View Full Version : The 30 best movies in the history of mankind!!
08 Apr 2003, 14:37
(not in order, but the first)
The Godfather (the whole trilogy)
The Others
The Cube
House By The Cemetery
Oh Brother Where Art Thou?
The Sixth Sense
From Dusk Till Dawn
Schindlers List
Night Of The Living Dead
Dawn Of The Dead
Day Of The Dead
The Untouchables
The Green Mile
Pulp Fiction
The Fourth Floor
Shawshank Redemption
Leon - The Professional
The Game
Devil's Advocate
Panic Room
The Score
Rose Red
Lord Of The Rings
Forest Gump
Darth Mole
08 Apr 2003, 16:35
Not in order
1. The Godfather (part 1)
2. The Sixth Sense
3. Full Metal Jacket
4. Schindlers List
6. Pulp Fiction
7. Forest Gump
8,9,10, Star Wars (4,5,6)
11,12,13, Indiana Jones (all)
14,15,16, Die Hard (all)
17, Apocalise Now
18, Rocky Horror Picture Show
19, Great Escape
20, Airplane!
21,22, American Pie (all)
23, Psycho (original)
24, Kelly's Heros
25,26, Terminator (1,2)
27, Village of the Damed
28, Oceans Elevin
29, Carry on up the Kyber
30, Monty Carlo or Bust
+many more but they are probably in my top 30, as i said before not in order
White of High
08 Apr 2003, 19:25
1. The Big Blue
2. Cyrano de Bergerac
3. The 6th Sense
4. Awakenings
5. Les Adventures
6. The Shawshank Redemption
7. Ronin
And more...
Romeo and Juliet (original version Olivia Hussey, Leonard Whiting)
The Shining
Close Encounters( original not directors cut)
Texas Chain Saw Massacre
Plunkett and McClaine
Ghost Story (Original format/ language)
Club Paradiso :lol:
Not in this order, but still great:
1. The Emperors New Groove
2. Termintator 2
3. Termintator
4. About A Boy
5. Dare Devil
6. The Mighty
7. Heavy Metal 2000
8. I Am Sam
9. Bud Spencer And Terence Hill movies
10. Predator
11. The Rocky Horror Picture Show
12. Scream
13. Scary Movie
14. Groundhog Day
15. The Exorcist
16. Trapped
17. The Towering Inferno
18. Naked Gun
and lots more, but i forgot the titles.
Romeo and Juliet (original version Olivia Hussey, Leonard Whiting)
The Shining
Close Encounters( original not directors cut)
Texas Chain Saw Massacre
Plunkett and McClaine
Ghost Story (Original format/ language)
Club Paradiso :lol:
The Great Caruso
Lilac Time
The Great Escape
John (Swedish)
West Side Story
Quiller Memorandum
1. The Lord Of The Rings 2
2. The Lord Of The Rings 1
3. The Ring
4. Terminator 2
5. Terminator
6. The Silence Of The Lambs
7. Naked Gun
8. Johnny English
9. Star Wars II
10. Scream
11. Red Dragon
12. Flodder (Dutch Movie)
16 Apr 2003, 05:06
Here's my bakers dozen or so, a top 30 is a bit too ambitious: (in no particular order)
Psycho (1960 version)
Psycho II (best dark comedy/slasher movie ever!)
Psycho III (I'm gonna stop there- IV was horrid)
O Brother Where Art Thou?
Three Kings
Easy Rider
The American President (SUCH a chick flick, but really romantic)
Sleepless in Seattle (ditto)
Hoosiers (the best American sports movie....period)
Rivers Edge
Rebel Without a Cause
Bull Durham
Some of these are distinctly American, and I've always wondered how they were perceived overseas. For example, Bull Durham. Any comments? Are most movies pretty universal, in your opinion?
Sherrie :wink:
Sherrie - hubby loves all baseball movies, ice hockey, etc and movies like Field of Dreams - I think for him they fulfil a dream yet unfurled - I think any movie worth its salt will always cross the divide
17 Apr 2003, 19:47
Okay, here are a few more:
The 13th Floor (better than Matrix I think)
Johnny English
Kina spiser de hunde land (it's Danish, I don't know the English title)
Reservoir Dogs
Event Horizon
My top no particulare order...
1. Torch Song Trilogy
2. The Rocky Horror Picture Show
3. Fight Club
4. Dirty Dancing
5. The Green Mile
6. It
7. Roadie
8. Annie
9. Nightmare On Elm Street
10. Pet Sematary
Seem's that there are a fair few who like films that were books by Stephen King. Hafta admit, he's one of my faves.
17 Apr 2003, 23:37
1. The Matrix
2. Goodfellas
3. 51st State
4. Blues Brothers
5. House On Haunted Hill
6. Scarface
7. Lawnmower Man
8. Star Trek First Contact
9. Star Trek Insurection
10. American Pie 2
11. Terminator 2
12. LOTR (All out atm)
13. Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade
14. Dog Soldiers
15. Enemy of the state
16. Eight Legged Freaks
17. Evolution
18. Blues Brothers 2000
And theres More but i cant think at the moment
18 Apr 2003, 20:01
Well, these are my favourites, in no particular order. :wink:
1. The Lord Of The Rings - The Fellowship Of The Ring
2. The Lord Of The Rings - The Two Towers
3. The Lord Of The Rings - The Return Of The King (Coming soon!! :D )
4. Of Mice And Men
5. Dead Poets Society
6. Hook
7. Jumanji
8. Titanic (with Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet)
9., 10., 11., 12. Lethal Weapon 1-4
13., 14. Terminator 1 + 2
15. About A Boy
16. Ice Age
17. Party Animals
18. Interview With A Vampire
19. The Rocky Horror Picture Show
20. Saturday Night Fever
21. Save The Last Dance
22. Center Stage
23. The Blair Witch Project
24. Joe's Apartment
25. Leaving Las Vegas
26. Shallow Hal
27. Forest Gump
28. My Left Foot
29. Braveheart
30. The Bodyguard
"It is only with one's heart that one can see clearly.
What is essential is invisible to the eye."
(Antoine de Saint-Exupéry)
Some more:
- Blues Brothers
- Blues Brothers 2000
- Roadie
- 51st State
- Fightclub
- Alien
- Jackie Chan movies
- Beverly Hills Ninja
- Dead Poets Society
- Die Hard
- Fear And Loathed in Las Vegas
- Gone in 60 Seconds (version from 1974)
- Titan E.A.
- Toy Story
- Antz
- Prince of Egypt
18 Apr 2003, 20:15
You listed Fight Club, I have a question about it for anyone here who has seen the DVD. I just got it from the library, so I have it for one week only. I'll be watching the movie, but there is also over 10 hours of "extra features"- does anyone here know if any of the extras contain Meat interviews, scenes, etc? I just don't see where I'm going to find that many free hours in the next week to find all the Meaty bits unless I know where they are hiding!
Actually, don't know. Think so, must be. He has a big part in the movie, so why not. Maybe someone else knows, still want to buy the DVD, such a good movie!!!
sorry hun, i've no idea. :? But surely there must be..
I thinki'll hafta convince hubby to buy me the DVD just so i can make sure.... :P
White of High
19 Apr 2003, 18:20
Today I watched 'The Mighty' with Sharon Stone, Gillian Anderson and Meat Loaf. Good! But I think the kid isn't authentic...
The Zombies 1968
Night of the Living Dead 1968
The Zombies 1968
Night of the Living Dead 1968
Orca Killer Whale
The Zombies 1968
Night of the Living Dead 1968
Orca Killer Whale
Marathon Man - Fear of dentists personfied :devil:
The Zombies 1968
Night of the Living Dead 1968
Orca Killer Whale
Marathon Man - Fear of dentists personfied :devil:
Black Top - How could I leave this out :oops:
Rocky Horror Picture Show
As Good As It Gets
The Pale Face (Bob Hope)
The Court Jester( Danny Kaye)
Shadows On The Wall
26 Apr 2003, 19:16
The bodyGuard - Best film ever
Not your fault Dottie!! Just being clear. Lot's of double post, and to keep it clear to all... well..... continue here.
And you are a great poster Dottie.
The Butcher, Tim
(see, that's why i called The Butcher!!!)
Too right - you frighten me sometimes :lol:
28 Apr 2003, 18:24
Thanks, Bren, for going back a little ways! I was getting worried!! :roll:
How about films like Dr. Strangelove, It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World, or To Kill a Mockingbird??
Even farther, going back to Inherit the Wind or On the Waterfront??
And going all the way back to Gold Rush or Modern Times (Sorry, I love Chaplin).
This is a TOUGH topic! Too many incredible choices out there!
Think must add some great movies:
I'm Sam
Terminator 3
Lilo And Stitch
evil nickname
29 Jul 2003, 12:15
some in random order
Bram Stoker's Dracula
Buffy The Vampire Slayer <- no, not the series, the movie
Dead Poets Society
The Game
Monty Python & The Holy Grail
The Rocky Horror Picture Show
Snow White & The Seven Dwarfs
The Black Cauldron <- very underrated Disney. Dark and eerie.
Vanilla Sky
A Beautiful Mind
American Beauty
Fight Club
Reservoir Dogs <- better than Pulp Fiction if ya ask me
Forest Gump
Bowling For Columbine
The Truman Show
and some hugely overrated movies:
Matrix Reloaded
Terminator 2: Judgement Day (haven't seen T3, but I've heard its bad)
Blade / Blade II
Hanibal / Red Dragon
Crystal Eyes
30 Jul 2003, 14:19
In no paticular order
All Indiana Jones Films
Star Wars 4,5,6
Jackie Chan Movies
Muppet Treasure Island and Christmas Carol
Naked Gun Films
Some Like It Hot
Terminator 1 and 2
Truman Show
Wayne's World
Grosse Point Blank
Rebel Without A Cause
Annie Hall
Wuthering Heights
The Rocky Horror Picture Show
The Godfather Saga
Raging Bull
Hedwig And The Angry Inch
Edward Scissorhands
Roman Holiday
Mommie Dearest
The Birds
North By Northwest
Raiders Of The Lost Ark
Behind The Green Door
Beauty And The Beast
The French Connection
Crystal Eyes
31 Jul 2003, 14:27
Some more
Murder by Death
Monty Python's Holy Grail
True Lies
Robin Hood: Men in Tights
Rob The Badger
03 Aug 2003, 11:32
The Wall (The Pink Floyd one, I think that's what it's called)
This Is Spinal Tap
Almost Famous
It's A Wonderful Life
Citizen Kane (No, it's not overrated, so don't say it)
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