View Full Version : I'm in love and I want everyone to know it!!

06 Apr 2003, 21:05
This is big time
This is larger than life
See the sparks fly
When you're standing by my side
Every step, every move, everything I do
Life is beautiful because of you

How did I survive before you came into my life?
No I'd do anything at all, anything at all
For you

My apologies for ripping off those lyrics, but they describe what I feel exactly. And I've never been so sure about anything before, this is the girl that I want to share the rest of my life with. :D

White of High
06 Apr 2003, 21:08
Aaahhhh! Send a photo! :lol:

06 Apr 2003, 21:10
My apologies for ripping off those lyrics, but they describe what I feel exactly. And I've never been so sure about anything before, this is the girl that I want to share the rest of my life with. :D
Well GOOD for you. To be in love feels great, doesn't it. :wink:

The Flying Mouse
06 Apr 2003, 22:44
:twisted: Congratulations man.
All the best.

Darth Mole
07 Apr 2003, 17:07
Don't let the feelings you have die, if this is the one then go for it.
:D Congratulations! :D