
Really really starting to worry now.
Please let me know if you hear anything.
Samantha :?
NO ones rang me :|
He will be OK
01 Apr 2006, 00:26
So Come On What's The Crack !!!!!!
I've just had someone ring my mobile. I don't want to sound paranoid but I think it might have been Chris. I don't recognise the number, does anyone know where 02088 is? :?
Aren't 020 numbers London? I'm fairly sure they are
S***, has anyone heard from dottie?
I've got to go, please if anyone hears from chris or dottie can you let me know? thanks.
Chris, where the hell are you?
I've just had the f****** police here asking about you.
I won't believe what they said until I talk to you.
Call me NOW.
I know I shouldn't be posting this on here but I don't know what else to do. I can't get hold of you on your phone. If you see this please please please get in touch. I'm really freaking out here.
Hey look I know I don't know any of you personally but this all sounds serious so I just hope it all turns out ok. Be thinking of you, hope you are alright cathie.
Thanks Ross.
Still no word from Chris.
If anyone hears from dottie or chris please let me know. I hope dottie's ok, haven't been able to talk to her.
I'm starting to think what the police said was true, I really don't want to believe it but with Chris and dottie both out of touch...
Oh sh** Chris, you have got to get in touch with someone. Got paranoid so started looking online at the papers - you're on the f****** internet, call me or call the police. Please hun. If you stay on the run it will only make it worse.
Sh** sh** sh**
Don't know what to do, don't think I should be posting this link but I don't know what else to do:
BBC News (
If this is really an April Fools Day joke, it is now WAY over the ****ing boundaries.
There are limits.
01 Apr 2006, 08:41
If this is really an April Fools Day joke, it is now WAY over the ****ing boundaries.
There are limits.
They are not missing - they have been on the shoutbox !!!!!!
Was a thread on an internet forum really the place to do this?
01 Apr 2006, 12:36
its an april fool joke - but i'm not amused - sorry you over stepped the mark on this on :evil:
& Chris YES you did upset me with it - I thought I was a friend !!
Yeah, sorry but i thought this was pretty tasteless aswell......about as funny as my little I love you thing, don't you think!?!
This is an April Fools? It was posted four days ago?
This is an April Fools? It was posted four days ago?
Actually, investigating the "BBC news"... that article was written mid March. So the murder etc etc was planned for more than 4 days of posting.
Well done guys, you have come up with the unfunniest April Fools ever, and I have to say Congats, I was taken in by it. Not because I was gullible enough for it not to cross my mind that this could be a joke (which it did), I just never believed that anyone here would pull off such a tasteless prank.
BRAVO BRAVO:lmao: :up: , what an April Fool (if thats the case ;) ).
:faint: :faint: :faint: :faint:
Dont worry Chris...........I see the funny side of it :rambo: :lurk: :yay: :yay:
01 Apr 2006, 14:28
Actually, investigating the "BBC news"... that article was written mid March. So the murder etc etc was planned for more than 4 days of posting.
where's the link ??
where's the link ??
In the "Chris" thread.
01 Apr 2006, 14:47
Fallen, I believe this is what u are looking for in regards to the BBC thing...
Index of /~chris/bbc
Name Last modified Size Description
Parent Directory 16-Mar-2006 20:05 -
bbc.html 15-Mar-2006 19:09 30k
chris.jpg 15-Mar-2006 19:03 6k
roy.jpg 15-Mar-2006 18:53 5k
It was found if you removed the /bbc.html off the link to the so called "news site" this is what came up.
Someone humour me...I'm not understanding the BBC thing....
01 Apr 2006, 15:10
Ok there was supposedly a link to the BBC website about chris "murdering" roy. When you remove the /BBC.html from the URL it takes you to chris's own site. where everything had been ready to go with the fake "murder" story since the 15th or 16th of March
I think some serious lines have been crossed.
01 Apr 2006, 15:20
I was following the story through another forum, and I was so disgusted when we started to realise that it was an elaborate joke just to try and fool people for "april fools day". I have been itching all day to get in and blow the whistle but had to wait for my membership to be activated.
Be very careful how and about what you "blow the whistle".
01 Apr 2006, 15:28
"blow the whistle" meant alert people that it was not true, that it was all a "joke".
I did wonder about it being an aprils fool but I can't say that I found it very funny, it was abit heavy going at times. :roll: :wtf:
Though I appreciate that it must have taken you a long time and lots of effort to organise..;) :D
01 Apr 2006, 19:48
Well now I'm disappointed that I didn't post my earlier thoughts before the ruse was discovered. I held off on the slight chance that there may have been some truth to it. But I've decided to post it now.
Dottie - I belive you have made the right decision to stay with Roy. If you'd chosen Chris he probably would have left you for the first rack (of lamb) that walked by or the next spring chicken that came crashing into his life.
Well done guys - I for one found it a very amusing read (as I did your torrid 12 days of Christmas) :twisted:
Could the person who emailed me please have a look at my blog.
01 Apr 2006, 21:26
Hahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. When I found out it was all a joke, I curled up into a ball of laughter. Just be glad someone found it funny...... Great one:up: :D
01 Apr 2006, 21:27
Actually, just thinking, if this has been planned, does this mean the whole Dottie and Chris 'love' situation was false too?
Sadly it was entirely false - Dottie is quite happy with her hubby adn i am quite content with my significant other.
Yes the "news" story was written a couple of weeks ago - the whole thing was planned about a month or more ago.
Ageing Bat
01 Apr 2006, 22:56
Oh, how un-funny is this year's April Fools 'joke'...... again.
I posted something very personal as a friend to two people I cared about, who I thought needed help. Yes, I was given the opportunity to remove my post early, but decided to leave it where it was as it may help someone who genuinely needs an alternative angle on their situation. I wasn't alone in wanting to help a friend, and that hurts too.... how many people's feelings were messed with in the name of 'fun'?
April Fools are supposed to be harmless fun - not with the intention of potentially causing upset or harm. There is a difference. And no, I don't have a sense of humour failure ...... I just don't want anyone to ever feel like I did last year on April 1st as a direct result of the 'joke' on this forum.
I'm sorry Chris, Dottie and the others that were involved in the planning of this, but you have lost the level of respect I had for you. Messing with peoples feelings isn't funny, it's cruel and hurtful. I thought better of you.
01 Apr 2006, 23:01
Although i feel for 'Ageing Bat' I still think it was a great joke and ingeniously put together. Maybe if the joke, directly, affected me then i may have a different opinion.
01 Apr 2006, 23:47
I'm with sarah - people care about you guys & you have lost respect - but I have heard that nasty things have been said - you need to think things through thoroughly before attempting sure a scam.
There are always going to be people who care - hurt - offend - I thought you guys would know that !!
Hope your decisions are not perminant
Ageing Bat
01 Apr 2006, 23:55
I don't bear a grudge...... life's too damned short to waste the energy on anger!
02 Apr 2006, 03:07
Well this is my first post and I followed the Dottie/Chris saga from the start.
It was a very well planned con worthy of any hollywood script writer's attention. Unfortunately it did mess with real people's feelings and I hope that in time those people will forgive and see it for the 'joke' it was meant to be.
p.s. never use navy to post against a brown background!
.. well.. this thread came to my attention the other day... and while it seemed feasible Chris would initially be writing to Dottie publicly.. due to a filled pm box.. imo Dottie's replies went over the top.. and were too toying .. and "knowing" Dottie and Chris.. i thought they would never post publicly something so private.... must admit.. i was closeasthis for a mo'.. lol.. but then.. i thought.. after being a board member for some time.. and seeing you guys about.. none of it was ringing true.. and then dawned on me re: April Fools' Day...that's the ticket !!..
i'm sorry though .. that people were hurt over this... hope all sorts out..
a word of advice... next time.. send a p m.. rather than reply publicly... it will save yourself the hurt...
take care...
most sincerely...
I'm with Ageing Bat and FA - people took time out of their private lives to advise you guys, be it online, text, phone, whatever. What's worse is that instead of letting us in on the "joke", you let your friends sit and continue to advise you, despite knowing that the whole thing was utter rubbish.
I apologise unreservedly to anyone who has been hurt by our April Fools topic...
At the moment I'm also licking my wounds, and feel that I cann't stay around here for the time being, and will take my leave as from today until some time in the future...
love dottie
02 Apr 2006, 13:01
You have no need to apologise. Jesus H Christ, some people are so highly strung they'll get their knickers in a twist at the slightest murmur. It was obvious from the very first post that it was all tongue in cheek, yet some people are that gullible they took it all in, hook, line and sinker. If people are offended by it then screw 'em..figuratively speaking of course ;)
Pud :twisted:
You have no need to apologise. Jesus H Christ, some people are so highly strung they'll get their knickers in a twist at the slightest murmur. It was obvious from the very first post that it was all tongue in cheek, yet some people are that gullible they took it all in, hook, line and sinker. If people are offended by it then screw 'em..figuratively speaking of course ;)
Pud :twisted:
.. i think Dottie's done the appropriate thing by apologizing.. Chris should as well.. and all injured parties should accept that and let go.. afterall .. y'all now have 364 to plan your own April Fools for next year... ;) ... if parties were genuinely injured.. Pud.. it's not a case of "screw 'em"... but hopefully. lessons have been learned.. and twisted knickers.. in the future.. shall be hung out behind closed pm doors.. ;) ...
so.. to the injured.. accept the apology... and go on with the fun...
and to Dottie.. get over it as well.. and no licking of wounds.. ay?..
02 Apr 2006, 13:36
I don't see what either Chris or Dottie has to apologise for. It wasn't the joke that was over the top (although it was getting up there) it was peoples reactions to it that was going over the top.
If some people feel injured by it, then tough, perhaps they should learn not to over-react to something that was obviously a wind up from the start.
Pud :twisted:
I don't see what either Chris or Dottie has to apologise for. It wasn't the joke that was over the top (although it was getting up there) it was peoples reactions to it that was going over the top.
If some people feel injured by it, then tough, perhaps they should learn not to over-react to something that was obviously a wind up from the start.
Pud :twisted:
perhaps the majority saw it that way Pud.. but there were a few that did not.. and to those... i say.. as before.. accept the apology offered... be of good cheer..and carry on... ;) ...
I will apologise unreservedly to anyone who took offence by our prank. It was intended entirely as a wind up and not aimed to cause offence.
For those complaining that it was planned, yes it was. The idea was concieved not long after christmas given all the people who took our little xmas blog seriously!!
The vast majority of people have been in touch to say that they thought it was a good joke but for the half dozen people who took offence - sorry.
However, I trust that since we are expected to apologise then the few people who decided to get extremely personal and send very very nasty emails/PMs will now apologise to us.:evil:
And incidentally, to the person sending those emails to Cathie, it was not her idea, it was my idea so if you have issues, take them up with me.
Ageing Bat
02 Apr 2006, 15:45
The meaning of forgiveness:
Forgiveness is a choice the forgiver makes to let go of resentment held in the forgiver's mind of a perceived wrong or difference, either actual or imagined. As the choice of forgiveness is made in the mind of the forgiver, it can be made about any resentment, whether toward another, oneself, a group, a situation or even one's God. Forgiveness of another can be granted with or without the other asking for forgiveness. Some believe the choice of forgiveness is only properly exercised if forgiveness is requested. Another view is that forgiveness is a gift the forgiver gives to oneself to free their mind of resentment. Forgiveness does not entail condoning the wrong or difference that occasioned the resentment. Foregiveness can be seen as "selective remembering"; a person has the choice of what they remember and foregive.
Forgiveness can be seen as a religious or spiritual value. However, belief in a deity is not necessary for forgiveness. It can be motivated by love, philosophy, appreciation for the forgiveness of others, empathy, or personal temperament. Even pure pragmatism can lead to forgiveness, as it is well documented that people who forgive are happier than those who hold grudges.
I'm Happy :D
And for the record...... it's most certainly not me sending nasty emails.
Nor me - whoever did that had done something far worse than the original joke - at least that was never personal. I hope that whoever sent it would come forward and apologize to those concerned.
..............I'm off to the pub :hic: :hic:
Have several for me Gerry
Dottie you have apologised to everyone that felt hurt over this, so there is no need to go anywhere, you are this forum's very own meaty celeb (re Graham norton for newbies). People felt hurt because on here they care..... that is too good a feeling to turn your back on.
There lecture over, lets have some fun
02 Apr 2006, 19:53
I don't think there is any need to apologise at all! I was a light hearted, seasonal joke, which was intended for a laugh. Lucy commented on people taking time out of there personal lives to post messages but, to be honest, i think that was the whole point. It wouldn't really be a joke if knowbody beleived it from the start.
I think everyone who was involved in this have a fantastic sense of humour and not one to mess with. Everybody who was offended or did not see the funny side really needs to lousen up a little.
I'm one of Pud's "gullible suckers". Thanks for the apology guys, I apologise for worrying, now we can forget it and move on?
For the record, Cathie had no emails from me, and whoever the hell is sending them can stop now.
Definately, we've all said our bit - finished now!
Oh, emails weren't from me either.
02 Apr 2006, 23:55
Dottie - Chris - Apologies accepted.
Please put it down to experience on all our parts & lets get back to normal - friends forgive & forget
Tangerine Teal
03 Apr 2006, 00:05
Lol was such a good laugh cried so much it was great - well done Chris and Dotty - cant wait till next year :D
I followed the story right from the start and i thought it was great and i think that people should see the funny side of things and how well both of them covered it up!!It was great i cant wait till next year guys what will be next i wonder!?!:D
Tangerine Teal
03 Apr 2006, 00:20
I followed the story right from the start and i thought it was great and i think that people should see the funny side of things and how well both of them covered it up!!It was great i cant wait till next year guys what will be next i wonder!?!:D
Yup I followed it from start to finish and still found it funny - like we have both said - looking forward to next years weeeeeeze!!!!!!
I am sat in awe of how well they covered it and how gulable i was!!But that doesnt matter to me i am just up for a giggle and what a giggle that was!!I would love to know if next years is being planned already!!
Tangerine Teal
03 Apr 2006, 00:35
knowing Chris - be aware - very aware - lol
03 Apr 2006, 00:40
If I was Sarah (ageing bat) I think I'd be rather naffed off right now. She has told the world her very private life story just to try to help two 'friends' . Not good guys! Its ok saying, its a funny joke, well not for everyone.
Most people at some point in their lives go through simular situations. I was the one being cheated on by my ex and his 'other woman'. Now a very dear friend of mine is going through hell being the one whose cheating on her husband. Its quite a raw subject for some poeple and I am sure if you had thought a little more, you could have come up with a another 'joke' that was slightly less sensitve.
03 Apr 2006, 01:27
If someone decides to tell the whole world about their private life then so what? why should people have to steptoe around them? There's always going to be someone who finds something a little more sensitive than a lot of others, but we shouldn't have to curb our posts (good or bad) to cater for the lowest common denominator.
Pud :twisted:
Can we stop all this now please? It's not worth it.
Think you are right there, Cathie.
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