View Full Version : Alternative story thread...
Cpl Mickey
24 Aug 2007, 10:46
his mum
24 Aug 2007, 14:19
's poodle, Snowdrop, a dog with a very high pitched, yappy voice, capable of only one thing:
spluttered on the wall...
24 Aug 2007, 15:43
just above a signed picture of David Hasselhoff
which for some reason was looking very chipper and dapper
24 Aug 2007, 16:15
which was exactly the opposite of their landlord in a trailer 3 miles down the road
who woke up in a foul mood because his princess live-in girlfriend who wasn't a princess by any stretch of imagination except for him...
24 Aug 2007, 16:33
but she fell for his frog like features
and so he was hoping that they can make a life together prancing around their trailer and raising little sprogs...
24 Aug 2007, 18:35
which, in case anyone's wondering, are a type of small cog, similar to those used in watch mechanisms. Why the frog princess couple would want to raised a family of small cogs is explained once you know that
the couple in question, in fact, was none other than...
the one and only, the family of masterminds, namely ...
25 Aug 2007, 14:31
Eddie 'The Eagle' Edwards and his friend
that did wonders for the many waiting fans of
a great Tunisian banjo player by the name of Tortilla Chip...
who was touring with a big band that stood out from the rest & was only doing 10 gigs a year with ticket prices soaring due to selling out in 10 minuets while
also offering free diamond rings and fur coats with those tickets
because they were so hot they were steaming out towards
the blue skies like a miriad of white butterflies surging upwards...
towards the new space city called paradise were the world is to
28 Aug 2007, 02:20
become a space utopia by getting rid of all the politicians in the world and replacing them with
members of the mlukfc who know how to party &
28 Aug 2007, 02:29
aren't afraid to teach others how to do it properly. The first step to a good party is ALWAYS to ensure you
have a cool concert were you all meet up & have a good old sing song & dance the night away while drinking in moderate amounts tell some good stories &
28 Aug 2007, 02:58
drink plenty of water before bed so you're in a fit state to do it all again the next night. Of course, if you can't find any water, you can always subsitute
with water from the nerest fountain without falling in & be foolish enough to try & have a wee in it that would be so
28 Aug 2007, 03:03
refreshingly original
28 Aug 2007, 03:05
but not refreshingly tasty as many hikers have chosen to relieve themselves in the pure stream.
Lemon fresh? no!
Ahhh...but LIME fresh is a completely different story...
Somebody was having a bad day and a kidney stone problem...and that somebody was...
28 Aug 2007, 11:18
the most unlikely and ungainly person one could possibly imagine. Even in your wildest dreams you would be hard pressed to
28 Aug 2007, 13:12
consider going out on a date with them
much less to know their name or their birthday...which, of course, is important if...
28 Aug 2007, 17:34
you wish to perpetuate a complicated identity fraud which would result in you owning all of their property, assets, money and dog.
the last one completely unnecessary, especially if it's rabid...
because that would cause a nasty chemical reaction to the
23 Feb 2008, 04:07
sausage and mash they were about to eat...
24 Feb 2008, 00:08
which was wolfed down by the dog who
24 Feb 2008, 00:10
was scratching as he got fleas from
24 Feb 2008, 00:22
a travelling circus which
24 Feb 2008, 00:39
had a mad ring master who
24 Feb 2008, 22:31
ate two lions because
25 Feb 2008, 10:45
he didn't have room for three and anyway
25 Feb 2008, 10:47
he was travelling tomorrow to
28 Feb 2008, 19:00
St Petersburg to collect the celebrated Nijinsky Balletic Flea Circus who had promised to bite all the rats and infect them with
28 Feb 2008, 19:53
chicken pox and scarlet fever and then round up all the
28 Feb 2008, 21:41
little squeakers and make them
28 Feb 2008, 23:23
dress up as clowns and dance to Bat out of Hell,then go out over
the cheering crowd & infect them all with a virus so harmful that they had to
29 Feb 2008, 03:12
put on protective clothing and be locked up for six weeks with
29 Feb 2008, 10:51
three chickens and a bottle of warm beer so that
29 Feb 2008, 11:06
they can all have a rave party until
03 Mar 2008, 05:58
One of them get's paraletic and passes out then
03 Mar 2008, 17:42
a load of others gatecrash and it turns out they are all police and they all end up
03 Mar 2008, 23:13
in the clink, they
03 Mar 2008, 23:47
All have a party down at the police station until some bouncers from the night club next door come to ask them to keep the noise down ,but
04 Mar 2008, 02:04
it does'nt go down too well. They biff the Bouncers and escape!
04 Mar 2008, 02:06
and then go into another club where they all have a go at pole dancing and get really
sloshed until
04 Mar 2008, 22:16
they decide to fly a plane to Honolulu
05 Mar 2008, 11:03
where they meet a load of Meat Loaf fans and all go to the nearest bar,where they
end up meeting
05 Mar 2008, 21:25
Barb, Jo and Neil who
05 Mar 2008, 22:05
went for
10 Mar 2008, 00:38
a chinese meal and a couple of pints ,then they went to a club where they
10 Mar 2008, 23:47
danced the night away and got Brahms and Liszt! Then they
11 Mar 2008, 00:04
walked along the roadside where they
11 Mar 2008, 00:51
hailed a taxi to the nearest airport and jumped aboard the first plane bound for
11 Mar 2008, 10:33
Las Vegas where they hit the casinos,while there they met
The Flying Mouse
11 Mar 2008, 19:26
:twisted: Meat Loaf, who, by chance, had just been ordained a minister and opened his own chappel of love :shock:
11 Mar 2008, 19:35
where he conducted the wedding service for Jo & Neil,then afterwards they all drank six
bottles of plonk each then
12 Mar 2008, 23:34
then went back to casino's and won $20,000,000!
12 Mar 2008, 23:41
after that they decided to go to the airport and just board a plane heading for
19 Mar 2008, 10:22
The Flying Mouse
19 Mar 2008, 15:13
:twisted: where, waiting for them....
19 Mar 2008, 18:36
was 100 Meat Loaf fans,standing along the roadside with.................
The Flying Mouse
19 Mar 2008, 18:42
:twisted: Posters saying.........
19 Mar 2008, 22:39
A concert is being played at 9pm the next day and people were to audition at 6pm so.......
28 Mar 2008, 10:18
a load of drunk irish dudes turned up with.......................
The Flying Mouse
28 Mar 2008, 15:03
:twisted: A washboard, an old piano, and a pair of drumsticks (but curiously, no drums :bleh: )
28 Mar 2008, 18:43
after the audition they all took their insruments with them and went........................
31 Mar 2008, 23:50
paragliding they thought it could be
01 Apr 2008, 00:04
real fun,so they decided when they finished to do it all over again,later that evening they
01 Apr 2008, 02:29
went to the nearest kareoke bar and sang
The Flying Mouse
01 Apr 2008, 16:33
:twisted: Itsy bitsy teeny weenie yellow polka dot bikini.
02 Apr 2008, 10:41
while all dressed in Mickey Mouse costumes,next they all decided to.......
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