View Full Version : Forum speed

Eddie's Teddy
18 Aug 2006, 11:53
Hi all, just joined this site yesterday but I'm finding it to be really really slow. Is it just me? My general internet speed is fine it's only when I come on here. I tried closing all other pages I had open and any programmes I had running but it made no difference. So is this normal for here:??:

Thanks in advance:-)

18 Aug 2006, 11:58
I had just the problem that some virus-scanners took to long to scan every single new opened site. I had G-Data internet security and changed it to AntiVir, now it´s working fine.

Eddie's Teddy
18 Aug 2006, 12:03
Hmmm, I use Mcafee - so maybe it's that causing the problem then? Ah well, I'll just have to be patient for the moment then!

18 Aug 2006, 18:32
Hey eddie only joined this week as well, I use Norton with a 2 mb modem and everything is fine for me. Could be worth tidying up your PC, defrag and get ride of crap etc normally speeds the PC a bit. Good luck anyway mate

20 Aug 2006, 10:57
Do you have the bat3 Forum skin?

If yes, change it, because it makes all slower.

Eddie's Teddy
21 Aug 2006, 15:33
Do you have the bat3 Forum skin?

If yes, change it, because it makes all slower.

Yes I do actually. Cheers for that, I'll go and change it now.

Eddie's Teddy
21 Aug 2006, 15:37
Right, well that's worked a treat. Just never occurred to me that the image might be slowing things down. Seems quite obvious now! Thanks.:D

21 Aug 2006, 19:36
Right, well that's worked a treat. Just never occurred to me that the image might be slowing things down. Seems quite obvious now! Thanks.:D
That's because Internet Explorer can't handle transparent png images properly. A special "filter trick" is used to display these transparent images and that's what's causing the slow downs. Switch to Firefox or Opera (ie. a "proper" browser) and the "Bat" and "Bat III" templates fly.

22 Aug 2006, 03:40
That's because Internet Explorer can't handle transparent png images properly. A special "filter trick" is used to display these transparent images and that's what's causing the slow downs. Switch to Firefox or Opera (ie. a "proper" browser) and the "Bat" and "Bat III" templates fly.

Which one would you really suggest? Most people here use IE but I do suspect it's not the best browser around...

22 Aug 2006, 04:01
I use Firefox!

It can still be slow sometimes though!

22 Aug 2006, 11:03
I´m using the AOL browser program, AOL 9.0, it´s the best I´ve worked with, it´s fast, includes Email checking, email notification, you can open more than one window in one program, has an included media player...
God, I´m sounding like an AOL advertiser:red:

22 Aug 2006, 11:04
fire fox works fine with me:D

22 Aug 2006, 11:32
I´m using the AOL browser program, AOL 9.0, it´s the best I´ve worked with, it´s fast, includes Email checking, email notification, you can open more than one window in one program, has an included media player...
God, I´m sounding like an AOL advertiser:red:

Yes you are ... go and wash your keyboard out :twisted:

Firefox for me :))

22 Aug 2006, 14:52
I really like Opera but you ca have problems because it follows the rules for reading internet pages to the letter and so many sites have hacks or shortcuts coded into them.

Firefox comes a strong second.