View Full Version : Eurovision Song Contest 2006
13 May 2006, 20:55
Next saturday, may 20th, the time has come for the Eurovision Song Contest 2006 in Athens.
What do You think about? Who will win this Year? Will Germany get the opportunity to get NOT the last place???
This Year we will take part with the country band "Texas Lightning" and the song "No No Never" an interessting country song.
I posted this comment on here, way back in 2004 and then repeated it in 2005 and both years i was correct.
So here are my voting predictions:
Greece won't vote for Turkey
nor will Germany vote for Austria (incidentally the German song will probably be about Love, Peace or Harmony!!)
Norway will vote for Sweden but this won't be reciprocated
The UK will vote for Malta
France won't vote for the UK
Cyprus will give Greece 12 points - and make a token gesture of a few points for Turkey
At least one country will try to make a political statement (rip off black clothes to reveal white ones underneath or similar)
And finally, The great God of Commentators that is Our Beloved And Gracious Leader Wogan (King Of TOG's) will announce which act he likes who will then come pitifully low!!
13 May 2006, 22:07
incidentally the German song will probably be about Love, Peace or Harmony!!
Our song this year is very different compared to the years before! I really like it, although Iīm not a country-fan.
But You can build you own opinion (actually the lyrics dont fit the song, itīs more different than You expect):
My love is stronger now than you’ll ever know
and it won’t ever let you go
My love is wider than the ocean can be
and it’s deeper than the deep blue sea
My love goes higher than a mountain can rise
and I see it there in your eyes
My love gets tougher when the going gets rough
and believe me, I’ve got more than enough
Keep tryin’ babe, keep holding on
There’s a place we belong
Where things are good, where love is strong
I’m never ever gonna leave you to cry on your own
Never ever gonna not go and pick up the phone
I’m never ever gonna let you be chilled to the bone
No, no, never
No, no, never
I’m never ever gonna leave when you’re lost in the storm
Never ever gonna not keep you safe where it’s warm
I never ever will desert you when your heart is torn
No, no, never
No, no, never
My love shines brighter than a twinkling star
baby no matter where you are
And my love keeps burning like an eternal flame
you can feel it, when I’m calling your name
Keep tryin’ babe, keep holding on
There’s a place we belong
Where things are good, where love is strong
2x Rafrain
14 May 2006, 07:01
Germany's finest moment was 99 Red Balloons, if the song isn't similar to that, then it doesn't stand a chance. Russia will win the Eastern European countries need their gas supply.
Pud :twisted:
14 May 2006, 12:15
Germany's finest moment was 99 Red Balloons, if the song isn't similar to that, then it doesn't stand a chance. Russia will win the Eastern European countries need their gas supply.
Pud :twisted:
Donīt wanna distroy Your illusions Pud, but Nenaīs balloons were never on the contest.
We won once, that was 82 Nicole with "Ein bisschen Frieden" (a little peace).
The problem is that nearly every of our songs were written by Ralph Siegel, and now complete new people are performing. Believe me, itīs very different to all of our songīs that ever took part.
14 May 2006, 12:49
Hot damn you're right :oops: That song sucked but every other song in the Eurovision that year sucked as well. You should have had 99 Red Balloons in the Eurovision, that would have won :D
Just listened to the German song for 2006 and I quite like it. Seems Ralph Siegel has gone over to the Swiis side this year and that song sucks big time.
Pud :twisted:
18 May 2006, 08:16
What do you think about Lordi from Finland? :D
18 May 2006, 15:37
havenīt heard it yet.
Does anybody know something about the "scandal" in the semi-final? Just read the headline.
19 May 2006, 03:58
Lordi are crap, I can't believe they got through the semi final stage.
Not too sure what the scandal is, I know the Greeks were a little p*ssed off with the Icelandic entry for some reason.
HOWEVER, if you're wanting some really good scandal, the Croatian entry Severina Vuckovic did an home made porn movie, kinda like the Paris Hilton one.
Pud :twisted:
my one day a year when i don't need a alibi to sneak of to the pub with my mates :lol: :lol:
19 May 2006, 14:51
Lordi are crap, I can't believe they got through the semi final stage.
Not too sure what the scandal is, I know the Greeks were a little p*ssed off with the Icelandic entry for some reason.
HOWEVER, if you're wanting some really good scandal, the Croatian entry Severina Vuckovic did an home made porn movie, kinda like the Paris Hilton one.
Pud :twisted:
Why do you think that Lordi is crap.. I think theyīre good.. And they went into final.. :lol:
19 May 2006, 16:55
Tomorrow weīll see...
(that the sentence "germany, 12 points" will be said by nearly everyone!!!)
20 May 2006, 00:11
Great songs - great image - my vote is with them. Although there entry is not as strong as thIer other singles.
20 May 2006, 00:24
People, do one big thing for all Your German friends around here:
Vote tomorrow for No No Never by Texas Lightning!!!!
Thank You!
As I heard we are the secret favorite this year! Hope that itīs true!
20 May 2006, 10:57
Why do you think that Lordi is crap.. I think theyīre good.. And they went into final.. :lol:
I notice you're Finnish, hardly an unbiased opinion for the Finnish entry. I admire the fact that NOTHING like them has ever gone before on Eurovision, but the song truly is bloody awful.
People, do one big thing for all Your German friends around here:
Vote tomorrow for No No Never by Texas Lightning!!!!
I'd vote for them if I could, then UK because I quite like that one as well. I hope Lithuania does well, just for the fact of having a song called 'We Are The Winners' shows ambition :D
Pud :twisted:
21 May 2006, 10:18
Well Done Lordi :yay: :yay:
21 May 2006, 13:50
Congratulations from a person, whose country is #15 (way ahead from last year!)
21 May 2006, 13:57
Although I usually don't like rap I think Daz should have done wayy better last night, it was a fun song. Shame on Netherlands and Germany giving 12 points to Turkey. Very biased if you ask me!
They should change the voting system I think. Just a jury of experts from each country judging on the music, not where they are from; the way the system stands now means that Russia will always get loads of points, it doesn't make sense.
21 May 2006, 14:01
Although I usually don't like rap I think Daz should have done wayy better last night, it was a fun song. Shame on Netherlands and Germany giving 12 points to Turkey. Very biased if you ask me!
They should change the voting system I think. Just a jury of experts from each country judging on the music, not where they are from.
As far as I know there was a jury in some countries some years ago. I think that itīs the best way how it is.
Itīs not a contest about the best music, but about the song that europe likes most.
btw, I voted for finland, too. I didnīt like the performance, but the song is great! (got a little bit of the monster ;-))
I am satisfied with the result.
21 May 2006, 22:20
Found this on the Times newspaper website just now:
"Lordi, frontman for the band which takes his name, grew up as an only child in Finnish Lapland with a love of fake blood.
He was dubbed the Bat out of Helsinki before the show, from Meat Loafs song Bat Out of Hell.",,176-2190668,00.html
:lol: :shock: :twisted:
22 May 2006, 05:57
Although I usually don't like rap I think Daz should have done wayy better last night, it was a fun song. Shame on Netherlands and Germany giving 12 points to Turkey. Very biased if you ask me!
They should change the voting system I think. Just a jury of experts from each country judging on the music, not where they are from; the way the system stands now means that Russia will always get loads of points, it doesn't make sense.
I agree. If everything was equal UK and Germany should have done a lot better, because their songs were better.
Eurovision has definitely gone down a route of political biased. Russia got maximum points from Belarus, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Ukraine and Armenia :roll: Greece got their obligatory 12 points from Cyprus :shock: And Bosnia & Herzegovina got maximum points from Albania, Croatia, FYR Macedonia, Serbia & Montenegro and Slovenia...hmm I wonder where they're geographically situated :roll:
I'd like to see a panel of expert judges voting, instead of the public.
Pud :twisted:
22 May 2006, 08:44
Thereīs joke in Finland that when we going to win Eurovision Song Contest Hell freezes over.. So Hell has frozen over.. :lol: (I know that Eagles made comeback even they said that "Hell freeze over" before they do that.. Thatīs why one of their album is Hell Freeze over..)
But there was lots of nice songs.. Germanyīs song.. I like country music.. And Russian song was very nice.. But unfortunately most of the song was awful.. Especially almost every song after Lordi.. Except Irish song.. They can make wonderful songs..
22 May 2006, 09:31
Although I usually don't like rap I think Daz should have done wayy better last night, it was a fun song. Shame on Netherlands and Germany giving 12 points to Turkey. Very biased if you ask me!
They should change the voting system I think. Just a jury of experts from each country judging on the music, not where they are from; the way the system stands now means that Russia will always get loads of points, it doesn't make sense.
First my openion: I don't like Lordi at all its not singing what they do. Youre line about shame on the netherlands...youre rigt, the dutch jury does not vote for the best song, but 'who do we have te keep as a friend'. But... there are more countrys who do that, allready for years. Lordi the winner is a surprise, thats for sure! I don't think that this is taken seriously, its al about money, and stay friends... thats my opinion.
22 May 2006, 12:50
.. Except Irish song.. They can make wonderful songs..
I thought the Irish song was --->:shit: made me want to eat a plate of raw sprouts. It was too boring, just like nearly every other Irish Eurovision song thats gone before it. And I don't know what the big deal about Belgiums entry either, that deserved to get kicked out of the semi's :zzz:
Who was the fat Dutch presenter? making all sorts of innuendo's with the fancy pants Greek fellow.
Pud :twisted:
22 May 2006, 14:04
Who was the fat Dutch presenter? making all sorts of innuendo's with the fancy pants Greek fellow.
Pud :twisted:
That's Paul de Leeuw, quite a funny Dutch guy/gay, but can be quite rude at times.
Terry Wogan's comments about him were a bit stupid I thought and ill-informed.
I thought it was rather refreshing having someone breaking up the continuation of the boring points stuff that went on for hours it seemed.
Indeed I'm taking more note of the Dutch points than others cuz I lived in Holland for 19 years and think the Dutch taste for music (ie Meat Loaf) is better than showing it off by giving 12 points to Turkey each year (I think it has been like that for the past 4 years or so)! The old problem of televoting heh?
I personally thought the show was quite good (up until the voting) with quite a bit of varied music this time.
22 May 2006, 14:52
Eurovision has definitely gone down a route of political biased. Russia got maximum points from Belarus, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Ukraine and Armenia :roll: Greece got their obligatory 12 points from Cyprus :shock: And Bosnia & Herzegovina got maximum points from Albania, Croatia, FYR Macedonia, Serbia & Montenegro and Slovenia...hmm I wonder where they're geographically situated :roll:
I'd like to see a panel of expert judges voting, instead of the public.
Pud :twisted:
I spoke to some people about this, because itīs every year the same "problem".
We came to the following result and I think thatīs the truth:
It is nothing political at all. These typical votings are caused by the same "tribes", if you can call it so, of these countries. So they got the same roots and and, as a result of that, a similar taste of music. So they like most of all the songs, which are similar to their own style.
And it just canīt be political, becuase so many people are voting. Maybe some of them are voting according to their loyality to other countries, but with a big number of votings, most of the people just vote for the song, which is their favorite.
MY two cents!
PS: According to the news, about 100,000,000 people were watching it!
22 May 2006, 17:11
So they like most of all the songs, which are similar to their own style.
And it just canīt be political, becuase so many people are voting. Maybe some of them are voting according to their loyality to other countries, but with a big number of votings, most of the people just vote for the song, which is their favorite.
MY two cents!
I think this is exactly what Pud meant it is not: People vote for their neigbouring countries / countries of immigrants they have in their countries regardless of the song that is entered. The televoting sucks big time. This is one of the reason why Finland won, a lot of people see it as a farce and voted for them because of that.
12 points from Netherlands / Germany to Turkey in the last 4 years, how do you explain that. Similair style of music? I don't think so. Also since there are soo many Eastern European countries adjacent to Russia who are now in the EuroVision it is not fair the voting goes. Russia will automatically get 100 points each year now? Great!
I'm not saying UK should win each year but there were some damn good entries that deserved some 12 points other than Turkey and Russia this time round.
You should know it is a bit of a farce. 4 countries Spain, Germany, France and the UK will never have to go via the semi finals as the largest part of the viewing population is based in these countries. You call that fair also?
I still think the show was bloody good with some great songs, just a shame the voting process does not reflect that at all IMO.
22 May 2006, 19:25
[QUOTE=Pudding]I thought the Irish song was --->:shit: made me want to eat a plate of raw sprouts. It was too boring, just like nearly every other Irish Eurovision song thats gone before it. And I don't know what the big deal about Belgiums entry either, that deserved to get kicked out of the semi's :zzz:[QUOTE]
I canīt help myself that I like ballads.. And Guinnes is the best beer in the world.. :cheers:
22 May 2006, 19:33
I think this is exactly what Pud meant it is not: People vote for their neigbouring countries / countries of immigrants they have in their countries regardless of the song that is entered. The televoting sucks big time. This is one of the reason why Finland won, a lot of people see it as a farce and voted for them because of that.
12 points from Netherlands / Germany to Turkey in the last 4 years, how do you explain that. Similair style of music? I don't think so. Also since there are soo many Eastern European countries adjacent to Russia who are now in the EuroVision it is not fair the voting goes. Russia will automatically get 100 points each year now? Great!
I'm not saying UK should win each year but there were some damn good entries that deserved some 12 points other than Turkey and Russia this time round.
You should know it is a bit of a farce. 4 countries Spain, Germany, France and the UK will never have to go via the semi finals as the largest part of the viewing population is based in these countries. You call that fair also?
I still think the show was bloody good with some great songs, just a shame the voting process does not reflect that at all IMO.
Youīre absolutely right!
The thing about the turkey has some other reason. Most of the imigrants in Gernamy are from the turkey, so they can vote for their own country. As far as I know is Holland a imigration country, but I dont know much about where the most imigrants are from.
The 4 countries are each year in the contest because they finance the biggest part of the contest, so they canīt be voted off. Although I think that this would be good, so we could think about what weīre doing and get a better ranking than the other years.
I think there are a lot of problems connected with this contest, but I think thatīs all in all a very great show.
23 May 2006, 04:04
Perhaps the best solution would be to have televoting for the 1-7 points and a panel of expert judges for the 8, 10 & 12 points. It won't be perfect but it might be fairer.
The great thing about Lordi winning, is that hopefully future entires will be about the whole spectacle and not just the song, because there was some bored looking singers not doing much when singing their song.
Pud :twisted:
Thereīs joke in Finland that when we going to win Eurovision Song Contest Hell freezes over.. So Hell has frozen over.. :lol: (I know that Eagles made comeback even they said that "Hell freeze over" before they do that.. Thatīs why one of their album is Hell Freeze over..)
But there was lots of nice songs.. Germanyīs song.. I like country music.. And Russian song was very nice.. But unfortunately most of the song was awful.. Especially almost every song after Lordi.. Except Irish song.. They can make wonderful songs..
What was Russian song and who sang it? We don't get this show here...I used to watch it back when religiously...
23 May 2006, 05:04
Russia's song was Never Let You Go by Dima Bilan and it was --->:shit: compared to a lot of others.
THIS ( website is quite informative.
Pud :twisted:
Russia's song was Never Let You Go by Dima Bilan and it was --->:shit: compared to a lot of others.
THIS ( website is quite informative.
Pud :twisted:
Thanks...the site is not in English?
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