View Full Version : The Frying Pan

03 Apr 2006, 15:10
Here, under TT&BH havent been new threads for some days! But i like TT&BH because everybody can have his own opinion.
So, let us discuss a liitle bit about a song!
Which song?
Yes, i know one!

Out of the frying pan

How does a frying pan relate to the lyrics of the song? I dnot know!
Tell me your opnion.

11 Apr 2006, 10:17
It's a proverb "Out of the frying pan, and into the fire". It means going on to something more than the original. Literally, a sausage being cooked in a frying pan cooks slower than if it fell out and fell straight into the fire.

12 Apr 2006, 17:44
the song is about sex, sex and more sex. :mrgreen:

12 Apr 2006, 18:18
"It´s never been this hot"..."Í´ll be waiting here with something that You´ll never forget"..."Lay down on the bed"..."The sun is just a ball of desire"..."I wanna take You into the fire"
I think that says all...
:cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: