View Full Version : Misquoted and Misunderstood Songs

17 Apr 2006, 01:54
You know how we often talk about lyrics that we didn't understand in the beginning...or thought it was something different from the real lyrics?

Good example would be I Will Do Anything For Love but I Won't Do That? People has been wondering what THAT is...

So I am thinking - it would fun to post here either personal experiences or what you've heard or read somewhere about misquoted songs.

I'll start:

Credence Clearwater Revival - Bad Moon Rising - the lyrics are "There is a bad moon on the rise"...often quoted as "There is a bathroom on the right".

Jimi Hendrix - Purple Haze - lyrics are: "Excuse me while I kiss the sky"...sometimes quoted as "Excuse me while I kiss this guy".

17 Apr 2006, 14:12
"And I think somewhere, someone must be calling my name...."

17 Apr 2006, 22:12
I've never felt the same about that song from Shrek (I'm a believer) since I heard my young cousin singing it...

"And then I saw her face, now I'm gonna leave her" :lmao:

17 Apr 2006, 22:22
"We're gonna go all the way tonight, tonight"

Should be
"We're gonna go all the way and tonight's the night"

Heard the wrong words sung by hundreds of fans at concerts...

17 Apr 2006, 22:26
"Iīll die for you and thats the truth"
But i whould prefer
"Iīll tell the truth and thatīs a lie"

17 Apr 2006, 22:33
I heard (or rather, read) a fan the other singing BOOH "and nothing ever rolls in this rock and roll hole".

Trust me, that one is a tongue twister. :D

18 Apr 2006, 00:30
rock and roll hole".

:D :D :D :D :D

18 Apr 2006, 01:23
I thought this thread would be funny...but you guys are truly hysterical...

18 Apr 2006, 01:31
This is slightly off topic...but only slightly...

Try to read this. I'm sure you can....very interesting.

fi yuo cna raed tihs, yuo hvae a sgtrane mnid too
Cna yuo raed tihs? Olny 55 plepoe can.

i cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was
rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch
at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno't mtaetr in waht oerdr the ltteres in a
wrod are, the olny iproamtnt tihng is taht the frsit and lsat ltteer be in
the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it
whotuit a pboerlm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey
lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Azanmig huh? yaeh and I awlyas
tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt! if you can raed tihs forwrad it.

I personally had no problem reading this...just shows you who I am...

18 Apr 2006, 01:36
THis has been posted very recently on 31st March by Diane... Sorry

18 Apr 2006, 01:39
THis has been posted very recently on 31st March by Diane... Sorry

OH alright...I just got it in the e-mail and read it without even noticing that something is fundamentally wrong with it - I thought it was about bad spelling or something...

18 Apr 2006, 01:41
I'm gonna hit the highway like a battery hen,
on a silver black mountain bike..

18 Apr 2006, 01:42
And maybe I'm lonely,
thats all I'm qualified to be

And maybe I'm lonely,
thats all a pile, a pile of peas

18 Apr 2006, 01:43
Glowin' like the metal on the edge of a knife

Growin' like a meadow on the engine tonight

18 Apr 2006, 01:54
OK...I post to myself by myself...

We are the champions - my friends
And we'll keep on fighting
Till the end

We are the champions - my friends
And we'll keep on fart'n
To the end...

18 Apr 2006, 12:59
Iīve heard

Glowing like the middle on the edge of a knife

19 Apr 2006, 01:36
Iīve heard

Glowing like the middle on the edge of a knife

Funny...I confuse lyrics in the beginning too...I still hear on Did I Say That? when ML sings really softly "Did I Say that" in the middle of the song - "Last night" instead...

23 Apr 2006, 07:13
I seem to misinterpret the lyrics to a lot of songs, and today I heard a friend say that he thought "Everything Louder Than Everything Else" was "Everyone, and Everything, and Everything Else"

That's a bad mistake. I think he has some hearing problems, but I make a lot more logical errors along those lines. Things that make sense to mistake.

Does anyone else do this a lot?

23 Apr 2006, 08:10
"and I think somebody somewhere must be calling my name.."

I can't imagine what silly fool would have thought that though.:oops:

23 Apr 2006, 12:06
Under TT&TH there is a thread called "Misqouted and misunderstood lyrics" thats nearly the same like this

23 Apr 2006, 16:27
Under TT&TH there is a thread called "Misqouted and misunderstood lyrics" thats nearly the same like this
Threads merged.

Elijah's way
25 Apr 2006, 16:45
I used to think in "One More Kiss" he sings "chickens of the night". Then I read the liner notes to see "champions". Every time I hear it though, it still sounds a little like chickens.

25 Apr 2006, 20:43
There is the famous story about Led Zeppelin (nut Meat, but interessting, too)
Led Zeppelin had a german producer (i donīt know what exact he did). Years ago, he worked in a kindergarten and raped the little kids. One day near the end of the production of the album, he found hung on the attic.
The the misunerstood lyric.
You can her when the childrens choir is singing "All in all itīs just a"(nother brick in the wall), instead of this "Hol ihn, hol ihn unterīs Dach", which is German and means "Take him, take him to the attic".

Donīt know, if itīs true, but i just wanted to post it.
What do you think about?

26 Apr 2006, 01:07
I used to think in "One More Kiss" he sings "chickens of the night". Then I read the liner notes to see "champions". Every time I hear it though, it still sounds a little like chickens.

I am telling you...every single time I hear low Did I say that...I most definitely hear...Last night...I am laughing so hard about chickens...

26 Apr 2006, 01:09
There is the famous story about Led Zeppelin (nut Meat, but interessting, too)
Led Zeppelin had a german producer (i donīt know what exact he did). Years ago, he worked in a kindergarten and raped the little kids. One day near the end of the production of the album, he found hung on the attic.
The the misunerstood lyric.
You can her when the childrens choir is singing "All in all itīs just a"(nother brick in the wall), instead of this "Hol ihn, hol ihn unterīs Dach", which is German and means "Take him, take him to the attic".

Donīt know, if itīs true, but i just wanted to post it.
What do you think about?

I am not sure what to think...what do you think? Some kind of acoustic trick?

26 Apr 2006, 04:57
There is the famous story about Led Zeppelin (nut Meat, but interessting, too)
Led Zeppelin had a german producer (i donīt know what exact he did). Years ago, he worked in a kindergarten and raped the little kids. One day near the end of the production of the album, he found hung on the attic.
The the misunerstood lyric.
You can her when the childrens choir is singing "All in all itīs just a"(nother brick in the wall), instead of this "Hol ihn, hol ihn unterīs Dach", which is German and means "Take him, take him to the attic".

Donīt know, if itīs true, but i just wanted to post it.
What do you think about?

R, is "All in all it's just another brick in the wall" Led Zeppelin or Pink Floyd?

26 Apr 2006, 15:17
I think that itīs just the imagination if you hear this line. Somebody told me, and i hear it now everytime i listen to. I heard that it is some kind of defect in the brain that you compare eveything that you dont understand with words or noises that you know.
But all in all itīs a nice halloween story.

26 Apr 2006, 18:13
R, is "All in all it's just another brick in the wall" Led Zeppelin or Pink Floyd?

Pink Floyd!
Omg, what was i thinking???
When I wrote this, there was a show about Led Zeppelin on the Radio.
Itīs Pink Floyd, sorry.

26 Apr 2006, 20:53
I have a Meat and a non Meat one.
The non Meat is Avril lavinge skater boy. I thought

"he wasn't good enough for her" was
"he was a girl in love for her"!!:shock: :lol:

That really had me confused for a long time!

The Meat/Steinman one is Bad For Good: "For the good of the surface on heaven on earth" and "is it richer than demons or just a little cheaper than spit"!

26 Apr 2006, 22:45
I have a Meat and a non Meat one.
The non Meat is Avril lavinge skater boy. I thought

"he wasn't good enough for her" was
"he was a girl in love for her"!!:shock: :lol:

That really had me confused for a long time!

The Meat/Steinman one is Bad For Good: "For the good of the surface on heaven on earth" and "is it richer than demons or just a little cheaper than spit"!

That one with AV is understandable, listened to it now, i think that whould be pssible to happen, if it were a Meat song, it whould prove the tranvestite-theory.

I thought richer than diamonds... was in "It just wont quit" or is it in both of them?

27 Apr 2006, 01:11
I think that itīs just the imagination if you hear this line. Somebody told me, and i hear it now everytime i listen to. I heard that it is some kind of defect in the brain that you compare eveything that you dont understand with words or noises that you know.
But all in all itīs a nice halloween story.

I think actually both Led Zeppelin and Pink Floyd have a lot of urban legends about their music. I have to listen to it again to hear for myself.

27 Apr 2006, 01:12
Pink Floyd!
Omg, what was i thinking???
When I wrote this, there was a show about Led Zeppelin on the Radio.
Itīs Pink Floyd, sorry.

I am so sure you know your music - don't feel bad - I just thought it was me for a little while there...

27 Apr 2006, 15:03
I mixed it up with the legend of stairway to heaven, that if you listen to it backwards, youīd hear satanic messages.

27 Apr 2006, 18:35
That one with AV is understandable, listened to it now, i think that whould be pssible to happen, if it were a Meat song, it whould prove the tranvestite-theory.

I thought richer than diamonds... was in "It just wont quit" or is it in both of them?

Oh, sorry, it's just the way I've wrote it (badly!:lol: ). Diamonds is just in IJWQ!;)

28 Apr 2006, 01:03
I mixed it up with the legend of stairway to heaven, that if you listen to it backwards, youīd hear satanic messages.

Did you listen to it yourself backwards? At this point we have records, tapes and CD's and nobody knows where anything is...so I can't find some stuff I've been looking for.

28 Apr 2006, 18:35
I listended to it, but you need very much fantasy to hear it.

28 Apr 2006, 20:20
I listended to it, but you need very much fantasy to hear it.

You've written before about power of suggestion - if somebody suggests something I've never seen or heard before - I will immediately start hearing and seeing it - it's very strong with me.

Do you know by any chance if there was VHS tape "Hits Out of Hell"? I recall having it but all I can find is "Hits Out of Hell II" and even that I don't have time to watch again.

15 May 2006, 21:57
Ok, I know the lyrics in "Bat" are "...and my skin is raw but my soul is ripe". On the Melbourne Live DVD, I keep hearing it as "And my skinny little rump is oh so ripe!"

Please keep the laughter to a dull roar.

16 May 2006, 01:26

16 May 2006, 18:34
Ok, I know the lyrics in "Bat" are "...and my skin is raw but my soul is ripe". On the Melbourne Live DVD, I keep hearing it as "And my skinny little rump is oh so ripe!"

Please keep the laughter to a dull roar.

I am a non-native english speaking person, but this one i have never heard. :D :D :D

16 May 2006, 20:28
I am a non-native english speaking person, but this one i have never heard. :D :D :D

This would be very American I think...

17 May 2006, 01:43
Oh I just remembered one. I misheard full parts from For Crying Out Loud. I love that song and I guess I never really listened to every detail of the lyrics...

So instead of

And can't you see my faded Levis
Bursting apart

I always heard...

And can you see something something
Both staying apart...

I don't even know at this point what something something I heard...

10 Jun 2006, 02:51
I know it's not strictly a misheard song, but I bought Sandi Thom's album last week, (pretty good, reminds me of KT Tunstall) and her single I Wish I Was A Punk Rocker has been going round and round in my head ever since, except when I'm singing it in my head, for some reason I always change the words to I Wish I Was A Bank Robber.... must be something Freudian going on there...

10 Jun 2006, 03:46
I learnt yesterday that Duran Duran (I think) sing a song entitled "Girls on Film"... not girls on girls.... speaking of Freudian! :shock:

10 Jun 2006, 10:45
:ninja: :x :lmao: