View Full Version : 9/11 five years on.

The Flying Mouse
11 Sep 2006, 17:46
In memory



11 Sep 2006, 17:52
Five years already:-(!
May they forever remain in our hearts and prayers.

11 Sep 2006, 17:54
Thank you so very much for remembering the day...

We will never forget...

Rest in peace...


Eddie's Teddy
11 Sep 2006, 17:56
I will never ever forget watching events unfold live on tv that day. Scary stuff.:(


11 Sep 2006, 17:58
I will never ever forget watching events unfold live on tv that day. Scary stuff.:(


You have no idea...my close friend worked across from the towers...when people ran out...she ran out too...she saw something flying from the building...then she realized those were people throwing themselves out of the windows...

She got home late that night...went to bed...and couldn't get up for a week...

And the stories like these go on and on...

11 Sep 2006, 17:58
It´s hard to find fitting words, so I´ll let others do that.

rest in peace

Eddie's Teddy
11 Sep 2006, 18:01
You have no idea...my close friend worked across from the towers...when people ran out...she ran out too...she saw something flying from the building...then she realized those were people throwing themselves out of the windows...

She got home late that night...went to bed...and couldn't get up for a week...

And the stories like these go on and on...

I watched a programme the other night with some of the survivors on recounting their own stories. Horrific. I don't think any of us not there could begin to imagine what it was like.

11 Sep 2006, 18:08
I was supposed to have been across the street...I wasn't by sheer accident...talking about fate...

11 Sep 2006, 18:12
I may not know a lot about religion but I'm sure no God would approve of killing innocent civilians.

So many people died that day for no reason.
May the innocent rest in piece.
May the guilty burn in hell.

11 Sep 2006, 18:18
As stupid that may sound, they just thought they would do the right thing. SO they´re victims in another way too. So the guilty ones are the people in the background like Bin Laden and so on. :(

So many bad things happend after that, many other terrorist attacks all over the world, wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Some people say that the result of all of that will be the thrid world war, some other people say it already began.

Let´s be lucky that we are all alive and healthy and lets hope that it wont get worse and it will soon be a peaceful world again.

11 Sep 2006, 18:18
Thank you all for remembering that fateful day, it is one day that will remain etched on all our minds forever. As T and I flew from Atlantic City to Chicago that morning, only to find out what was happening in those skies after we landed, we count our blessings everyday.

Jules and T :cool:

11 Sep 2006, 18:19
I may not know a lot about religion but I'm sure no God would approve of killing innocent civilians.

So many people died that day for no reason.
May the innocent rest in piece.
May the guilty burn in hell.
I have to quote now a poem that was written for September 11 unfortunately forgot by who...but rings true:

I am not afraid of your Allah
I am not afraid of your Yahveh
I am not afraid of your Jesus
I am afraid of what you do in the name of your God...

This summarizes my feelings...

The Flying Mouse
11 Sep 2006, 18:24
As stupid that may sound, they just thought they would do the right thing. SO they´re victims in another way too. So the guilty ones are the people in the background like Bin Laden and so on. :(

:twisted: I doubt anyone with any morality at all could have the least bit of sympathy for the animals who hijacked those planes :evil:

Anyway, let's back away from the politics of the matter.

This isn't the thread for that.

11 Sep 2006, 18:30
you are absolutely right.
Let´s remember those who had to suffer in any way from the things that happened that day.

Remember the people from the world trade center,
the people from the pentagon,
the people who sat on the plane, which crashed on that acre,
the people who went to help and had to die
remember all of them and their families and friends,

11 Sep 2006, 20:12
I'll never forget that morning for the rest of my life, as I sat watching tv and they cut away to say that what they thought at the time was a small plane crash into Tower 1, then to actually witness the other passenger jet turn and slam into Tower 2, and the devistation that insued... may all the innocents who lost their lives that day, rest in peace, and never be forgotten.

J. xo

11 Sep 2006, 20:20
Rest In Peace, a really sad day for the world.

Sapphire Lady
11 Sep 2006, 20:33
It's still hard to believe that this terrible thing happened. There are some evil people in the world we live in.

11 Sep 2006, 20:43


Ageing Bat
11 Sep 2006, 21:02
Rest in peace those who so tragically had their lives cut short.

My thoughts and prayers are with the families and friends they left behind.

God bless.

11 Sep 2006, 21:31
I also thank you all for remembering that day and the suffering endured by all of us, whether we were survivors, lost family and/or friends or watched in horror as the deadly and surreal events unfolded on that unforgettable day.

I work/worked a half block from the Empire State Building, and we all were evacuated and told to leave the area, as there was enormous fear that this famous Manhattan landmark would be attacked next. I got on the last bus available to go home, and watched in chilled silence with my fellow seated and SRO-only passengers as we saw thousands of people lined up on Madison Avenue waiting for buses that would not be coming any time soon.

The following says it all:


Remember the people from the World Trade Center,
the people from the Pentagon,
the people who sat on the plane, which crashed on that acre,
the people who went to help and had to die
remember all of them and their families and friends,

11 Sep 2006, 21:43

The memories stay....
The fight goes on......

11 Sep 2006, 22:36
its one of those events in your life where you always remember where you were and exactly what you were doing.

I call them Kennedy moments

other examples the death's of John Lennon, Elvis, Princess Diana

11 Sep 2006, 22:51
Alan Jackson's song says it all for me, I have the recording on cd, i listened to it when it was released but can't bring myself to again. :(

11 Sep 2006, 23:19
I have to quote now a poem that was written for September 11 unfortunately forgot by who...but rings true:

I am not afraid of your Allah
I am not afraid of your Yahveh
I am not afraid of your Jesus
I am afraid of what you do in the name of your God...

This summarizes my feelings...

my thoughts to
may all who have lost be at peace,.. to thoughs who fight in the name of religon be dammed ..

12 Sep 2006, 01:51
I have to quote now a poem that was written for September 11 unfortunately forgot by who...but rings true:

I am not afraid of your Allah
I am not afraid of your Yahveh
I am not afraid of your Jesus
I am afraid of what you do in the name of your God...

This summarizes my feelings...
Thank you for this poem...I can only hope this madness will one day end.

May all souls who lost their lives rest in peace and never be forgotten.


12 Sep 2006, 07:54
5 years later.. still in shock when i see it! I wached a documentery about the fireworkers last night, on dutch television. Again i became quiet, watch it and could not believe what happend.

Iff only we could respect eich other!!!!