View Full Version : Why is it

15 May 2006, 22:27
That MLUKFC now and again has a hissy fit and won't let me post capital letters?

I'm not shouting at anyone, I just want to type in (for example) DIST, or the :D smiley, and the forum removes my capitals, leaving me with dist and :d.

Or is it just me? :oops:

15 May 2006, 22:30
some times when i type in caps n changes it t lower case but with a capital and other times it stays in caps. so it aint just u lotus and im afraid i cant answer ur question! CAPITAL LETTERS (TEST)?

15 May 2006, 22:30
There We Go?


15 May 2006, 22:33
I'm glad it's not just me, thanks Ben.

Now, where's the marvellous plumber? ;-)

15 May 2006, 22:40
This software has a "feature" to prevent shouting in thread titles and message body. It's on by default. It'S switched off now; let me know if it helps.

15 May 2006, 22:48
That explains an awful lot, thanks R. Now that you've mentioned it, it does only play with my capitals when that is *all* I am saying in a thread, such as the "what are you listening to" thread. When it's just the capitals with no other writing at all, then it freaks. I didn't notice that. :oops:

Cheers! :D