View Full Version : If you weren't you, who'd you be?

The Flying Mouse
03 Nov 2006, 02:08
:twisted: Most people have names in mind when they are expecting a child, and it's normal to have a girls name and a boys name ready to suit the gender of the child.

Do you know what your name would have been if you'd been born the oposite sex?

If I was born a girl, my name was going to be..............

Bernadette :lmao:

Let's hear yours :mrgreen:


03 Nov 2006, 02:15
Y'know I really honestly don't know:shock: !!!!!!!

03 Nov 2006, 02:19
Well since the brother after me was called Josh, I think I would have been Joshua...

.....thank god I'm Helena :mrgreen:

03 Nov 2006, 03:43
I was destined to be Alan if the stars had aligned. But my brother came after me, so he scored the name instead.

Ageing Bat
03 Nov 2006, 09:51
My name would have been David. :shock:

03 Nov 2006, 09:55
If I'd have been a boy my Grandma was insistant that I be called William, though my Mum was so convinced that she was having a girl she chose Lucy Elizabeth and stuck to it, didn't even consider names for a boy - bloody good job she got it right!!!

03 Nov 2006, 10:49
My Padre wanted to call me Milo, I think it threw him for six when I was a girl so he didn't have an name for me so my mum gave me my great grandmas name...

Sapphire Lady
03 Nov 2006, 10:59
Ronald :D

03 Nov 2006, 11:26
Stuart Andrew :shock:

03 Nov 2006, 12:34
Siete Jan

03 Nov 2006, 12:56
Bernadette :lmao:

Let's hear yours :mrgreen:


Thank GOD they called you THE FLYING MOUSE then! :shock:


03 Nov 2006, 13:51
far as i know it was Jennifer Anne...but who knows

03 Nov 2006, 14:49
Believe it o not but my name would have been Neil!:lol:

03 Nov 2006, 15:44
Joseph I think...

It's the ONLY time I think I am happy I was born a female...

03 Nov 2006, 15:48
Y'know I really honestly don't know:shock: !!!!!!!

Actually scrap that I think I might have been called Christopher as that is what my younger brother is called.

03 Nov 2006, 16:41
Well since the brother after me was called Josh, I think I would have been Joshua...

.....thank god I'm Helena :mrgreen:

My first nephew is called Joshua!:D He's 11 years old and taller than me!:shock:
Mam wanted to call me Angelica (I was born before the Rugrats, if you're wondering!), but Dad wanted a daughter called Catherine, even though he already had a wife called Catherine (causes quite a few problems:roll: ), so one of my two older brothers would have been Catherine if they were girls. Eldest brother is Neil, then Adrian.
Neil seems rather popular, doesn't it?! Potential and real Neils!:lol:

03 Nov 2006, 16:47
Joseph I think...

It's the ONLY time I think I am happy I was born a female...

Couldn't edit the post so have to add...

For the first 6 weeks I was Marina...then my father won and I became Zinaida...and who can pronounce THAT??? :shock:

Chopped my name down to Zina and it still gets misspelled...

And since I don't like either of my names...let's call me...oh I don't know...


03 Nov 2006, 17:00
OK (does that make you msemm now?:)))

dont know my if-I-were-a-girl-name right now, just know that my parents had an arguement, because my mother wanted to call me Karl or something like that. Now believe me or not, my real name they found when they visited a circus with that name! But as itīs too complicated, I usually abbreviate it.

03 Nov 2006, 18:17
my parents didnt know what they were gonna call me if i was a boy...they knew that if i was a girl that i wud be called Katie after my great grandma so yeah... good fing im a girl!

i know that my dad wanted to call me sandy...but im so glad im not...can u imagine the bullying...(as my last names shore) bloody hell Sandy Shore....:|

lol! :lawl:

Lord Kagan
03 Nov 2006, 18:29
Id be someone else :twisted:

03 Nov 2006, 20:15
Think I was gonna be John...

03 Nov 2006, 22:58
Thinking about it, if my boys had been girls, i would have had..

Brogan, Azariah, Kyrennah and Teague

03 Nov 2006, 23:32
I was going to be David Michael.

My own kids... for my first I wanted a boy, if he had been a girl he would have been called Ruth (see if we had a boy and not a girl we would have been RuthLESS :shock: ). Our second son, if he was a girl he would also have been called Ruth (for the same reason) .... by the time our daughter came along we wanted a girl so called her Portia, but if she'd have been a boy she would have been called Connor Sean.

03 Nov 2006, 23:39
It's a good job my parent's called me Alex, anything else and I wouldn't know that people were talking to me! Alex is a genderless name too - either sex can have it which is cool! :P

08 Nov 2006, 18:00
Don't know what I'd have been if I'd been a boy, and the next child after me was also a girl, although my dad went on to have two boys, Richard and Simon, but I don't know if my mum would have agreed to either of those - complicated, isn't it?

My two boys would both have been called Georgia if they were first girls, don't know what I'd have called a second one, but I have a Jordan and a Charlie.

08 Nov 2006, 18:13
Apparently, I'd have been Tracey Anne. I do know that I am the family accident though ... parents only wanted 3 kids, and then 7 years later the best of the bunch came along :))

15 Nov 2006, 17:47
if i was a girl (sometimes i get confused) i would have been called helen. but instead i turned out to be a blok which my mother wanted to call dave lol however my father wanted a child with the same name as him so he got his way and i was named Nick. or known as nick jr alot when my dad comes round.

15 Nov 2006, 19:42
I would have been a Jessica Louise Emma Victoria.

Instead i became a Chris Richard Ronald George William Henry. Although i only ever use the first two normally as otherwise you find forms and so on don't have enough boxes. Old family tradition means in theory if i have a kid he should be a Something Chris Richard.......Henry, except where the son shares a first name with the father in which case you can drop the repeat which is handy or else I would have three Henrys and 2 Williams.

15 Nov 2006, 19:43
I would have been a Jessica Louise Emma Victoria.

Instead i became a Chris Richard Ronald George William Henry. Although i only ever use the first two normally as otherwise you find forms and so on don't have enough boxes. Old family tradition means in theory if i have a kid he should be a Something Chris Richard.......Henry, except where the son shares a first name with the father in which case you can drop the repeat which is handy or else I would have three Henrys and 2 Williams.


OH wow...do you qualify for the throne with that name???

15 Nov 2006, 19:46
It is quite amusing when we have get togethers and can work out what the exact relationship is to each other by who the common names start with.

The Flying Mouse
15 Nov 2006, 19:47
:twisted: Actually, he does :lmao:

Where is it again Chris?

15 Nov 2006, 20:07
:twisted: Actually, he does :lmao:

Where is it again Chris?

OK, Bernadette...I am all ears...;)

The Flying Mouse
15 Nov 2006, 20:15
OK, Bernadette...I am all ears...;)

:twisted: Well i'm sure Chris will correct me if i'm slightly out on the exact details, but during WWII, one of Chris's family and a small squad of men defended a small area in Africa from the German army.

Although very much outnumbered, they succeeded in holding their ground, and were made honouary princes (Chris?) of that place by the grateful natives.

The titles ARE hereditory, so we actually have a member of royalty on the staff :mrgreen:

15 Nov 2006, 20:16
:twisted: Well i'm sure Chris will correct me if i'm slightly out on the exact details, but during WWII, one of Chris's family and a small squad of men defended a small area in Africa from the German army.

Although very much outnumbered, they succeeded in holding their ground, and were made honouary princes (Chris?) of that place by the grateful natives.

The titles ARE hereditory, so we actually have a member of royalty on the staff :mrgreen:

Chris...I have one more question...

Will you marry me???

Oh wait...didn't I do THAT already??? :shock:

15 Nov 2006, 20:51
my name would be Sherian (my sisters name)