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View Full Version : Blond Girls Jokes

White of High
31 Mar 2003, 23:51
I don't know that are these jokes in some place of world? 'Blond Girls Jokes'! In Hungary it means jokes about foolish girls. My fav:

What does a blond girls say when she is lying under a cow?
Come on, boys! What are you waiting for? :lol:

I wait others...

01 Apr 2003, 01:05
A blonde and a brunette jump off the Empire States Building. Who hits the ground first?

Answer:- The brunette, the blonde has to stop and ask for directions

How does a blonde turn the light on after sex?

Answer:- She opens the car door

03 Apr 2003, 22:40
I don't know that are these jokes in some place of world? 'Blond Girls Jokes'! In Hungary it means jokes about foolish girls. My fav:

What does a blond girls say when she is lying under a cow?
Come on, boys! What are you waiting for? :lol:

I wait others...

Give me an udder! (other)

White of High
03 Apr 2003, 22:47
What is it? A blonde girl dyes brown her hair.
Artificial intelligence!

03 Apr 2003, 22:50
What is it? A blonde girl dyes brown her hair.
Artificial intelligence!

Very Droll 8O

White of High
03 Apr 2003, 22:56
Strange or funny?

03 Apr 2003, 23:01
Strange or funny?

Bit of Both - I've just been reprimanded I'm so embarrased

White of High
03 Apr 2003, 23:05
Why? You are blue. :lol:

05 Apr 2003, 03:11
Here's a long one:

A blonde is rowing in a boat in the middle of a field. Another blonde driving past, sees her and gets out of the car. She then shouts out, "You idiot, look at what you're doing, you're giving us blondes a bad name. If it wasn't for the fact I can't swim, I would come over and hit you!"


White of High
05 Apr 2003, 15:00