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View Full Version : Wedding ring

09 Dec 2001, 20:09
Hi Fans,
I saw Meat live yesterday on NOTP. He didn't wear his wedding ring. What's on? Is he divorced?


09 Dec 2001, 20:53
Hi Moni,
Not to worry..if you go on the NOTP official site..the picture of Meat clearly shows his wedding ring, which he wears on his right hand. I don't think he wears it all the time and must just not have put in on at that time. Now..if anyone has heard different..Speak up!! But.I think he and Leslie are still going strong! Thanks!! ./icons/icon7.gif

All The Best!!

09 Dec 2001, 23:18
Perhaps you were getting it confused with the other ring he wears. He wears another ring just because he likes it. There was some info about it on the OIFC site a while back.

11 Mar 2002, 19:57
Meat is divorced! (http://us.imdb.com/Bio?Meat+Loaf)
He has a younger girlfriend!

11 Mar 2002, 20:41
A younger girlfriend huh? Well all I can say to her is ... actually no, I wont say it! lol

Hope ya happy Meat!

11 Mar 2002, 21:10
Uhh uhh uhh, here I have find his new girlfriend:


12 Mar 2002, 14:08
Superman, i think you're making a very bad joke, because, those picutes, i think its of just Leslie, of one of the actors of an movie.
I've looked at the IMDB and saw the Bio. And yes, behind Leslie Aday is writen 'DIVORCED'. But, if you had read the Book of Meat Loaf, then you would have known that Leslie was merried before she met Meat Loaf, so... Mayby that's what the mean!!

And if you look at the NOTP pictures, i thought that he weres a ring, so....

12 Mar 2002, 19:04
I hope you're right!!!

12 Mar 2002, 23:55
At night of the proms he weared a ring yes.

I really don't think they divorced.

18 Mar 2002, 13:45
an other information for the ring question. You will find it on the page:


He is devoded!! (I think!!)