View Full Version : This Is Your Life...

31 May 2006, 13:53
I have no idea why I'm posting about this old show, but I remember I used to love it. I was only a little girl when it was on, but I used to love watching the faces of these celebrities that I never knew (or sort of knew at the time), and their reaction when someone came out...

Does anyone else remember this show? Had any favourite episodes? And if it was to go on again, who would you like to see be the subject of the show?! :-P

(apologise...i'm bored and feeling very nostilagic ^_^)

31 May 2006, 14:22
I have no idea why I'm posting about this old show, but I remember I used to love it. I was only a little girl when it was on, but I used to love watching the faces of these celebrities that I never knew (or sort of knew at the time), and their reaction when someone came out...

Does anyone else remember this show? Had any favourite episodes? And if it was to go on again, who would you like to see be the subject of the show?! :-P

(apologise...i'm bored and feeling very nostilagic ^_^)

Wow that is random.

I remember they had an hour special for Andrew Lloyd Webber - I remember them surprising him in some theatre.

31 May 2006, 14:57
I got thinking about it because I was looking at a website about old tv shows (for an assignment I'm doing).

You know...i actually think I remember a bit of that particular episode....I remember them suprising him a theatre though.....or suprising someone in a theatre....it could well be him! lol

31 May 2006, 19:09
how about this is your life meat and jim special??!

that would be great!

01 Jun 2006, 01:41
how about this is your life meat and jim special??!

that would be great!

On the same show? :roll:

04 Jun 2006, 21:01
ok, maybe a very long show!

05 Jun 2006, 02:34
I was thinking more about the massive clashing of ego over having to share a show...