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View Full Version : Re: About time!

27 Jan 2001, 01:48
I just wanted to say that its about time I have seen a message board online where meat loaf fans can post things ./icons/icon7.gif
It gave me an idea so I made my own I dont think it will work out though since nobody knows about it and I am not very good at advertisment(sp?) but I think I did a good job.
But anyway I love the message board feature and cant wait untill I post something in here again! ./icons/icon7.gif

Sincerly mlvoss


27 Jan 2001, 02:11
Sorry this should of been posted in the feedback forum ./icons/icon8.gif please forgive me.

28 Jan 2001, 22:29
Yes, you're right. This should have been posted in the feedback forum.
Anyway, I do think that this thread is still on topic and i won't move it to the feedback forum (too lazy ./icons/icon11.gif).

Why don't we use this thread to post some suggestions for our messageboards? There's still some space left in the left frame.


<font face='Verdana, Arial' size='1' color='#000000'>[Edited on Jan 28, 2001 / 21:29:03 by R.]</font>

01 Feb 2001, 08:57
I would like advice but I dont want to waste peoples time...
All I put it up for was to see peoples vies on meat since I put it up I have actully gone to other peoples sites and seen that there are other boards lol.

I am making a little site aswell just the normal stuff nothing fance and was wondering if I can put this site on my links section?

Sincerly mlvoss ./icons/icon7.gif

01 Feb 2001, 22:42
mlvoss wrote:
> I would like advice but I dont want to waste peoples time...

No prob. You do not waste my time. ./icons/icon12.gif

> All I put it up for was to see peoples vies on meat since I put it up I have actully gone to other peoples sites and seen that there are other boards lol.

Where did you find these other boards?

> I am making a little site aswell just the normal stuff nothing fance and was wondering if I can put this site on my links section?

Of course you can! ./icons/icon2.gif


01 Feb 2001, 23:20
Thanks ./icons/icon7.gif

Umm I just saw that people had other boards on there site not much replys though but they were still there...
Sorry I cant remember the url's as I always look them up on a search engine as if I add'd all the meat loaf sites to my favorites I would have a lot!

I will put that banner up today ./icons/icon7.gif

03 Feb 2001, 22:35
Ummm... what's the url of your website?


07 Feb 2001, 13:14
Its http://www.loaf.homestead.com/
or http://welcome.to/theneighbourhood

sorry I di not want to post it last time as its still got alot of work to go.

I thank you in advance for looking at it ./icons/icon7.gif