View Full Version : What are you listening to right now?
...yes mousie..thank you so much!!! and they played BOOH.. :-) ... and was the man PUMPED or WHAT!!!!!
tink...a wee bit pumped herself now... XO
Thank you, Tink. But it's really Barmad you have to thank for this. I found this at General Messages, when I noticed no-one was listening to it, I just put the link here.
Anyway, it was a very funny interview.
This is a GREAT community, so many people collecting info from all over the world!
Listening to thanks Joe! Waiting for Meat to come on!
then...i thank it?? as well....
thank you both so much...
The Flying Mouse
04 Jul 2003, 12:42
:twisted: Thanks guys :D .
Now listening to CHSIB FULL BLAST 8) .
04 Jul 2003, 12:48
u is cool mousie!!!!!
...Meat's roaring on the radio...still echoing in my
04 Jul 2003, 17:46
forever young - ML
forever young - ML
Me too! :D
04 Jul 2003, 17:52
hehe, its wicked!! just what meat is!! hehe
lets see now what im i listenin to oh yeh Peel Out - ML
04 Jul 2003, 19:22
runnin' for the red light - ML
Country Roads - John Denver
04 Jul 2003, 22:10
I confess, went to Kazaa. Am now also listening to Country Roads.
I am starting to enjoy John Denver!
Well Done Mariella,
John Denver is the greatest.
Did you know, he sang "Leaving on a jet plane, don't know when I'll be back again." before crashing his plane. Tragic really.
NP: Jet Plane!!
04 Jul 2003, 22:26
I had heard about that, Chris. Very tragic. None of us know when we'll be back again, if you think about it.
I am going back to kazaa, find some more of JD!
Right now, Mr. Bogangles - Robbie Williams
John Denver still - I've got a t'shirt from his last ever concert - Hubby was able to chief it from one of his customers who worked in the media
Two Step- Dave Matthews Band
love the music to this ,keep playing it over and over at the moment
Everybody's Fool - Evanesence
...same thing i've been listening to since verry early this a m....the neighbors blaasting their stereo...block party for the holiday you see..and now they are starting to shoot off firecrackers..but thaat's okay...soon as husband fred is off to work...? matter of minutes you will go BOTH front windows...and on will go Meat...BASS BOOSTED...and MY holiday..shall begin...:-) ...
Sounds good Tink
I'm Gonna Love Her For Both Of Us - you all know who by
Your my first, my last, my everything - Barry White
...the electric fan in the front window...the rattle of the ceiling fan..and the murmur of the telly from my next door neigbhor's house...
gee...sounds either like a country tune...or answers from
Falling - McAlmont and Butler
Rob The Badger
05 Jul 2003, 13:10
The Sound Of Silence - Simon and Garfunkel
The greatest lyric ever - "Hello darkness my old friend, I've come to talk with you again".
White of High
05 Jul 2003, 13:12
Supersticious by Europe
Butterfly - From The Shield
The Flying Mouse
05 Jul 2003, 15:06
Heaven Can Wait on the Storytellers DVD.It arrived this morning :D .
...Writing on the Wall ... Meat
evil nickname
05 Jul 2003, 15:16
"I'm a cowboy...
On a steel horse I ride
'n I'm wanted...
Dead or alive"
NP: Bon Jovi - Wanted (Dead or Alive)
Sugar Baby Love, The Rubettes
Assorted gunshots and grunts... my sister is playing the new Tomb Raider game
listening to meat, on the patrick keilty show. :) Meat is soooo funny. :lol:
way to go Meat. :wink:
...You Never can be too Sure about the Girl... Meat
05 Jul 2003, 19:52
Because of you........ CHSIB :P
...Amnesty is Granted... Meat
Rob The Badger
05 Jul 2003, 20:13
The Thrills - So Much For The City.
Anyone who doesn't already own this, go and get it now!
05 Jul 2003, 20:34
Where angels sing - ML
05 Jul 2003, 20:47
...You're Right, I was Wrong .. Meat
I Think I'm Paranoid - Garbage
05 Jul 2003, 21:07
u sed it Jen!!! :D
mercury blues - ML
05 Jul 2003, 21:12
now im not even gonna discuss that one!! its your business not mine!! :wink:
Rock & Roll dreams..... - ML
Haha :lol:
Shut Your Mouth - Garbage
05 Jul 2003, 21:19
now thats no way to tell someone to be quiet!! say it politly n i might stop!!
good girls go to heaven, bad girls go everywhere - ML
T if I thought it would actually work, I might :wink:
Stupid Girl - Garbage
05 Jul 2003, 21:24
now your callin me stupid!! how dare u!!
im chat now, if anynone wants to join me.
Wasted Youth
Haha :D be there in a bit T
Cherry Lips (Go Baby Go!) - Garbage
...Did I Say That... Meat
05 Jul 2003, 21:45
for crying out loud - ML
...Because of You ... Meat
05 Jul 2003, 22:05
keep driving - ML
05 Jul 2003, 22:06
CHSIB - Meat
05 Jul 2003, 22:14
n now she calls me dumb!!
05 Jul 2003, 22:18
..above CHSIB... Meat...i think i hear my sofa calling me in for a
have fun!
Wasn't reffering to you T... but now that you mention it :wink:
Dog New Tricks - Garbage
05 Jul 2003, 22:27
i'll kill you if you dont come back - ML
so u were callin mariella dumb huh?
Me nooo, would never do that
Not My Idea - Garbage
05 Jul 2003, 22:33
lies!! all EVIL lies!!!
For crying out loud - ML
It's all T's fault... she's evil, and completly nuts :lol:
Wicked Ways - Garbage
05 Jul 2003, 22:44
Life is a lemon and I want my money back (should have gone to Plymouth!) :lol: AM dumb! :lol:
05 Jul 2003, 22:45
unsaid - ML
06 Jul 2003, 00:15
Do it! - ML
Jet Plane - JD
followed by Gradnmas Feather bed
06 Jul 2003, 00:33
i'll kill you if you dont come back - ML
Major sharpe of the 95th rifles,In other words mousie is watching sharpes company. :lol:
The Flying Mouse
06 Jul 2003, 04:00
BTW Mrs Mouse,Captain Sharpe wasn't made major until the next film Sharpe's Enemy :roll: .
Now listening to Surf's Up.
...Don't Stop...Stones..on HBO special on telly ..
Silence... and it's bliss :D
For You - Bruce Springsteen
played Rotterdam 22 oct 2002
06 Jul 2003, 11:28
Good to see you here! Thank you again, by the way.
... Times of your Life...Paul Anka
06 Jul 2003, 11:50
Testify - ML
Puritan just posted the Plymouth playlist at GM!!!
... The Long and Winding Road...the Beatles..
and yes mariella ...i saw and passed it along to the ROL mail listers..for those interested... :-) ... as i'm sure they are..some will be attending the show in st louis next week....
hubby banging aobut in the kitchen - hope he's not cooking breakfast :lol:
Strange Times- Moody Blues
06 Jul 2003, 15:13
Stars - Simpley Red
Buy Me A Rose - Kenny Rogers
... the streaming on my computer of PARTY IN THE PARK on capital radio... and they have done a horrendous job of it...false advertising i say...and i intend to email them about it....
i hear that people watching it on the telly are having no better i suggest the wide Meat community email whatever media they attempted to see / hear Meat on...and let them know about themselves...
06 Jul 2003, 19:18
me too!! but i dont know where to start meanin an email address.
Tear Me Down - ML
...Why isnt' that Enough? .. loverly...
i'd check the media's site..for addresses...
06 Jul 2003, 19:59
life is a lemon - ML
life is a lemon - ML
you aint's what you're LISTENING
You're Right I was Wrong..Meat...
that's what i'm listening to..NOT what i
06 Jul 2003, 20:33
lol, i was listenin to it for a reason! hehe
out of the frying pan - ML
Everything Louder Than Everything Else - ML
The Dreaming Tree - Dave Matthews Band
06 Jul 2003, 20:42
objects..... -ML
06 Jul 2003, 20:52
Always look on the bright side of life - Monty Python
Amnesty is granted - Meat Loaf
06 Jul 2003, 20:56
everthing louder than everthing else - ML
06 Jul 2003, 21:00
Imagine - John Lennon!
Sports on the television....Not really watching, just to have some noise around...not in the mood for music...bit depressed about the goings on
06 Jul 2003, 21:10
lost boys and golden girls - ML
all i wanna hear is meat right now
Kill you if you don't come back - Meat
followed by
Surfs Up
Flame Turns Blue -David Gray
06 Jul 2003, 21:18
Brutal planet Live in Concert - The second greatest singer ever (after Fireball) it is of course The Coop!!!!
06 Jul 2003, 21:53
paradise - ML
My sister shouting at the tv, she's playing Tomb Raider... think she just died again...
...whatever flick is coming on the telly..but the neighbors are blasting the stereo againe ..right across the'all know what it's time
id lie for you and thats the truth.
...the fan humming in the window...the ceiling fan rattling...and..oh..the mouse has stopped chewing..whatever it
The Flying Mouse
07 Jul 2003, 12:35
the mouse has stopped chewing..whatever it
Actually it was a pen top.
How do you know these things 8O .
White of High
07 Jul 2003, 12:45
Gravity Of Love by Enigma
And there is Carmina Burana!
Yesterday had Gone - Cupids Inspiration
evil nickname
07 Jul 2003, 13:32
Bløf - Schilder Me Rood (Dutch lesson: Paint Me Red)
(Dutch rock band, really good if ya ask me)
Alawn mower in the distance,....the washing machine...the clock ticking and..
The Lovely Meat Loaf singing, Bat Out Of Hell
Rob The Badger
07 Jul 2003, 14:04
Aqua- Aquarium.
The saddest thing is it was my choice to listen to it. . . .old album phase.
the mouse has stopped chewing..whatever it
Actually it was a pen top.
How do you know these things 8O .
why..i'm psycho...errr...psyCHIC...of
...the movie COPY CAT...playing on the telly in the livingroom...
07 Jul 2003, 15:56
Runnin' for the red light - ML
followed by
Heaven Can Wait - ML
evil nickname
07 Jul 2003, 16:06
Evanescence - My Last Breath (live at Pinkpop 2003)
... still COPY CAT... but the neighbors have roused themselves..and are turning the volume UP and down..and UP and down..on their stereo...
i better turn off ..COPY's giving me ideas... 8-O ... !
Summer sounds drifting through my window, the inevitable lawn mower....birds singing, children playing....peaceful really.
until i turn the Meat Loaf up :lol:
Listening to Original Sin at the moment
...the movie MURDER BY NUMBERS...on the telly in the livingroom...
hmmm...seems to be a THEME here
07 Jul 2003, 18:46
Original Sin - ML
ir rocks!! one of my favs! :P
Brian Wilson Live at The Roxy Theatre (Import)
07 Jul 2003, 19:56
More than you deserve - ML
White of High
07 Jul 2003, 20:11
Hearts Of Fire by Meat Loaf!!!
Bat out of Hell Album - Meat Loaf
07 Jul 2003, 22:48
Peel out - ML
evil nickname
07 Jul 2003, 23:44
Epica - Facade of Reality
Great epic/gothic metal from The Netherlands
White of High
08 Jul 2003, 00:06
Making Love Out Of Nothing At All by Bonnie Tyler
08 Jul 2003, 00:13
wolf at your door - ML
My offspring, solving quadratic equations,and discussing the chain rule of differentiation 8O 8O
08 Jul 2003, 00:20
what ever floats ya boat bren. hey bren sign into msn!
i'll kill you if u dont come back - ML
Gonna have nightmares now Bren...
My sister... ummm... 'singing'... something, think it's from cats.
evil nickname
08 Jul 2003, 03:04
Savatage - Hall of the Mountain King
"Insanity -- and the power that it brings..."
... LAW & ORDER on the telly in the livingroom....
Nothing really, am at work, just my own noise from typing....
...a commercial on the telly....
My Sweet Lady - John Denver
Sunshine on My Shoulders - John Denver
a happy song, i'm having a good day :D
08 Jul 2003, 14:09
I'd do anything for love - ML
08 Jul 2003, 15:51
Because of You CHSIB...... :D
evil nickname
08 Jul 2003, 15:56
NP: Original Soundtrack - The Rocky Horror Picture Show - 10 - Eddie [02:46]
"I'm outta my head
Oh hurry, or I may be dead
They musn't carry out their evil deed"
08 Jul 2003, 17:12
Meat on TV. (i'd do anything for love)
ppl are able to phone in to ask for 'I'd do anything for love' on Magic, for their Power Balleds week. Its been on quite abit!!
Hez sooo cool! hehe :D
Leaving on a Jet Plane - John Denver
08 Jul 2003, 18:40
Testify - ML
Goodbye Again - John Denver
08 Jul 2003, 18:50
For crying out loud - ML
Annie's Song- John Denver
08 Jul 2003, 19:26
Where the rubber meets the road - ML
Forever Young - Meat Loaf
08 Jul 2003, 20:12
If this is the last kiss - ML
08 Jul 2003, 20:18
Did i say that - ML
Resident evil on the playstation. 8O
08 Jul 2003, 23:58
i'd would anything for love - ML
Listening to the Blues Brothers
and to a mad cow, mowing on the background, the telephone that is ringing and the music offcourse... mmmm. let's answer the phone :lol:
09 Jul 2003, 00:49
i loved you so i told you a lie - ML
evil nickname
09 Jul 2003, 01:09
NP: Lana Lane - Covers Collection - 11 - Stargazer [07:58]
Great singer, anyone else who knows her?
I know Lana Lane.... don't know from what, but know here.
Still a blues brothers show... very cool.
Two Step- Dave Matthews Band
just love the music to this
original sin
09 Jul 2003, 01:15
Graham Norton
Assorted evil sounds from Tomb Raider
evil nickname
09 Jul 2003, 10:15
I know Lana Lane.... don't know from what, but know here.
You liked Ambeon, as I recall, then you might have heard Ayreon, and on "The Dream Sequencer", she also sings a couple of songs... maybe that?
If that's the case, you might know this fellow too (he's her husband, by the way):
NP:Erik Norlander - European Tour 2001 Souvenir CD - 08 - Alchemy and Astronomy [17:10]
Welcome to the nieghbourhood cd,Original Sin at the moment
...commercial for Cinemax ..on the telly....
Gimme shelter - Dortmund concert Meat Loaf and the Neverland Express 1982
Yes i remember evil nickname hahaha.... ambeon is super!!! Ayreon also!!
Listening to Blues Brothers, love blues.
09 Jul 2003, 15:48
Fallen Angel - ML
09 Jul 2003, 19:46
Wolf at your door - ML
White of High
09 Jul 2003, 20:24
You Take My Breath Away by Queen
evil nickname
09 Jul 2003, 21:15
NP: Erik Norlander - Music Machine CD1 - 04 - Heavy Metal Symphony [06:31]
(and in case you wondered, yes, I filled my foobar's playlist with all the Lana Lane and Erik Norlander I could find on my HD, more 18 hours in total, and I'm nearly halfway (94/202))
leather lady
09 Jul 2003, 22:22
:roll: trying to get the kids in bed they are little devils :twisted:
leather lady, dont you mean little cherubs :lol:
listening to unsaid ,M L.
original sin
09 Jul 2003, 22:35
Welcome to the nieghbourhood cd,Original Sin at the moment
Class :twisted:
just about to watch Jackie Chan - The Tuxedo :?
Standing on the Outside- Meat Loaf
09 Jul 2003, 23:36
Forever young - ML
10 Jul 2003, 00:14
Fleetwood Mac - a song, very blues and relax.... don't know the title.
Find You Dead - Letter's To Cleo
10 Jul 2003, 10:46
Wolf at your door - ML
...the film POISON IVY...on the telly in the livingroom...
gimme shelter - Dortmund Concert 1982
...the film..RIDING IN CARS WITH BOYS...on the telly in the livingroom...
one of my favorite flicks...
Left in the Dark - Barbara Streisand
...still RIDING IN CARS WITH BOYS...the end..almost time to dash in..and watch ...and cry at the ending as i always
10 Jul 2003, 13:18
The sound of the computer drives in our university library *lol*! :wink:
10 Jul 2003, 15:12
everything louder than everthing else - ML
Rob The Badger
10 Jul 2003, 21:05
Heaven Can Wait by the very Meaty, Mr. Meaty "Meat Man" Loaf
P.S: Meaty Meat Meat Pie!
evil nickname
10 Jul 2003, 21:41
NP: Within Temptation - Mother Earth Tour - 01 - Deceiver Of Fools [08:15]
(a break in the Lana Lane / Erik Norlander fest)
10 Jul 2003, 21:56
everything louder than everything else - ML
Bruce Springsteen - The River (live)
10 Jul 2003, 22:59
martha - ML
The Dreaming tree- Dave Matthews Band
beautiful lyrics
Standing here
The old man said to me
"Long before these crowded streets
Here stood my dreaming tree"
Below it he would sit
For hours at a time
Now progress takes away
What forever took to find.
evil nickname
11 Jul 2003, 12:21
Another break:
The Wiener Philharmoniker conducted by Leonard Bernstein - Beethoven's 9th Symphony, 1st Movement
.....gimme shelter.... Dortmund Concert 1982
Rob The Badger
11 Jul 2003, 13:12
Idlewild - A Modern Way Of Letting Go.
Ace riff, shame about the directionless lyrics.
11 Jul 2003, 15:25
Out of the frying pan... - ML
Bruce Springsteen "Wings For Wheels/Thunder Road"
White of High
11 Jul 2003, 19:01
Lonesome Crow by Scorpions
Because Of You - Meat Loaf :D
Ive been without Meat for too many days and now i have him on full blast - ~~~~~~ the neighbours!!!! :twisted:
Are you ready for this dottie?
Not just listening but watching John Denver - Sunshine!!!
11 Jul 2003, 23:26
lost boys and golden girls - ML
12 Jul 2003, 00:01
unsaid - ML
The kid next door screaming it's head off
Het Smurfenlied - Vader Abraham
Are you ready for this dottie?
Not just listening but watching John Denver - Sunshine!!!
Oh don't torment me :twisted: I've been playing vinyl copy in anticipation on a loop - cann't wait to actually watch - Think I'll have to get boxes and boxes of tissues ready for this one. :cry:
Hubby ranting and raving - don't know what crawled up his trouser leg :lol:
Rob The Badger
12 Jul 2003, 13:06
Sin's ruddy ants I s'pose. . .
RHCP - By The Way (alb)
Rob The Badger
12 Jul 2003, 13:25
Still RHCP. . .
Ici radio tour de France avec le journal......
White of High
12 Jul 2003, 15:22
Baywatch Theme by David Hasselhoff!
I know it's ticklish but I like it!
evil nickname
12 Jul 2003, 15:23
Het Smurfenlied - Vader Abraham
OK, you're messin' with my head, right?
NP: Beethoven - Missa Solemnis, 3rd Movement
(classical music never killed someone)
Meet The Parents on ITV1.....
Either that or Mr. Bean.....
13 Jul 2003, 00:07
more than u deserve - ML
13 Jul 2003, 01:27
i cant either, cathie n jen keepin me awake in chat, come n join us!!
life is a lemon - ML
Don't blame us :twisted:
Peel Out
13 Jul 2003, 01:37
out of the fryin pan - ML
i blame uuuuuuuu.!!
But you started it :lol:
Modern Girl
Just the clock ticking and hubby snoring... :D
rave music ,coming from next door :cry: .Gonna put c h s i b , M L, on to drown their music out. :lol: :lol: :lol:
babe - take that - not my choice, it's on the radio....
Assorted country music:
He drinks Tequila and she talks dirty in spanish!
followed by
Billy Be Bad
Music from Final Fantasy - don't know which one
Nothing, lossed two HD drives... so no music on the computer any more... :roll:
13 Jul 2003, 16:47
where angels sing - ML
Nothing... allthough.. got a real nice subwoover set right here... I'm with my parents, and my little brother bought it... Cool sound.
13 Jul 2003, 17:14
objects in the rear view mirror..... - ML
Two Step - Dave Matthews band
heheh, Bren,
Also Dave Matthews Band - Watchtower
13 Jul 2003, 17:25
I'd lie for you.... - ML
...Soliloquy from Carousel...Michael Hayden...
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