View Full Version : What are you listening to right now?
... Stamitz's Cello Concerto In G major.. Romance ...
... Stamitz's Cello Concerto In G major.. Romance ...
Didn't know you were into a bit of the old classical stuff tink...
Beethoven - Piano Sonata no. 23 in F minor, Opus 57 "Appassionata"
2 Out of 3 - on radio - Lite FM, 106.7, New York City (the only one of Meat's I ever hear out of this station).
Let's Dance - David Bowie
24 Apr 2006, 15:56
Ringo Starr doing the Thomas the Tank Engine voice-over on the TV next door... Thanks to my three year old...
Meat Loaf Storytellers CD :D
24 Apr 2006, 18:35
Green Day - When I Come Around
Bat Out Of Hell live - Meat Loaf :D
Beat Surrender............the Jam
Didn't know you were into a bit of the old classical stuff tink...
Beethoven - Piano Sonata no. 23 in F minor, Opus 57 "Appassionata"
ahhh.. yes.. great fan of the classics i yam.. my fave being Bach...
right now?
.. an ad re: refinancing your mortgage..on sports talk radio ...
25 Apr 2006, 19:00
Let's Get Rocked - Def Leppard
were all alone............rita coolridge
25 Apr 2006, 20:30
Chokin' Kind - Joss Stone
25 Apr 2006, 20:41
Captain Crash and the Beauty Queen from Mars - Bon Jovi
... ad for... thinning hair... well.. to be RID of it.. lol.. nobuddy wants it... lol... on the sports talk radio station...
25 Apr 2006, 21:04
... ad for... thinning hair... well.. to be RID of it.. lol.. nobuddy wants it... lol... on the sports talk radio station...
You mean they're advertising baldness now? lol
I'll be there for you - Bon Jovi
You mean they're advertising baldness now? lol
I'll be there for you - Bon Jovi
.. hahah... aye.. too early i hit the button.. trying to untwist one way..and twisting the other.. lol...
caller on sports talk radio discussing.. caravanning to the American football Hall of Fame...
Sapphire Lady
26 Apr 2006, 00:15
Dio's Rainbow in the Dark. Brilliant :D
.. an ad on the radio for an attorney that will help you get your money back if.. your car is a lemon.. lol.. I SWEAR ... rolling...
my car's a lemon..and i want my money back...
there's even a little song.. for the phone number.. one eight hunDREEEEED.. my lemon... lol ...
Good Riddance - Green Day
sometimes u cant make it ...........U2
Bat Out Of Hell II - Meat Loaf:D
living on love Alan Jackson
living on love Alan Jackson
26 Apr 2006, 18:40
It Just Won't Quit - 'imself
It Just Won't Quit - 'imself
:-P me toooo
26 Apr 2006, 18:57
Moved on to Objects now...
Just rock n roll 2 me..............Billy J
no buses - arctic monkeys
Good Girls go to Heaven - Meat
lost boys and golden girls..Meat
Meat Loaf on random play ... you have to love it.
I agree.......
objects in the rearview mirror
Read Em And Weep - At the high bit right now - one of my fav Meat vocals ever - love the way his voice soars!!!
Read Em And Weep - At the high bit right now - one of my fav Meat vocals ever - love the way his voice soars!!!
AGREED..I love that song....
FRYING PAN...into the .fire
27 Apr 2006, 04:37
Robbie Williams - No Regrets
27 Apr 2006, 10:49
Thats all - genesis
... my overnight sports talk radio guy. giving the phone numbers to call in...
27 Apr 2006, 13:10
Crappy hold music...
Out Of The Frying Pan - Meat Live Around The World .... wonderful!
Forever Young - Meat - just how I feel most of the time...
Wolf At your door - MATLAF album
... my overnight sports talk radio guy doing the snack of the evening... last night was the oreo cookie.. tonight's snack is.. and once he stops yammering.. bless him.. i'll tell you... a pint of Ben & Jerry's Chubby Hubby ice cream.. the morning guy has challenged the overnight guy to decide which of the seven worst snacks.. is the best of the worst.. lol..
28 Apr 2006, 11:57
Lemon - Meat
The World Snooker Semi Finals
28 Apr 2006, 13:02
Couldn't have said it better myself - the single and the album, both at the same time - clever eh? - Meat Loaf
This is us by Mark knopler & Emmylou harris.
So Beautiful - Darren Hayes
Graham Norton show (the Meat one)
Funeral for a Friend - Elton John (Goodbye Yellow Brick Road album)
... the music over the closing credits of the film Benny & Joon ... starring the deppie one... OH.. A LION JUST ROARED.. lol.. guess it's reeeally over.. lol...
29 Apr 2006, 11:39
Jumping the Gun
Jim - Bad for Good (album and song)
... Life's Been Good .. Joe Walsh ...
The Heart Asks Pleasure First - Michael Nyman, from The Piano
Scooby doo monster of mexico .......... again :?
29 Apr 2006, 21:31
roy orbison - anything you want
I say a little prayer - Aretha Franklin
Metropolitan Opera Saturday Live Radio Broadcast - Lohengrin - Wagner
(with CHSIB mixed in during breaks and tedious sections!)
Sunshine on my Shoulders - John Denver:D
Braveheart - Dance Mix (Making a compilation for my girfriends wee sis :lol: )
... Man Of Steel... 'Imself from CHSIB cd... :-) ...
My Sweet Lady - John Denver - very quietly
... Took The Words... 'Imself ..from BOOH cd...
heaven can wait...Mr Loaf
... the film.. Finding Neverland .. starring the deppie one...on the telly.... what a LOVERLY way to start a loverly Sunny morn...:D ...
... the film.. Finding Neverland .. starring the deppie one...on the telly.... what a LOVERLY way to start a loverly Sunny morn...:D ...
Oh yeh GREAT.... blubbering your bloody eyes out...
Leaving on a jet plane ..........Armeggedon
Oh yeh GREAT.... blubbering your bloody eyes out...
.. lol... oh yooou.. AXshully.. i only had half an ear to it..and didn't make a made dash in to punish myself.. lol...
me now?
Mozart's Piano Concerto No. 26 in D minor.. whew... K 537 "Coronation".. and that's a MOUTHful.. lol...
.. lol... oh yooou.. AXshully.. i only had half an ear to it..and didn't make a made dash in to punish myself.. lol...
me now?
Mozart's Piano Concerto No. 26 in D minor.. whew... K 537 "Coronation".. and that's a MOUTHful.. lol...
I do love Finding Neverland.. .would rate it in my top 5 - only seen it twice though.
A mouthful indeed- how about my current:
Frédéric Chopin - Piano Concerto No. 1 in E minor, 2nd movement: Romanze, Larghetto
Shirley Bassy is playing in the other room
01 May 2006, 13:17
Shirley Bassy is playing in the other room
Rather classy entertainment in your house!!! I can only hear Getaway on our telly. :D
Young Girl - Gary Puckett and the Union GAp
Anything for Love - Chuck Norris ;-)
02 May 2006, 10:18
Anything for Love - Chuck Norris ;-)
Very clever, Ross. Love it!
Very clever, Ross. Love it!
Why thank you dear!
Total Eclipse - Bonnie
02 May 2006, 15:49
Lemon - Meat - courtesy of i-tunes...
Cheating in your Dreams - Meat
someone winning £100,000 on deal or no deal
Bat Out Of Hell - Meat Loaf:D
She's Perfect Toby Keith
Still this, am loving this song.
My best friend's radio show
02 May 2006, 22:51
Pink Floyd ~ Dark Side of the Moon
Battle Without Honor or Humanity - Tomoyasu Hotei (from Kill Bill vol. 1)
Fallen Angel
03 May 2006, 23:45
patience:guns n roses
Every Breath You Take - The Police
... my overnight sports talk radio guy talking about Boz Skaggs ...
04 May 2006, 13:24
Brahms Lullabye
A Day In The Life - Beatles
05 May 2006, 12:03
An advert for Pringles
Leonard Cohen - Take This Waltz
Ziggy Stardust - David Bowie
Fallen Angel
05 May 2006, 21:56
Kids in america: Kim Wilde
Broken Dream - Justin Hayward
All Coming Back To Me Now - Pandoras Box
06 May 2006, 14:08
Be Prepared! - from the Lion King
He he I love the Lion King, especially the Broadway Version.
Simon and Garfunkel - The Boxer
.. i THINK the end of the film Powder on the telly.. the love of my life has the hots for Mary.. Steernbergen.. is her name???? ...
City of Blinding Lights - U2
... the show.. Cold Case on the telly.. Mummy's watching it...
.... the film Tommy on the telly ...
We have all the time in the world - Louis Armstrong
Paul Young - Every time you go away
07 May 2006, 20:18
Lawyers guns and money...Meat
Crying - Roy Orbison & Crying
.. a commericial on the telly for cell phones ...
pitter, patter on the window sill
08 May 2006, 14:06
Bon Jovi - Something to believe in - from the One Wild Night live album
Licence to Kill- Gladys Knight
08 May 2006, 14:33
Bon Jovi again - Keep the Faith
This Years Love - David Gray
08 May 2006, 14:46
Still Bon Jovi - Just Older
I-Tunes is having a Bon Jovi day today, apparently, it's just shuffled to In And Out Of Love - another Bon Jovi tune...
08 May 2006, 14:47
Bat Out Of Hell - by that guy on Mszee's thread. How drunk is he?
Good Girls Go To Heaven - Pandoras Box - LOVE this version
08 May 2006, 14:53
Something different at last!
Rock 'n' Roll Lies - Razorlight
08 May 2006, 15:55
What if - Coldplay
Good Girls - Meat This time
08 May 2006, 16:23
Sliver - Nirvana... which makes a change, 'cos I-Tunes seems to like Rape Me from the same album...
Fool on the Hill - Quicksilver - fabulous
Excerpt from a teenage opera - keith west - memories;)
.. an ad on the radio about kidney disease ..
Battle of the Heroes - John Williams
09 May 2006, 12:19
Bon Jovi - This ain't a love song
I Can't Live With You - Queen
09 May 2006, 16:11
Thomas the Tank Engine and a lawnmower...
Tell it 2 my heart...........Kelly
09 May 2006, 22:24
sweet home alabama - lynard skynyrd
Imperial March - John Williams - as Vader is trying to read my mind!
10 May 2006, 13:43
Imperial March - John Williams - as Vader is trying to read my mind!
I beat Vader!!!!!
Bat live from the MSO cd...
Life Is A Lemon - Meat Loaf MSO DVD :D
Don't Stop Me Now - Queen
The Good Life - Lee Markwell
11 May 2006, 10:45
I don't have to wonder....Garth Brooks
11 May 2006, 11:32
Not a dry eye in the house - 'Imself
... my overnight sports talk radio guy.. giving me the overnight sports scores...
11 May 2006, 12:06
Is Nothing Sacred? - 'Imself
Peel Out (and all of dead ringer) - Meat
Come together - The Beatles
11 May 2006, 15:50
My three year old sitting on my lap crunching Hula Hoops
11 May 2006, 21:31
Jij daar.... in de radio:mrgreen: :lmao:
JIM STEINMAN - Left In The Dark
12 May 2006, 04:15
Frank Sinatra - The Coffee Song
There's an awful lot of coffee in Brazil!
DIST - Meat. (on repeat, permanently)
... the film Benny & Joon.. on the telly ...
Making Love Out Of Nothing At All - Air Supply
12 May 2006, 19:19
Katie Melua - Tiger in the night
Devil's Son
12 May 2006, 20:29
Nightwish - Once
... the film Benny & Joon.. on the telly ...
:D one of me favourites tink
...just listening to the silence, after a busy day..
13 May 2006, 00:50
ZZ Top ~ Eliminator
Abba - The Winner Takes It All
Devil's Son
13 May 2006, 10:42
Meaty all the time!!!! No question.
:D one of me favourites tink (re: film Benny & Joon)
...just listening to the silence, after a busy day..
it is such a sweet film.. isn't it Bren..?.. and i LOVE the music.. it's even a fave of the love of my life's !!.. lol...
me?.. i've listening to another fave you and i share...
'Imself.. singing ..More Than You Deserve.. from the Hits Out Of.. dvd.... he looks so sweet in the vid.. bless his big ol' heart...
on 99229785.2235th thought.. axshully a combo of sweet and HOTcha.. lol...
13 May 2006, 12:11
Listening to the dying stages of a rugby game. But who cares who wins - my sentimental favourites are through to the semi finals!!!!!!!
... Took The Words.. 'Imself.. from Hits.. dvd...
... Paradise.. Live.. dvd... don't know which version 'IMSELLLLLF !!!! ... :cheer: ...
.. Anything For Love.. from Party in the Park..dvd.. oh and the other was .. Paradise.. from the Night of the Proms.. dvd...
.. Blind Before I Stop.. 'Imself.. from London Meltdown dvd...
the washing machine finishing its cycle
Devil's Son
14 May 2006, 13:46
at the moment ... Bruce Springsteen's Devil & Dust
Life is a lemon- and singing along too!
... Joseph Haydn's Divertimento No. 1 in B flat major "Chorale St. Antoni"
.. whew... Andante.. lol...
world cup celebrity football on sky 1
... Felix Mendelssohn-Batholdy's Symphony No. 5 in D major op. 107 "Reformation"...
..whew... Finale .. lol...
world cup celebrity football on sky 1
england just beat usa 2 nil:D
... Joseph Haydn's String Quartet No. 62 in C major op. 76.3 "Emperor"...
whew.. Adagio cantabile ...
pussy cat dolls - dont cha
some boring programme on tv im not even watching!! people just talkin sh*te!! :yawn:
someone singing jailhouse rock on american idol
... Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy's A Midsummer Night's Dream, "Wedding March".... whew...
14 May 2006, 23:47
like a rolling stone
... still The Wedding March.. loverly and long as a meatie "tune".. lol...
15 May 2006, 12:25
Rain... :(
Too Much Love Will Kill You - Queen
15 May 2006, 13:14
My husband swearing at the electric jug .... and the cat.
Devil's Son
15 May 2006, 13:38
... Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy's A Midsummer Night's Dream, "Wedding March".... whew...
tink, you're in a classical mood but I understand it, I like to relax on Gregorian Music, I'm listening to:
Cantores Chorales Capellae Sancti Casimiri
15 May 2006, 15:42
Wake me up when September ends - Green Day
Oh, and the rain's stopped for five minutes...
15 May 2006, 19:53
Bat Out Of Hell - 'Imself
Devil's Son
15 May 2006, 20:05
:cheer: Storyteller
Meat Loaf - Lawyers, Guns and Money :D
Nobodys Diary,............yazoo
absolute silence!!
Who sings that?
Ocean Drive - Lighthouse Family
Devil's Son
16 May 2006, 12:02
Two ouit of three ain't bad, NY 1993. It's one of the best versions, my opinion..
16 May 2006, 14:26
Objects - 'imself
Devil's Son
16 May 2006, 18:07
Garth Brooks -live
Devil's Son
17 May 2006, 00:18
Song from a band called Lordi, they're new to me. Look bad, sounds good - to me
17 May 2006, 11:52
Lots of clicky "your-hard-drive-is-doing-something-important" noises...
Devil's Son
17 May 2006, 13:30
Silence ...
Devil's Son
17 May 2006, 14:50
Sleeping Sun
17 May 2006, 14:59
My little sister talking to me on the phone...
Champions League final
me too!
come on u gunners!
If I tell you, I will have to shoot you.
18 May 2006, 10:39
Did i say that :)
... my sports talk radio overnight guy.. doing yesterday's celeb b-day list.. starting with Dennis Hopper...
18 May 2006, 13:32
The monster is loose!!!!!!!!! wowwwwwww it rocks!
savage garden - madly deeply (i looooooove it!!) makes me think of my lovely boyfriend :-)
red hot chilli peppers - danni calafornia (love it ;) )
18 May 2006, 14:50
Thats all....Genesis
The monster is loose!!!!!!!!! wowwwwwww it rocks!
Ah, so I can tell you without shooting you!
The Monster Is Loose is FREAKING INCREDIBLE!!!!
18 May 2006, 15:54
Iff somebody dont like it, its okey with me... its a matter of taste ;). But i like it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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